As they entered the court, Anna's heart was filled with nervousness. 'Don't worry, it will be okay.' 'Not for long it won't.' 'What do you mean?' '9 o'clock.' 'Hey guys.' 'The audacity you have to greet guys.' 'There's nothing I can do, if you had been there for me, this would have never happened.' 'How dare you, you son of a bitch.' 'Don't worry Samie, I'll let you hold half of the business.' 'Anna, I think it's best we leave.' 'Yeah, there are too many cockroaches here.' said Anna as she left.
As they entered the court, Jessica had a grin on her face. 'Order, order in the court.' said the judge. 'We are gathered here today, to handle the case of an accident caused by Sam lopez.' 'Thank you your honour, my client has been through too much because of Sam and now for him to cause an accident, that's just to far.' 'Objection.' 'sistained' 'Now we will hear from the defense.' 'Thank you, I will tell the truth and nothing but the truth.' 'Miss Jessica, would you say Sam would've loved you.' 'No, not in any kind of way.' 'Do you think Sam would've given you a chance to love you.' 'No, not at all.' 'Thank you Jessica.' 'No problem.' 'The court will now take a 15 minute brake until the next trial, court adjourned.'
'Sam, she is going to win.' 'I know, but I have a plan.' 'What are you going to do?' 'You'll see.' said Sam.
As Everyone entered the court, Sam was ready to give it his all. 'We will now hear from the offence.' 'I will tell the truth and nothing but the truth.' 'Sam, why do you hate Jessica.' 'I don't hate her, I just don't like her.' 'Sam, would you say you have any evidence that you didn't plan the car accident.' 'Yes, you see if I really planned that accident, that I should have called the driver when to hit her.' 'Mr lopez, where are you going.' 'I have called an I.T Specialist, to check the history with my phone, Mr Walter if you could please.' 'Pleasure, sir.' said the I.T specialist as he scanned the phone and checked the call log. As Jessica got nervous because she knew, he never called him, she had to come up with a plan. 'I'm sorry your honour, but it shows, he never contacted a guy nor anybody else but a contract named Anna, and his aunt.' said the I.T Specialist. 'objection.' 'Sustained, the court will now decide on who will present their final evidence and will win the case, court adjourned.'
'How did you do that?' 'It was simple, if I planned the accident, I would've told the guy when to hit Jessica, but I didn't because I was somewhere.' 'By the way, where were you?' 'That is none of your business.' 'Oh come on, please.' 'Hey, the next trial is about to begin.' 'Your such an ass.' said Anna as she left.
'We will now begin with the trail, and the next person to give their evidence is..., Sam lopez.' 'Yes!' said Sam as he headed to speak. 'Mr Lopez, this could be the time you may win the case, is there any other way you would prove your innocent.' 'Actually, I would like for Jessica to bring her phone forward for a check up for Mr Walter.' 'Objection.' 'Sustained, Miss Jessica please will you bring your phone to the I.T specialist.' 'Okay, then.' as Jessica was pushing her wheel chair, she somehow tripped and fell over. 'Ahhh!' 'Oh-My-Gosh.' shouted the society. As they looked to how it had happened, they saw that one of the wheels were screwed out. 'Who did this.' asked Jessica's lawyer. As they searched the citizen's, they saw a screwdriver in Anna's bag. 'It was her, she caused for it to happen.' 'What, No, I didn't do it.' 'Then why is the a screwdriver in your bag.' 'What I don't know how?' 'She is a murderer, both of them are.' 'Since Anna has tried to hurt Jessica which the evidence is found, I'm sorry to say but Sam lopez you are Guilty.' 'No, please, Anna would never hurt someone for no reason.' 'I'm sorry, but you have 2 choices to decide, it's either you give 55% share of your business to Jessica OR Anna is sentenced to prison for 7 years, you have an hour to decide, court adjourned.'
As Anna and Sam left, Anna headed straight to Jessica. 'What the fuck is wrong with you.' 'I'm sorry, I don't what your talking about, but I wish you would stop hurting me.' 'STOP LYING, you are a crook, how was I ever your best friend.' 'You see Anna, everything is fair in Love and War.' 'Wow, and to think there was good in you.' 'I'm just trying to be with Samie.' 'No, your just trying to use him.' 'Say whatever you want, but soon the business will be mine or you'll be in jail, I would prefer you go to jail, but I want that business.' 'You won't win for long.' 'Oh really, I'd like to see you try, oops, got to go, see you for the final decision.' said Jessica as she left. ', Don't worry Anna I have made my decision.' said Sam as he hugged Anna.
Soon it was time for Sam to say his final answer as everyone waited. 'We are gathered here to discuss the decision Sam lopez will make to either give 55% to Jessica OR imprison Anna, what will it be?' 'My decision is..., Jessica will get 55% of my business.' 'Then is has been decided, after signing the paperwork, Jessica will receive 55% of the lopez business, court adjourned.'
'You did the right thing Sam.' 'Let me remind something, just because you have the business doesn't mean that Sam won't spend time with me.' ' What are you talking about.' 'I'm not going to prison neither did I lose my job to being a nanny, meaning as long as I'm a nanny, I'll sleep in Sam's house and spend time with Sam kids and soon we'll get TOUCHY.' 'That will never happen.' 'Keep thinking so, see you soon, I guess.' said Anna as she left with a grin.