Chereads / Jaxon Stars, The Nanny Affair / Chapter 3 - The New Nanny

Chapter 3 - The New Nanny

Anna couldn't believe she had to go and spy on Sam's kids so she could get the job. Anna sat on her bed waiting patiently for Jessica to call.

2 minutes later


Anna picks up the phone.


'Hey it's me, they have arrived'

'I don't think I can do this, I'm scared'

'C'mon girl, you got to do it, this is your last cha-'

Anna dropped the call and started sobbing, she had never done this before, in her life, but she knew she had to do it. Anna went outside and stopped the cab.

'Daddy, where is the lady who was going to be our nanny?' Asked Jenna. 'She...., didn't want the job, I'm really sorry.' Said Sam. 'Wow, I wish she could've taken the job.' Said Michael with a frown on his face. Sam felt bad that he rejected her, but he knew he had to keep them safe.

When Anna arrived, she started shaking because she was nervous than before. ("You can do this; you can do this!") Said Anna. When Anna saw they arrived, she ran and hid. ("You can't do this") said Anna.

When the driver opened the door, the kids ran out and went to go tour the place. 'C'mon Samie, we're going to be late.' Said Jenna. As they were touring the place, Jessica saw the Wingawong, she really wanted to ride it. 'Samie look, the Wingawong, please can we go there, pwease.' Said Jenna. 'Ummmmmm, okay.' Said Sam. 'Yes!' Everyone screamed. 'Four tickets, to the wingawong, please.' Said Sam as he gave the cash. As soon as they got the tickets, they ran and got in their places. Before Sam could get in, the press had already got him. 'Sir! Sir! Any Success on your business.' 'Are you pleased with the situation?' 'Are you going to get married?' 'Answer us! Answer Us!' Shouted the press. 'No comment.' Said Sam as he tried to run.

As Jenna messed with the buttons, the WingaWong started going crazy and stopped in the middle of a lion's hen. 'Ah, please help us' screamed the kids. When Anna heard them screaming, she knew she had to act up. 'IM COMING KIDS!' Said Anna as she ran.

Anna saw the kids shaking, so she knew she had to think fast. Anna grabbed a rope and climbed the emergency ladder. As soon as Anna was halfway, the ladder started shaking. Anna climbed the ladder quickly, as the ladder got looser and looser. When Anna arrived, she tied Steve and Michael with the rope and made them slide. When it was Jenna's turn, she slipped, and when Anna grabbed her hand, the ladder let loose. 'Ahhhhhh!' Screamed Jenna. Anna pulled Jenna's hand towards her and made her slide down the rope. When Anna tried to hold onto the rope, it tore, and she fell. 'Ahhhhhhh!' Screamed the Anna. When Anna was about to fall and hit the ground, Sam grabbed her hand and pulled her in from the helicopter. When the helicopter dropped on the ground, Anna ran to the kids and hugged them. 'I'm so glad you're okay.' Said Anna. 'We're happy you're here.' Said the kids. 'Thank you, Sam, for saving me.' Said Anna. 'I had to since you helped them.' Said Sam. 'Hey Anna.' 'Yeah, Sam.' 'I was thinking, do you want the job, back?' Asked Sam. 'Really, Yes OMG YES!' Screamed Anna. The kids ran towards her and hugged her. 'Yay! Anna's The New Nanny.' Shouted the kids. They all headed and entered the car. 'Why did you really reject me, Sam?' Asked Anna. 'I was about to take you but then I got a message telling me that you once killed a child while babysitting them.' Said Sam. 'What, who would want to stop me from getting the job.' Said Anna. 'I wonder too, oh well, I positive your going to like the place.' Said Sam. When Anna got out, she couldn't believe what she was seeing, A HUGE MANSION. 'Whoa, you live here.' Said Anna. 'Yes, Yes we do.' Said Sam. When Anna headed in, she saw guards protecting the mansion. As she was about to go through, they stopped her. 'Ma'am, can we see your recognition card?' 'It's fine, she's with me.' 'Yes sir.' Said the guards as they open the door. When Anna went in, she saw everything she could dream of. 'Whoa!' Said Anna as she toured the house. 'And here is your bedroom' 'OH MY FUCKING GOSH!, IT'S WHAT I'VE ALWAYS WANTED.' said Anna as she entered the room.

Anna jumped on the bed and soon fell asleep and Sam closed the door and left with the kids.


'Anna!, Anna!' 'huh, what's wrong, are you hungry or hangry?' 'No, you silly, it's dinner time.' 'oh yeah, has it been 4 hours already.' 'Yeah, C'mon Samie might finish the food.' said the kids as they pulled Anna and ran downstairs. When Anna arrived, she couldn't believe how much food was on the dining table. 'Whoa, so much food.' 'I know right.' 'Sometimes, Samie wants us to finish the food.' 'Yeah, even though we're full.' 'C'mon Samie, don't force these cute kids.' 'If Annie says no, then no, I'll stop forcing you.' 'Yay!' shouted the kids as they ate all the food. Before Sam could say anything, Anna took the lead. 'Since your done with your food, it's time to go brush your teeth, get in your pajama's and go sleep.' 'But we don't want to go sleep.' 'If you don't go sleep, the sleepy monster will curse your dreams and you'll never dream again.' 'I don't want to stop dreaming, C'mon guys, let's go brush our teeth and sleep.' Don't forget to put on your pajama's.' said Anna as she went to go wash the dishes.

"You really know how to handle them, the Nanny's before were either pranked or they left.' Said Sam as Anna laughed. As she laughed, she got foam on Sam's chest and started drooling. 'I-I'm sorry, Let-Let me wipe that off-off you.' said Anna as wiped it off. As soon as Sam left, Anna fell to the ground and fell asleep.