Chapter 5 - Chapter 4

A few days have passed since the testing day and it was now time for Fei Yuming to bring his sister to the market as he promised her. She reminded him almost every day after her birthday, but their mother told Fei Meixiu to wait till after Fei Yuming gets his cultivation testing done. Now that he had finished, Fei Meixiu could finally go and see the marketplace.

Fei Yuming brought his sister with him and met up with his friends. None of them started to cultivate yet because they hadn't found the cultivation techniques that they wanted.

"Oh, my, Who is this cute young lady?" Ye Langxia asks when she notices Fei Meixiu hiding behind Fei Yuming.

"This is my sister, Fei Meixue," He says. "Fei Meixue, say hi to your big sister Ye Langxia, and your new big brother Zhou Chenmeng."

"Hi, big sister and big brother." Fei Meixue says shyly, peeking her head out from behind her brother's back.

"Aww! She's soo cute!" Ye Langxia squeals in excitement and immediately grabs Fei Meixue and drags her away from Fei Yuming. "Let big sister take you around the marketplace. We'll go shopping for clothes while the boys go and do their boy stuff." She walks away with Fei Meixue before any of them can say another peep, disappearing around the corner to another stall area.

Fei Yuming and Zhou Chenmeng both looked at each other and laughed.

"I didn't know she had that much energy in her," Fei Yuming said. "She is normally so quiet and just goes with the flow of things."

"I hope your sister will be okay. She can get a bit hyper sometimes when she is excited." Zhou ChenMeng said.

"She'll be fine. I'm worried for Ye Langxia. Fei Meixue can be a handful when she gets comfortable with someone. She might end up talking her ear off... on that note, I think we should follow them to make sure they won't run into trouble." Fei Yuming says, and they both start to tail the two girls.

And so, the day went by just like that. Fei Yuming and Zhou Chenmeng got caught following the two girls and as punishment, Ye Langxia and Fei Meixue made the two boys carry all the clothes they got from the different stalls wherever they went.

Fei Yuming and Fei Meixue had to go home now to avoid making their mother worry about them. Of course, Fei Meixue got attached to Ye Langxia and didn't want to leave, but Fei Yuming told her that they could hang out again some other time so Fei Meixue left with great reluctance. They got home and Fei Meixue told their parents about her trip to the market. All the fun they had and how cool the things were in the different stalls. their parents just listened to her rant about it until she got tired then they all ate and went to do their own thing again.

Fei Yuming went to his room and took out the egg he got from that stall one day and he looked at it. It didn't have a single change to its appearance after all this time. "Hey, Xiao Bai. Do you know if there are any new books at the library about the different types of spirit animals?"

"It doesn't look like it host, but there is a collection of new books that just came in. Some of them seem to be journals written by cultivators about their cultivation journey for young people to learn more about the world. They look worn out and old, but could have some clue." Xiao Bai informed him.

"Okay. Thanks, I'll go and take a look. Maybe they might just have something in them that would help." Fei Yuming said and went off to go to the library after letting his parents know.

After reading the journals written by the other cultivators, the size of the world came together and he realized it was bigger than he had originally thought. Now he really wanted to go on his own journey and travel around the world and go see other places. He continued to read the journals and eventually, he found something. He saw a similar egg in one of the books. In the end, he learned that the egg was a yin-type beast and came from the far north and would only hatch under the full moon on a very cold night, the colder the better. How exactly did it arrive all the way from down south was indeed a mystery. He decided to wait to hatch the egg a little longer.

And so time passed by the same way it had always passed. Zhou Chenmeng and Ye Langxia started cultivating after finding a technique that suited them. Another 2 years or so passed and now Fei Yuming and his friends were 10 and Fei Meixiu was 8. It was now time for her to find out what her spiritual roots were, so their mother fussed over Fei Meixiu and she resisted just like Fei Yuming, and then went to the city center and touched the crystal ball. Fei Meixue ended up with a fire affinity grade 5 spiritual root.

"Congratulations!" Everyone told her when they got home.

Fei Meixue was extremely happy

A week after Fei Meixiu discovered her spiritual roots, she found a cultivation technique that she liked so she started practicing it. Fei Yuming decided that it was time to start his journey now so he got ready and told his family. Fei Meixue was sad that her brother was leaving them, but she also understood how he felt.

"You better come back and visit us often brother. I'll be waiting for you to bring me gifts!" she told him.

"Don't worry sis I'll be sure to get you lots of gifts," he told her. "Don't forget to work hard on your cultivation."

"I won't big brother. I'm not a little kid anymore. I can take care of myself. I hope you can find the right technique for yourself. You still haven't started cultivating. Are you sure you still want to go on a journey?" Fei Meixue asked him.

"Yes, I believe that I will be able to come across some fortunate encounters and get the right technique for myself, and when I get back you better be careful!" he tells her playfully. "I'll be stronger than you when I return and we can have a duel."

"Yay!" Fei Meixue says with a big grin on her face, then Fei Yuming goes back inside to talk to his parents.

His mother packed all the necessary things he needed to travel around like a tent and a sleeping bag as well as lots of food and clothes into a bag. "Be careful Ming'er. Don't talk to strangers and always be alert for danger!" his mother says seriously.

"I will mother." Fei Yuming says.

"Yes, our son is a nice strong mature young man dear, you don't have to worry about him. He can take care of himself. He is just like his old man." His father tries to reassure his mother, but that just seemed to worry her more.

"That's exactly why I'm worried about him," she says. "If I remember correctly, you got into plenty of trouble when you went traveling before. You stumbled across those bandits and they stole your things! And afterward, you got beaten up by them! If I hadn't come across you then, you might've died." His mother scolds his father.

"Well, if that hadn't happened then I wouldn't have met my beautiful wife and had two beautiful sweet little children." his father says, flirting with his mother which makes Fei Yuming cringe.

"Okay mom and dad, enough flirting here. It's embarrassing!" He reminds them that they are not alone, and his parents get a little flustered.

"Okay. So, son, we decided to give you a gift for your travels around the world, because we always knew this day would come sooner or later." His father pulls out a plain-looking wooden box and opens it.

Inside the box was a necklace, or rather a black choker necklace with a deep blue gem on it. "What's this?" he asks them.

"It's a storage ring that we had made into a necklace. We thought it would be better to move the gemstone from a storage ring onto a necklace so it wouldn't be obvious. People wouldn't try to rob you since they won't know you have a strange space item, or at least the chances are less. A storage ring is quite expensive and tends to attract bandits, but they won't think about robbing a necklace, especially one that doesn't look all fancy." His parents explained to him.

"How big is the storage space?" he asked them.

"It's pretty big, but I won't tell you. You will have to see for yourself." his father said. "It used to be my storage ring when I was younger and adventured around the world. That's why I was attacked by those nasty bandits that your mother mentioned. I got too arrogant and showed it off in a restaurant, but I got it back with the help of your mother." Fei Yuming looked at his father with surprise.

"Yes. That was the good old days when we used to adventure honey, but now we settled down and stopped traveling so we've got no need to use it anymore." his mother told him. "Anyways, you don't have any spiritual energy since you haven't started cultivating yet so you can't use the storage space right now, but when you do start cultivating, you will find a nice surprise in there." She gives Fei Yuming a wink.

"Thanks mom, thanks dad, I love the gift you gave me." Fei Yuming tells them and they all have a big group hug, and this time Fei Meixue did not come in and ruin the touching moment between him and their parents, but she was watching from the side, peeking into the room.

Fei Yuming spent one week hanging out with his family before he left the house and started his journey after saying goodbye to a teary-eyed mother and sister, and a father who was very excited for his son.

And so the journey begins.