Chapter 9 - Chapter 8

Fei Yuming woke up to find the little baby fox licking his face. "Stop that," he says laughing at the little fox. "I think you need a name, little guy. What should we call you?" He wonders about the name for a little while then decides to go for the name Luna. "Your name shall be Luna, after the moon which you were born from." He smiles as the little fox plays in the snow.

A little while later Yu Xuewei returns and sees the little baby fox playing in the snow and is surprised to see it. "What's this little fox doing here?" he asks Fei Yuming.

"Hmm? You're here already? This little guy just hatched from an egg I found a little while ago. I wanted to come to a place with lots of yin energy so I could hatch it. Doesn't she look adorable? Her name is Luna" he says, and they both sit down looking at Luna playing in the snow.

After a few hours, they returned to the town and got their bags then went back to the Yu clan's manor so Yu Xuewei could say goodbye to his family. Then Yu Xuewei brought Fei Yuming and the new companion, Luna to the edge of a rather normal-looking lake. "You should probably try to hold your breath right now cuz we are going into the lake." He said to Fei Yuming.

"Why are we going into the lake?" he asked.

"Remember how I said that the way that one goes to the upper realm is from portals scattered around the lower realm?" Yu Xuewei says.

"Oh, I see. Is this where one of the portals is located?" Fei Yuming says.

"Yes and now we are going into the lake. You might feel a little bit dizzy from the portal since it's your first time using one." He warns Fei Yuming, so he holds his breath and enters the lake, and through the portal, the three of them go.

After the feeling of spinning around stops, Fei Yuming opens up his eyes and looks around. It looks the same as the lower realm but as he takes a deep breath he notices that the air here is fresher. "The air here is much clearer than the lower realm," Yu Xuewei says as he notices the look on Fei Yuming's face.

Fei Yuming nods. "Where are we going next?" He asks Yu Xuewei curiously.

"I shall take you to meet The Lord, your master. He shall be teaching you how to cultivate and give you some pointers. I think he has some special plans for you, but he wouldn't tell me what they are."

"Okay. That sounds cool," he says. Luna peaks her head out from behind her fluffy tail, sniffs the air, and then gives a little yip of happiness, and looks around the place.

Yu Xuewei then brings Fei Yuming to a small rundown building in the middle of the country's capital. It looked just like any other small tavern. Yu Xuewei then proceeds to enter the back room and lifts a trap door hidden by a carpet.

Puzzled, "Isn't that a bit too easy for people to find?" Fei Yuming asks him.

"There's a formation here that only those who are part of our group can detect and undo the array." Yu Xuewei explains and enters the passageway bringing Fei Yuming with him.

"Wow! That's so cool! I can't believe that something like this really exists and it's not just some dream!" Fei Yuming says excitedly, waking up Luna who was fast asleep on his shoulder. "What is this group that you're part of exactly?!? To have a secret passageway!" his eyes grow bigger as he thinks about it more.

Yu Xuewei just laughs and says, "You'll find out soon enough. Let's go. The Lord is waiting now so we should hurry. Don't wanna keep him waiting." He winks at Fei Yuming.

They soon come upon a staircase leading downwards. Yu Xuewei looks at Fei Yuming quickly then darts down the stairs. Fei Yuming holds Luna more securely in his arms and then chases after Yu Xuewei down the spiraling flight of stairs.

Fei Yuming then bumps into Yu Xuewei at the bottom of the stairs and he says, "What's up? Why are we stopping"

Yu Xuewei turns serious and says, "We have to wait by the door until we are allowed in. Don't cause too much noise now, You should also try to be a bit more serious and less talkative because The Lord doesn't like a lot of chatter."

Yu Xuewei then stands up straighter and puts on a blank face and then goes up to the door and knocks. "My Lord, I am back with the person who I believe is the child you wanted to meet." Fei Yuming then tries to imitate Yu Xuewei by standing up straighter as well.

"You may enter." a voice from inside the room responds. Yu Xuewei then enters the room and kneels down beside a bed with an old man lying down on it. Fei Yuming does the same with a seemingly calm face, but inside his head right now he is freaking out with excitement, anticipation, and a little bit of fear and nervousness.

The old man sits up and studies Fei Yuming, sending over his divine sense to look at him more closely. He nods in satisfaction. "Good Job Yu Xuewei. You may leave now. I'll call you when we are finished here." Yu Xuewei nods, then exits the room leaving the old man and Fei Yuming alone in the dimly lit room.

"How old are you, boy?" the old man asks him.

"I am ten years old sir, I will be 11 next spring." Fei Yuming tells the old man.

"Ah, yes. Spring is such a lovely time isn't it?" The old man says with a melancholic tone. "Well anyways. What's your name boy, I obviously can't keep calling you boy unless you don't have a name." He cracks a smile as he says that.

"... My name is Fei Yuming sir." Fei Yuming

"Interesting name, Fei Yuming. There was once a time when there was a young man with the surname Fei. He was also a genius cultivator but sadly he disappeared and was never heard of again before he could make a proper standing. That just shows how cruel this world really is." The old man tells Fei Yuming, seemingly reminiscing about the past.

"What happened to this guy? Why did he suddenly disappear? Did you know him personally?" Fei Yuming asks him, then remembers what Yu Xuewei told him. "Oops. sorry for all the questions sir."

The old man just laughed and said, "You're fine kid, I like you. You're interesting. I didn't know him personally. He was just someone who I heard about later on. Just another one of those famous young masters who were talented. He tried to court this young lady but her family engaged her to another man, but this guy had some guts I tell you. He still kept pursuing her even after being rejected by her and her family. Eventually, this young lady fell for that Fei guy's charms and they ran away but sadly this tale didn't have a good ending for they got caught and this guy lost his ability to cultivate. His family kicked him out and he soon disappeared along with the girl." The old man sighs. "Such a sad ending to a romantic story."

"Yea... That is sad." Fei Yuming says quietly, thinking about the story. "Why did you want me to come here? If you don't mind me asking of course sir?" he decides to ask the old man as he realizes the old man means no harm to him.

"Well good question. That's what I was gonna tell you. Thanks for the reminder. I guess I am getting a little bit old and forgetful now, huh?" the old man says jokingly. "Well, I'm getting a bit old and I wanted to take on a disciple and pass on to him my knowledge and legacy, but you see... I have all five elemental spirit roots and this is very rare. Only one out of a million people per generation have these spirit roots. This could be considered complete trash for most people but I found a way to change that." The old man shows him the cultivation technique that he made.

"Wow! That's so cool! Isn't making your own cultivation technique very hard to do?" Fei Yuming asks, impressed at the old man's feat.

"Yes it is, but the thing is, I didn't want to be labeled as trash. Not with my spiritual roots being top grade, so I worked hard to get to where I am today." the old man says. "I founded this organization, Heavenly Shadows, with the help of my old friends who have sadly passed away now. This organization is basically a home for those who were forced to leave theirs or didn't have one."

Fei Yuming is intrigued by this idea. This place sounds cool! He thought to himself, listening to the old man speak.

"We have a section in our organization for every branch in the martial world that you can think of. The only rules that I have set up are, no telling others about our organization's location, no fighting other members with the intent to kill, and respect those who have a higher status in the organization, which is told by a ring that everyone in the group has." The old man brags to him all about the organization he built.

"Wow." Fei Yuming says, rather interested in this.

"Yes, this place is rather awesome, but it is home for us more than anything else" The old man pauses. "So Fei Yuming. This is the big question. Would you like to join this family of ours and become my disciple and take over this place after I move on?"

Fei Yuming is speechless and doesn't know what to say, but then Xiao Bai speaks to him. "Host, I advise you to accept his request. I think that if you refuse then he might just kill you to keep this place a secret. Or if you're lucky he'd just erase your memory of this place." This causes Fei Yuming to shiver a little.

"Well, Fei Yuming? What do you say, young lad? I know it seems like a lot but I'll be here to help you for a little while yet." The old man speaks up when he sees Fei Yuming not answering him.

"Okay. I think I'd like to become your disciple, sir." Fei Yuming answers the old man after another minute of weighing the pros and cons.

The old man claps his hands and smiles. "Great! Great! Let's get started right away then!"

"Kyuu!" Luna says and starts climbing all over Fei Yuming with excitement.