The truth is, no one knows the truth behind where Mana comes from. Many blindly assume that it only comes from the planet and the planet but that could not be. Because when the first civilisations realized that Grinmal is covered in Mana, they had a question. A single silent question that they dare not ask, for fear that even asking it will cause 'that phenomena' to stop at all. The reason for the unasked question is due to the fact that Grinmal has been found unable to create Mana. Now those unversed in Magics are mostly unaware of the Silent Question, due to them not focusing their sense directly onto the atmosphere of Mana which permeates the world itself. But even if they aren't aware, the Question remains, silent and not given voice.
Now, The atmosphere of Mana is completely unattuned. Anytime a mage casts a spell, they usually attune the Mana to a concept since no one has been able to find a true way to use unattuned Mana outside of strengthening the body. Since Attuned Mana is almost impossible to unattune as of right now, it started the Question. Since mages rely upon the atmosphere of Mana to refill their Mana Pool, with some races automatically attuning the Mana as it's absorbed. This is why I'm worried about my new race and this vortex inside of me which gathers Mana endlessly from a place other than the atmosphere. It seems that My Species may posses the answer to this Question which resounds silently across the society of Mages. The Question being, 'How does the Atmosphere of Mana refill itself?'.
-Charon's Research Books
As Charon reached the Vertigo Castle, he was brought out of thinking about the vortex releasing Mana inside him and this seemingly troublesome ability of his. He looked back at the nervous five year old boy and curious two year old girl before shaking his head and holding up the token of his old House to gain entry. Slowly, the gate began to open as he lead the two children into the castle. He began to look through the maids rushing back and forth before he found the maid he was looking for and waved her over.
"Head Maid Helga, I have a task for you and some maids of your choosing." Charon pointed at the two children who looked overwhelmed by the castle and rapid influx of servants rushing to and fro, "Well it's two tasks really, You have kids of your own right?"
"Yes I do, Lord Charon. I assume the first task is to clean up these two future members of..." Helga, having served the Vertigo family since Michael was in charge had been kept in the loop about Charon's situation, Charon however held a hand up as if asking her to be silent, "Yes I can help clean them up, what is the other tasks?"
"Good, After cleaning them up set up one of the dining rooms for them and I to share a meal. I also want you to prepare two rooms. One room with two beds and whatever else they would like in there. The other room shall have a desk, papers for research, and all the basic tools for research. Also send a chest with more advanced tools to my room with a lock on it and just bring the key to me during the dinner with these two."
Helga nodded along before looking at the two children and waving for them to follow, she then whistled before several maids and butlers swiftly appeared, some of the servants being human while others where various types of undead. She then wrote down several things before handing her hastily scribbled notes to a vampire and gestured for three other servants to follow him as he went off to do other parts of the task. She then turned and began leading the two children through the twisting hallways of the castle before reaching a big door.
"Now, I want you and you to pick out some nice clothes for these two for after their bath." Helga pointed out two servants before ushering the kids inside.
After about an hour, the two kids came out looking much cleaner than before, with their long and ratty blonde hair being trimmed and cleaned looking much nicer. Helga had given them clothes which were much more nicer and comfortable than their previous rags.
She than waved off a servant to find Charon before leading the kids towards a medium sized dining rooms. When they arrived, the two's eyes shined as they rushed to begin eating the food, barely taking a breath between bites. She sighed out loud as a sad look passed through her eyes.
"I want you to see if you can find out why these two weren't found by the orphanage, The Four Kings created it for a reason and it seems they failed at their purpose, at the very least they failed these two." Charon's face flashed with anger before he took a deep breath and went back to his usual smirk.
Helga nodded before turning and leaving the dining room, giving orders to several servants and guards stationed outside. She knew that Charon was mad because he had given the idea of the orphanage to the kings so as to prevent this very situation. Charon shook his head before sitting down at the table and watched the kids, waiting for them to finish eating. The boy glared at him, slightly less suspicion than before but there was still suspicion evident in his eyes. He than went back to eating with his sister.
After about twenty minutes, the two siblings finally sat down. The little girl immediately curled up and fell asleep on her brothers lap, her brother however was protectively holding her and glaring at Charon who raised his hands as if to say he meant no harm.
"So you are Prince Charon then?" The boy asked, confused as to why someone of such an important status would bother helping them.
"Yes I am. Call It an instinct of mine for why I decided to help you." Charon said, answering the boys unasked question, "Now, what are your names?"
"Don't have 'em, I've been on the streets long as I remember. Had to grow up quick." As the boy says this, Charon feels an unbridled anger which he suppresses.
"Fine, in that case I can name you if you'd like." Charon gives the boy an inquisitive glance.
"Really?" The boy, realizing his tone, quickly looks away, "Fine, I guess A name for us would be nice."
Charon chuckled to himself before pointing at the sleeping girl, "Your sisters name shall be Nyx. As for your name, I shall name you Hypnos."
Charon was slightly surprised when he could something click into place as he saw an eye appear above their souls. He could instinctively feel that this was a different aspect of the ability of his race to make soul binding pacts.
'It must be because of my decision to raise them as one of my own, interesting. I think I can somewhat feel their location and distance from me. It must be because Hypnos let me name them.' Charon thought before looking at Hypnos.
"So, what do you want from us?" The boy, now Hypnos, asked. Feeling more confident for some reason unknown to him.
"Eh, not much. I mostly just want you two to do whatever you wish, however I will have you two do certain things. I will tutor you to teach you both about the world. I will also have you both help me with my research into magic as assistants." Charon stated as he started at Hypnos wondering what this boy's response will be.
"Okay, fine. As long as we can eat food this delicious every day and you make sure my sister can grow up healthy." Hypnos, being a kid, no matter how rough he's had it, was still quite innocent and let down his guard quite easily.
"Good. You both should feel much better when you awake, we used some magic on the food to help you heal from malnutrition much faster than normal. Though you'll probably sleep through most of the process." As Charon started talking, Hypnos began to fall asleep as well like his sister.
"I guess no matter how mature he sounds, he is still just a child. Get some rest, when you wake we will have research to do." Charon chuckled before patted Hypnos' head, "Helga can you lead me to their room!"
Entering the dining room again, Helga nodded and gestured for Charon, who was no carrying both of the kids in his arms, to follow her. As they walked together Helga glanced at Charon, chuckling to herself.
"It's hard to imagine that the little boy who constantly followed his big brother around now has children of his own. Ahh this old maid has finally seen it all." Charon only shook his head at her words.
"That was a long time ago now, and they aren't officially my children yet. Hypnos, the boy, hasn't accepted me as his father. He probably won't for a while." Charon looked at these two kids, wondering what their futures held for them.
Helga only shook her head at Charon before walking in silence in front of him. Once they arrived, Charon set them both down upon the beds before blowing out the candles. He sighed and hoped that he could give them the wings to soar in the future. After all, no matter how indirect it may be, they were the product of his failure as an adviser. Even if it was technically the Orphanage which had failed to find them, he was part of the reason it was created in the first place.