Sam and his family were now all in heaven and were about to receive rewards for their good work especially the children. God told them how proud he was of them and the Lords Of Light were also present. They all received extraordinary wisdom while the whole world rejoiced happily. The only people who were unhappy were the Dark Lord and Tarantella who kept bickering at each other even while still in the fiery furnace.

All of mankind was free and the world was at peace and very beautiful. Then came the wonderful surprise. Sam thanked God for the powers they were given to defeat Tarantella and the Dark Lord and they were expecting God to take them back but God asked them this question.

"Do you think it is time for you to enjoy everlasting peace here in heaven?"

"No, there is still a lot we have to do on earth" Sam answered.

"You are right" God answered. "That is why I am giving you a job to do on Earth, please kneel" God said and the Anderson children knelt down. "Due to the excellent services performed on Earth and for the faith you have, I hereby dub you Sir Samuel, Sir George, Sir John, Lady Nancy and Lady Lucy, Guardians of my people on Earth. Do you accept or do you reject?" God asked.

"We accept!" they shouted in unison.

Peter Anderson came to them and said

"I am proud of you Sam, Lucy, John, George, Lucy and Nancy, my grandchildren. Thank you for everything and Goodbye".

In a flash Sam found himself in his bedroom.

"Aww man! It was all a dream?! I thought it was real" Sam said and rubbed his eyes tiredly.

Suddenly, he felt something heavy around his neck. He removed it and saw that it was the crucifix. He rubbed his eyes in amazement and pinched himself just to be sure it wasn't a dream.

"Ow!" the pinch really hurt a lot and it wasn't a dream after all.

Sam quickly woke Lucy up and they woke George and Nancy.

"Oh" said Nancy. "I had the strangest dream".

"It was not a dream" Sam answered.

"What?!" they exclaimed in unison.

"Remember this?!" Sam asked showing them the crucifix Peter Anderson had given them.

They gazed in shock. And this is how the life of the Andersons took a supernatural turn. They continued to protect the world and if there happens to be trouble anywhere, know that the Andersons will be there!