The Andersons were currently at the beach.

"Wow" George said.

"It's really kind of cool but I think it's also really scary. I mean if Godzilla alone could take out a whole city, a race of dinosaurs should be able to take out the world" he continued.

"Yeah well, just hope you don't get squashed. You'd make a real good talking potato" John joked and everyone laughed.

"Uh-oh" John suddenly said.

"What?" Lucy quickly asked.

"Run for cover!" John whispered sharply. "The bombshell has arrived" he whispered to Sam.

"Are you losing it?" Lucy asked.

"What exactly do you mean?" George asked.

"Her" Sam said pointing to Jane.

"So what's the big deal?" George asked.

"So? The big deal is that Sam here is hopelessly endlessly in love with her. So in love that he told her our secret" John said.

"Sa-am!" George, Lucy and Nancy exclaimed in disbelief.

"I can't believe this!" Lucy said.

Meanwhile, Jane who was with Dave at the beach began to feel quite jealous.

"Who are those girls Sam and John are with?" Jane asked curiously.

"The one sitting close to John is Lucy, Sam's sister and the one by Sam is Nancy, his cousin" Dave explained.

"Oh" Jane said.

"Jane!" John called. "Dave! Come over here!"

Dave and Jane walked over to them quite reluctantly.

"Hi Sam, John, Lucy, Nancy, George" Dave greeted.

"Hi Sam" Jane said mechanically.

"Hi Jane, see you're having fun" Sam said.

"Yes!" Jane replied sharply. "That's none of your business".

"Jane, we really need to talk" Sam said.

"Okay, let's go someplace quiet" she said.

Sam got up and they walked away from the crowd.

"So what is it?" Jane asked Sam. "Jane, you know that I really love and care for you. We promised each other that there'd be no secrets between us" Sam continued. "So why do you hate me for telling you the truth?" Sam asked.

"I don't believe you. How could you make up such a terrible tale? As far as I'm concerned, it's your fault we're no longer friends" Jane said.

"Jane, ever since we first met, I've felt so many things. Sudden anger and the urge to impress you. Everything I told you was true" Sam said.

"Never ever did I imagine that you were such a liar. Now please leave me alone, I'm not talking to you" Jane said.

"No Jane, please, you have to believe me because it's the truth" Sam pleaded.

"No! I won't listen to you now go!" she said angrily.

"Jane please" Sam pleaded.

"Just disappear forever out of my life" Jane said.

Sam looked at her in shock. He stumbled backwards and fell.

"Jane, did you ever love me, at least like a brother?" Sam asked.

Jane looked into Sam's eyes which were beginning to fill up with tears.

"I loved you for who I thought you were. If this is based on who you really are, then I guess I never loved you, not even like a brother" Jane said.

Sam got up, eyes slowly filling up with tears, then he walked away slowly from Jane. Jane turned to look at him. She noticed that she was crying. There was a sudden loud explosion and people began to run helter skelter. Sam quickly found his cousins.

"Where did that explosion come from?" Lucy asked.

Sam gulped and pointed to the sky.

"What about up there?" he shivered.

They all looked up and what they saw made them stare. It was as though the Sun had exploded. There was fire all over the Sky. Suddenly, pieces of the bright Sun formed THE CONSTELLATION. Unmistakably, it was the same constellation from their dream. It certainly had evil looking eyes which began to generate an electric field which illuminated the constellation. Suddenly, Sam had this sickening feeling in his heart. There was a flash of lightning in his mind and he was running at top speed. He saw Jane crying where he had left her.

"Jane! No!" he jumped at her and pushed her out of the way but he couldn't get out of the way in time for in less than a second, a flash of lightning hit him.

Million volts of electricity coursed through his body.

"Sam!" Jane screamed.

The lightning left him and he fell limp to the ground. He wasn't disfigured or anything though he looked as though he had just walked through a pile of soot.

"Sam, no. Please, you can't die. You just can't" Jane cried as she cradled his head in her arms. "Sam please, I don't want you to disappear from my life".

Suddenly, the mouth of the constellation opened wide. Sam began to rise. John and George arrived just in time to see Jane struggling to pull him down. Jane's hands slipped and Sam began to drift away.

"No choice" John said. "We have to fly".

So they flew after him and held on. Jane cried even more.

"Sam never lied" she said to herself. "In fact he loved me so much that he told me his deepest secret" she thought. "Sam told me the truth. He had been more honest than anyone had ever been with me. But I repaid him for being honest by slapping and insulting him and after telling him that I never loved him, he gave his life for mine" guilt began to creep upon Jane.

Everything was being sucked into the mouth of the constellation, even Light Rays. The Galaxy itself was being sucked into the mouth of the Constellation.

"Sam, I'm sorry. The truth is that you are the bravest, noblest, wonderful and honest person I've ever met. If I had been more patient, I would have seen the true Sam Anderson. You are more noble than I ever thought you were not because you gave your life for mine but because though you knew I wouldn't believe you, you still dared to tell me the truth" Jane said with tears in her eyes and a trembling voice.

"At that moment, Sam woke up.

"Sam, you're awake" John said. "George, Sam's still alive" John said.

"Well that's good or I would have destroyed that constellation myself" George said.

"Jane? Where's Jane? JANE!!!" Sam shouted hysterically.

"She's safe thanks to you" John said.

"Sam?" Jane suddenly looked up.

"Could that have been Sam?" Jane wondered. "SAAAM!!!" she shouted as loudly as she could.

Then once again broke down in tears. Nancy and Lucy arrived at her side.

"Don't worry Jane, he'll find us. He'll be back. If you knew Sam half as well as we do, you would have known that he never gives up" Lucy said.

"I've noticed that" Jane cried.

Suddenly, the world began to spin around Sam, George, John and the girls and everyone in our Galaxy.

"WHOOAAA!" the boys screamed.

"Shut your eyes tight!" John shouted.

"WHOOSH! WHOOSH!" the spinning was beginning to make them dizzy though their eyes were shut tight.

Suddenly, the world grew dark. Sam's shut eyes were burning hot.

"Sam, what's happening to your eyes, they are glowing" John screamed.

"I don't know but they feel hot" Sam shouted back.

"AAAAH!!!" Sam began to scream.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and a lightning bolt escaped his eyes narrowly missing George and flying into the mouth of the constellation. Then a familiar feeling swept over them.

"Uh-oh" George said.

"I think I remember that feeling" John said.

"Honestly, you two won't ever stop joking. How can you express your sense of humour even when WE ARE FAAALLING!" Sam screamed on the last words.

"AAAAAHHH!" they all screamed.

"Remember when we fell softly on Tarantella's world. I don't think these dinosaurs know anything about a soft warm WELCOME!" John screamed.

"UNHH! UNNH! OUCH!" they shouted as they hit the ground.

"Luckily, we landed on something soft" Sam said.

"EEEOWW!!!" John screamed. "Not to mention HOT!!!" he shouted angrily.

"Don't over exaggerate" Sam said calmly.

"Easy for you to say. I'm the one in a T-Shirt and if you haven't already noticed, I'm also wearing SHORTS!!!" John screamed.

Sam and George looked dumbly at him.

"Thank goodness you're not Hulk. You would have had to find a bigger planet to live on" George said.

"You know, you should be a mad scientist when you grow up, it'll suit you" Sam said.

"Ha ha, Thanks for the compliment, I'll think about it" John said in absolute sarcasm.

"By the way, has anyone figured out where we are yet?" Sam asked.

"Hello? We're in the DESERT!!!" John screamed.

Suddenly, red eyes began to pop out from all directions.

"Way to go John" George said.

That was when the boys noticed they were not actually in the Desert but rather in a rocky mountainous region and they were stuck right in the centre of it.

"Just when I was beginning to wonder how stuck we could be, a mountainous rocky area had to pop out of the ground and what's worse, we're stuck right in the centre. How stuck could we be? I mean again" John said sarcastically.

"You could be stuck in a pool of boiling lava" a voice said from behind them,

They looked behind them and saw a mighty dragon covered in Golden Light. At this John collapsed momentarily for in a second, he was up screaming in pain.

"What did he just do?" the dragon asked curiously.

"Thank you for the fiery welcome" John said.

"Oh, it's a greeting. It's man's way of showing respect" Sam suddenly said.

"Oh, very artful indeed" the dragon said.

"Yeah, how wouldn't hot sand drawing pictures on one's butt be artful" John muttered.

"Control your temper John, please" Sam said.

"I'll try" John said.

After a while, they all settled down.

"So you're telling us that you guys…uh dragons are the last surviving race of a whole race of dragons" Sam said. "I still don't understand how you came to be here".

Saurian as the dragon was called began to narrate his story.

"Sixty billion years ago, just before man was created, dinosaurs dominated the earth. Soon they became evil and began to destroy the earth. We dragons loved the earth and its beauty so we decided to battle the dinosaurs. We came to earth in a meteor shower and fortunately, we didn't have to fight for the dinosaurs were bound by our great stone oracle made of the meteors. I wasn't born then. I was in an egg encrusted with meteors. I was flung to Egypt where I stayed in a Cave awaiting the chosen one who could release me. While battling Tarantella, you stood on my egg and it began to crack. Tarantella destroyed our oracle and since then the dinosaurs chose this day for the final battle" Saurian narrated.

Sam recalled the tombstone he stood on when Tarantella and the Dark Lord decided to skip the 'snakes' part.