Chereads / Once Upon A Royalty / Chapter 11 - Gazette

Chapter 11 - Gazette

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Now I finally understand why everyone was telling me to read this gazette. Why each maid that has walked into my room carried some sort of resentment towards me. I could feel it.

The twists added to this story in this paper are plenty. I feel like rereading it and crossing at all the areas where there are lies.

I didn't find my father, the guard did and I had been told by Chance to go check up on him. And all this information was too precise to what me and Chance found.

There is no mention of Chance in this paper.

I have never left my room in the middle of the night, so I clearly don't under what the staff saw.

I didn't demand for the Asher Knives at Oregon and most definitely didn't terrorize those priests. Even the priest's claim has changed.

I didn't leave my room after my father died, I was with my brother and I remember him leaving me to sleep in his bed the last hours before morning came. I took my coffee before falling asleep that night.

And lastly, I need to know what happened in this Court session, this morning, in my absence.

I swing my feet off the bed and quickly change, as much as am scared to walk out into those corridors, I have to.

I knock and my doors immediately swing open, I avoid the piercing gaze of two of my guards and the rest of the staff along the corridors.

I meet with Chance as he walks out of his room, he calls my name but I don't stop, I'm yet to understand why he wasn't interview what he was doing with a copy of a page from the Reinsas Registry and so much more.

So I don't stop to talk, I stop in front of my brothers office.

"Send the spies out tomorrow, and give them strict orders to return three days after my coronation" that's six days from now. I hesitate and wait to hear more,

"My king did you think about my proposal?"

I stiffen and wait for an answer.

"Yes I did and, " he sighs, " I don't think it's a good idea to use her as a weapon especially now that she's in the spotlight"

I sigh relieved. But am in the spotlight.

"You do know that, the murderer to the king is usually slayed" Lloyd says. I hate him and so does he hate me, always plotting of a way to get me out of this Castle and have total control over Will.

"What are you suggesting Lloyd?" My brother's cold voice asks. He sounds irritated.

"I am not suggesting anything my king, I was just stating as we are already talking about her"

"All evidence points to her My King, don't you see it, she should be-"

"DO NOT TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" My brother bellows. That was very unexpected, he never raises his voice at anyone. Ever.

The room is silent then finally they all apologize.

"Good now send the spies and they should bring me good news or else they shall be slayed along with the killer of Kaden" I step back stumbling to a vase but save it right before it crashes.

From his voice he sounds the least bit sorry. He said it like it's a topic that should be done away with.

"And Rosaline, I will figure out what to do with her"

I don't know what to make out of everything but I need a solution out of this Kingdom. Soon, since things are just about to escalate and my place here is gone.