Lucia had never been on a yatch in her life. Whenever Jenna and Janine threw parties on their parents yatchs, she simply opted not to attend. She had a major case of thalassophobia.
"What's that?" Jenna had asked one time Lucia tried to explain why she couldn't attend their yatch party.
"It's a fear for deep bodies of water. It started after I almost drowned in the sixth grade".
Lucia remembered it clearly like it was yesterday. The class threw a pool party and everyone was invited. Her dad made her wear her special goggles and life jacket right from home. The kids laughed at her and made fun of her swimsuit. One of the girls decided to have an even better laugh and pushed Lucia straight into the deep end of the pool. She remembered passing out and waking up in the ER. Since then, she avoided bodies of water like a plague.