Stefan smiled at the young blonde standing next to him, smiling with her artificially whitened teeth. He wasn't in the least charmed by her. No, he was slightly intoxicated and he just wanted to show off. He was Stefan Baxter, and he could get any woman to fall at his feet with just a smirk in her direction.
"I'm with my brother, Nicholas, he's the captain of this yacht." She said, smiling proudly.
He laughed internally at her naivety, she reminded him of the Nordic woman he met at the hotel in New York. What was her name again? Pfff! What does it matter? She was great in bed, and that's all he remembered.
"Well I guess it's your lucky day, Sierra. You're talking to the owner of this baby, and three others on the marina." He said and watched as she squealed and her expression take a form of childish delight.
"I would love to be on one—"