Peral excused herself and walked away from us. I wanted to follow her and see if she was okay, but I couldn't. I wanted to know what Mike was talking about.
I stared at her back as she walked away from us and turned back at Mike, gazing at him, and I am sure he already has an idea why I stayed back and what I'm going to ask him about.
"Peral don't want you to know!" Mike hinted at me as if I hadn't caught that when she tried to stop him.
"Just tell me, she just doesn't want me to worry about it." I don't know the real reason, but let's just go with the one any couple would naturally think.
Mike scoffed, rolling his eyes at me. I would have done the same if I was in bed and some random man showed up, saying he is the husband of the woman I like and wants to know what she is trying to hide.