Chereads / The Mythic Heroes / Chapter 29 - Zusian Battle (Part 1)

Chapter 29 - Zusian Battle (Part 1)

Lloyd and Princess Vita sit at a table that is outside, in the flower field, of the Beroenix Kingdom, as Princess Vita takes a sip and looks at Lloyd and speaks.

"Do you think your plan will work?"

Lloyd takes his sip and looks up at the sky before speaking.

"It has to, because if not. We could lose the war."

"Oh, I see."

{Back to the front gate of Zusian.}

Maho makes a fireball in his hand and aims it at Tina. As Maho moves his other hand up and grabs a piece of the fireball and draws it back, making the fireball into a fire bow and arrow. Then he fires a shot and then Madison shoots a shot back to counter.

"Fire Arrow."

"Rainbow Arrow, Water Splash."

Both arrows hit each other, making a big steam area between both sides, as Madison looked back at Tina and spoke.

"I think this might be the best time for you to get moving."

Maho uses fire magic to make him fly through the steam and land right in front of Madison. Before Madison could fully turn around to react to Maho's quick attack move. Maho landed 5 ft in front of Madison and started to pour mana into the earth, and casted a lava spell.

"Lava Magic, Infinite Heat."

As the ground is about to burst into flames, Tina uses Ice Magic to try and stop it but the lava magic is too hot for her ice, as both Madison and Tina go flying backwards into the city.

"Haha, this is going to be fun. Hey Ranperuji, can I play with these two a little longer?"

Maho turns and looks at Ranperuji, who is fighting with Reinhart.

"Sure, I guess."

"Like I will let you do that."

As Reinhart and Ranperuji clash swords. Ranperuji looked Reinhart in the eyes and spoke.

"And how are you going to stop him, if you are fighting me right now."

Reinhart grinds his teeth together and remembers what Lloyd said back at the planning.

{Flash Back}

Lloyd looked at Reinhart and spoke.

"Now for you Reinhart. Your job will be, to keep Sir Ranperuji districted, long enough for Madison and Tina to seal Maho up and then have Madison help you with Ranperuji."

Madison raised his hand then spoke.

"How do you know that Ranperuji would not see through this plan?"

"Because I believe that Reinhart can hold his own against Ranperuji. Or do you think you can't, Reinhart?"

Reinhart gives everyone a smile before speaking.

"Don't worry guys. I got this."

{Back to the Battle}

Reinhart pushed Ranperuji's sword back, as Ranperuji uses ghost blade to phase through Reinhart's sword to strike Reinhart, but Reinhart was a step ahead and ducks under Ranperuji attack and goes for an upward strike of his own. Forcing Ranperuji to step back, as Reinhart attacked just cutting Ranperuji's right side of his face. Ranperuji put his hand on the cut and started to laugh.

"Hahaha, you're not bad, for a swordsman. I guess I shouldn't not judge a book by its cover."

Reinhart held his sword out at Ranperuji and spoke.

"You saw me with one hand, and you probably thought that I would be an easy kill. So, it is only right to over judge me. But that is why you will lose this fight."

"Is that so? I guess we'll see about that."

Ranperuji uses dark smoke to cover himself and Reinhart in smoke, so no one can see them, and Reinhart couldn't see him. Reinhart tries to look around but can't see anything, then he starts to think.

("This is just what Lloyd said he would do. That means?")

Reinhart looked up to his left and held his sword out at an angle. As Ranperuji gets behind Reinhart without Reinhart knowing, and goes for the kill, as Reinhart was swapped with an arrow right in front of Ranperuji eyes, as the arrow exploded in Ranperuji's face, sending him flying into the castle walls. Ranperuji falls to the ground and as he tries getting up, he starts to think about what just happened.

("How did that arrow get there? And where did that man go?" Wait, was that the archer doing? But Maho should have that covered, or did they find a way around Maho.")

Ranperuji stands up and sees both Reinhart and Maho standing there looking at him. As Madison spoke.

"What about round two, but this time. I am tagging in."

{Back to Maho's fight}

After Madison and Tina, land a little back from Maho's last attack. Madison looked at Tina and spoke.

"Okay, time to stick to the plan. I will deal with him, and you get things ready."

Tina looks at Madison.

"I am aware of what the plan is, don't remember me, or I will forget."

("I really feel that she hates me.")

Maho jumps over a building and shoots a fireball at Madison, but Madison was able to dodge it in time, as Madison shoots a water arrow back at Maho, but Maho was able to burn the arrow away before it got near him. Maho lands on the ground, a couple of feet away from Madison, as Tina gets away from Maho view. Maho looked at Madison and spoke.

"Where did your girlfriend go?"

"She wanted a new dress for our date tonight. You know girls, always needing a new dress."

As Madison aims his bow at Maho.

"Do you really think that your arrow could even hit me? Let alone get near me."

Madison smiled and spoke.

"You will be surprised at what my arrow is able to do."

Madison shoots his arrow at Maho's chest.

"You stupid archer."

Maho reaches out to burn the arrow, as the arrow becomes colder than ice, as it flies through Maho's flames and hits Maho in the chest. As Maho has ice form all around his body, he tries to use lava magic to melt the ice way, as Tina jumps off of a rooftop, and uses her ice magic to make the ice even thicker and harder to melt. Maho looks over and sees Tina, with her hands on the ground casting more ice magic on the ice that is keeping him from moving. Maho started to speak.

"Just because you have me trapped now, doesn't mean I will not kill you later. It is only about the timing now."

Tina looks at Madison.

"Best you get going and help Reinhart."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I can handle him." ("I have to be the one to hold him for now.")

{Flash Back}

Lloyd continues going over the plan with the other, as he talks about who will deal with Maho. As Lloyd looks at Tina and spoke.

"Tina, I will need you to face the dark sorcerer Maho."

Everyone looks at Tina then back at Lloyd, as Rose spoke.

"Do what? I think I can take him on."

"Maybe Rose, but at the same time. Maho is the sorcerer of the group, so for Lloyd to say Tina will have to face him. There has to be a reason."

Madison puts his hand on his mouth as he tries to think of why Tina, and not anyone else, as Tina spoke.

"Maho is the one with the most mana and magic output but from Lord Haro being the highest. Making him a very dangerous opponent to face."

Lloyd smiles.

"Yes. Maho is going to be one of the hardest to fight in this battle, and he will probably take over 90% of your mana to even give him a good fight, Tina. But only you can be the one to fight him. You will come up with the plan to beat Maho."

"That makes sense now."

"What does?"

"Tina has the rare skill Battle IQ. That will give her the advantage against Maho."

"At the same time, it is a gamble. Can I actually at last Maho mana or not. That is the real question here."

{Back to the Battle}

Tina looks up at the ice that has covered Maho's body completely, as she realizes that her mana is running low. She looks back at the town civilians as they watch her hold Maho in the ice prison. As one of the civilians throws a rock at Tina, hitting her on the head, forcing Tina to look over at the civilian and lose focus on the ice prison. 

"What are you doing? You all need to run and get far away from here before something bad happens."

Tina waves to the civilians to run away but they all just stand there looking at her, as one of them spoke.

"Leave Sir Maho, alone. You rebellion scum."

("What, why are the townspeople acting like this?")

As all the other townspeople around Tina started to throw rocks at her. Making Tina, to make an ice wall between her and the civilians.

("I can't let these civilians to distract me from my job, or we will fail.")

Tina looks back up at the ice prison and sees it start to turn red.


Tina starts to make an ice shield around her, as the ice prison exploded, and everything that Maho mana touched was melted into liquid or almost to ashes. Maho's whole body is glowing red as he looks around and sees that there is nothing standing in a 100 ft from where he is standing.

"Well, I guess the girl was nothing but a toy to play with. I guess I can go see how Ranperuji is doing, in his fight. I might just kill some more on the way there."

Maho starts to walk back to the castle gate, as he hears a voice from behind him.

"You will just kill the people that you're protecting, like their lives mean nothing to you."

Maho turns around and sees Tina standing inside of a door from her door magic. Maho can see that his mana outburst still hit Tina, as Tina has her whole left arm burnet and is unable to move it.

"I guess you did live, but no worse I will kill you very shortly."

"You act like this is all a game to you."

Maho smiles at Tina then starts to laugh.

"Hahaha, because it is."


"I don't care about any of these people that live here. If it was up to me, they all would be dead already. But my lord likes having them around."

Tina looks around and sees that all the civilians that were standing around Maho, are now burned to a crisp or turned into ashes. As looks at Maho and spoke.

"You're a monster."

Maho makes his body more on fire and makes everything in 10 ft from him start to melt even more, as he looks at Tina with the eyes of a killer.

"You should watch your tone when you talk to me. You toy."

Maho pointed his finger at Tina and spoke.

"What is wrong, you are not going to say anything."

Tina stands there not saying a word, as she is using her mana to try to keep cool, from the heat of Maho mana.

("I have to make a run for it, but if I do, he will just kill me. I have just enough mana to make another door but that is all I can do, but if I keep using mana to keep my body cool, from burning from the heat that is coming from his mana. I will run out of mana faster than I could come up with an idea to beat him.")

As Tina is thinking of what to do next, she remembers something that Lloyd said to her.

{Flash Back}

Lloyd walks up to Tina after to plan and speaks to her about what she will need to do to beat Maho.

"Tina, I will need you to push Maho to use his mana to overheat his body."

Tina looks at Lloyd with a confused face before speaking.

"Why would I need to do that?"

"See, say if you, Madison, Icibis, Reinhart, and even Rose fought Maho at the same time. The chance of winning is maybe 20%."

"And you think I can beat him by myself?"

"I never said you will beat him by yourself, I just said you're the best one to fight him. Well, for the start of the fight, you are."

"What do you mean, brother?"

"What I am saying is that all you have to do is make him use his mana to overheat, and from there the others will handle him."

"Who are the others?"

"Don't worry, you will meet them soon. Just make sure you have enough mana to make a door, here in the library."

"If you say so."

Lloyd put his hand on Tina's head and spoke.

"Look at my little sister, finally getting some action."

Tina slaps Lloyd's hand off of her head and walks away.

"I have to get going now. I have things to do."

"Yeah, I know you do."

{Back To Normal Time}

Maho continues to laugh at Tina, as he turns up the heat. As smoke starts to come from the ground.

"So, what are you going to do now? Come on, don't tell me that you are given up."

Tina looks at Maho.

"No, just the opposite."

Tina pointed up into the air with her right hand and spoke.

"Door, open."

As a door appeared in the air right above her and Maho, as the door opened, three mages fell out of the door. Maho looked at the mages and spoke.

"Really, you chose to call for more help. How pointless."

Maho lifted up his right hand at the mages and blasted a fire beam at them.

"Fire magic, fire beam."

As the fire beam is about to hit the first mage, the mage uses mist magic to phase through to the fire beam. As the other two mages use air walk to run around the beam. Maho starts to smile at what the mage just did.

"That is pretty cool magic you have there. But it will not help you beat me."

The mage lands on the ground and looks at Maho.

"You have a good point there, but with all three of us. We can beat you with ease."

"You little bitch. You will regret saying that to me."

Maho is about to use his mana that he has been building up to melt everything around him into nothing. As one of the other mages uses metal magic and puts Maho in a box and then he uses wind magic to pick up the metal box and throw it into the air. As the box exploded from Maho mana. As Maho realizes that he was no longer on the ground, he starts to smile again.

"I guess after all, you mages will be a little fun to play with."

The mage on the ground looked at Tina and spoke.

"Get out of here, we can handle him from here."

Tina gives the mage a nod, before running off to try and help Reinhart and Madison in their fight. Maho sees Tina get away as he looks at the mages and speaks.

"I guess it is time for you all to die."

"On the contrary. I think it is time for you to die. Maho>"

"You brats."

To be continued….