Chereads / The Mythic Heroes / Chapter 30 - Zusian Battle (Part 2)

Chapter 30 - Zusian Battle (Part 2)

As Maho is falling in the air, he looks at the two mages in the air and then at the one of the ground.

("If I want to win this. It is best I kill the one on the ground first, then worry about the two in the air later.")

Maho gets closer to the ground, as he uses earth magic to make a spot to land on, as the mage on the ground runs over and sees Maho trying to use earth magic, so she uses her lightning magic to stop him.

"I don't think so. Lightning Bolt."

The mage shoots a lightning bolt at Maho landing spot that instantly gets destroyed by the lighting spell, but as Maho looks at the mage he sees in the corner of his eye, the lightning bolt changes angle and aims for him after destroying the platform. Maho uses earth magic again but this time he made a shield to block the lightning bolt from hitting him. The lightning bolt hits the earth shield, causing Maho to fly up more into the air. Maho looks at the lightning bolt and back at his shield and sees that his shield starts to crack, forcing Maho to put more mana to the shield, to make it last against the lightning bolt.

("How is this bolt still able to work? The mana in it should be gone by now.")

Maho looks at the mage on the ground, as he points his left hand at her, and shoots a black fire ball at her. Forcing the mage to use mist magic, to make her body a mist. Maho starts to smile and thinks.

("That will help you against my black fire magic. The flame will burn until you die for good. You stupid mage.")

As Maho watches the black flame get closer to hit the mage, one of the other mages in the air uses stone magic to put a wall in front of the mage. As the black flame hits the wall and burns the wall into nothing. The mage on the ground looked at the mage in the air and spoke.

"I could have dodge it, Zara."

Zara looked back at the mage on the ground and spoke.

"Itireae, quit thinking that your mist magic is the perfect defense for everything. If that flame would have hit you. You would have died."

"That is enough talking from you two. We need to focus on our mission."

"Yeah, I guess you have a point there, Thierry." 

The three mages watch Maho go a little higher, before Maho uses fire magic to burn the lightning bolt away. Thierry looked at the other two and spoke.

"Can you buy me a little time so I can use my main spell?"

Both Zara and Itireae give Thierry a nod, as Thierry uses air walk and runs over to the other buildings that weren't destroyed but Maho's lava magic. As Thierry runs off, Maho looks at the other two as he falls and uses fire magic and shoots over hundreds of fire balls at the mages.

"Fire Magic, infinite fire."

Both the mages look up and see that it is raining fire, as they both use different magics to defend themselves from the raining fireballs. Zara uses her stone magic to make a stone cover above her head as she continues to run on air, as Itireae uses her own fire magic and shoots a fire beam at Maho, to try and make him lose focus on his spell. 

"Fire magic, fire beam."

Maho sees that Zara uses stone magic and aims to use his lava magic on her, but before he does, he sees a red light get close to him. As Maho slightly turns his head a fire beam hits him right in the shoulder, causing Maho to stop trying to attack Zara and focus more on defending himself from Itireae. Maho uses his fire magic to overheat his body again, to be immune to any fire magic attacks, as he lands back first into a building. Zara looks over and sees that Maho has landed in a building and aims her spell at it, and shoots glass needles at the building, killing everyone inside but Maho, because the glass needles instantly burn away by Maho heating coming from his body. Zara looked down at Itireae and spoke.

"Itireae, he is using his mana to heat his body up again. Use your lightning magic and I will use my ultimate spell, and we will win this battle."

"You got it Zara."

Itireae uses lightning magic to boost her physical speed, as she runs over to the building that Zara is flying over and stops a couple of feet from it, as she charges her mana up to cast a major lightning bolt at building, as Zara walk in the air, right above the building that Maho is in and starts her charging to cast her ultimate spell on Maho.

("We have one shot, so I can't miss this.") "Lightning bolt."

Itireae uses a major lightning bolt that goes through the building, making the building catch on fire as Itireae can kind of see Maho's body slowly start to move, as Zara finished her charging and looked at Itireae and spoke.

"Get a good distance, and hurry. And that goes for everyone that wants to live."

Itireae uses lightning magic to boost herself again and runs a good distance from the building. As Zara sees that Itireae and most of the people has gotten a good distance away, for her to use her ultimate spell. Zare points and aims at the building, as she uses Atomic Magic.

"Atomic Magic, atomic drop."

Zara makes a small purple droplet in her hand and drops it on the building, as she runs in the air to get a good distance from the explosion. When the droplet touches the inside of the building a giant explosion goes off, going over 150 ft in the air and 100 ft on all sides. Destroying everything in the explosion. After the explosion is cleared up, both Zara and Itireae walk over to see if Maho is still alive, but when they walk over there, they hear a voice.

"Is that it? Is that all? Give me more. I said, give me more."

As Maho body catches back on fire, as both mages can see that Maho mana and magic output has almost gone up 10 times the amount it was when they started the fight.

"That is impossible for anyone to gain that much mana in one fight."

"Yes, but at the same time, you two never really looked at who you're fighting. Hahaha."

Maho stands up and when Zara and Itireae sees Maho's body, he has only taken lightning damage from Itireae first lightning attack, but the rest didn't even give him a scratch. As both of them make faces of disbelief, Maho starts to walk towards them and speaks.

"Since you gave me all the power, let me give it back to you now."

Maho pointed his finger at the two of them and spoke.

"Itireae run. Stone magic, stone wall."

Zara makes a stone wall and starts to run in the air to gain some distance in the air, as Itireae uses lightning magic to run away as well. As they both run away, Maho smiles and releases all the heat that he has taken from the whole fight. Maho starts to glow even more as the earth shakes and fire starts to come up of the land, as a giant explosion goes off, and everything in a 200 ft from Maho was destroyed, leaving nothing standing in his sights.

"Yes, that is more like it."

Maho looks up and sees Zara follow down from the sky.

"I guess, we can go for round 2."

Maho starts to run towards Zara, as she falls for the sky. As Zara hits the ground and rolls a couple of feet before hitting her head against a rock. As Zara lays there her body is mostly burnt from the explosion and is missing a leg, she starts to bleed from her head that she hit against the rock as Maho walks up to her.

"Well, well, well. You survived that. I guess you are a strong one. If only you joined us."

Maho makes a fireball with his hand and kneels down to see if Zara's eyes are open. As Zara slowly opens her eyes and sees Maho kneeled down right in front of her with a fireball in his right hand, Zara tries to move but is in too much pain to do anything but sit there and look at Maho. Maho gave Zara a smile and he spoke.

"Good morning sunshine. I think it is time for you to join your friend in the afterlife. Send her my regards when you get there."

Maho goes to blow on his fire to burn Zara's face, as his hand gets sealed in a metal box. 

"Did you forget that there were three of us? Or are you just that dumb."

As Maho looks up and sees Thierry standing in the air right above him and Zara.

"Hahaha, I will make you eat your own words. You punk."

"You speak like you win this fight."

Maho looks around before speaking. 

"I think I have. Have you not seen what is left, and your friends here are already dead."

Maho kicks Zara in her side and makes a staff out of fire and stabs her in the arm, before he speaks.

"How does that feel, to know that all you can do is watch your friends die in front of you?"

Thierry looks at Zara then back at Maho.

"I think you're trying to catch me off guard, just to have an advantage on me, but sadly that will not work on me."

Thierry waves his hand in a circle as the ground around Maho becomes metal, as chains come out of the ground from all sides of Maho and all the chains raps around Maho, tying him down from moving. Thierry lands right in front of Maho and walks over to him, as Thierry puts his hand on Maho's shoulder, he speaks.

"Just give up Maho, and this all can end right now. It will make it easier on you and us."

Maho starts to laugh as he grabs the chains with his other hand and starts to melt it.

"Do you really think this can hold me?"

Thierry picks up Zara's body and looks over at Maho.

"No, but it gives me the time to get Zara and get out of here, before my spell activates."

Maho starts to overheat his body again, to melt all the metal around him. 

"How dare you, take my toy from me. For that I will kill you next."

"I will pass, besides. You will be too busy with other things, to even fight me."

Maho destroys the box on his right hand and shoots a fire beam at Thierry, as Thierry uses air walk to dodge the shot. As Maho melted all the metal that was holding him, he looked up at Thierry holding Zara, but before Maho could use any of his magic, his overheating turned off.

"What the hell?"

"It seems like, even you had no idea how long you could use that overheat to gain more mana and magic output. Before it ran out."

"Why you little…"

Before Maho could finish his sentence, Thierry snapped his fingers and a mark appeared on Maho's shoulder, where Thierry put his hand on him earlier. Then Thierry spoke.

"Link touch magic, link."

As building pieces, pieces of trees, and rocks come flying at Maho, as they all snap on to him, making it almost impossible to move. As Maho's body was covered by random pieces of things that were inside and outside of the fight, Maho spoke.

"What is this magic?"

As Maho's voice got quieter, Thierry spoke back.

"It is called link touch magic. Basically, whatever I touch, I can make it link to one place, making everything come to that one place. No matter the size or if it is living or not."

Thierry takes his leave with Zara in his arms, as the Maho is place into a ball of random objects that Thierry found and touch, as Thierry and Zara gets away, Tina has finally made it to where Madison and Reinhart are facing off against Ranperuji, as she gets jumped by Josie. As Josei stabs Tina in the back and goes through her stomach, causing Tina to throw up blood as Josei yanks out her staff from Tina's back and starts to smile.

"Oh, what is wrong? It seems like that hurt a lot. Do I need to get a healer for you or something? Oh, I know."

Josie leans closer to Tina and whispers in Tina's ear.

"You should give me your soul, then you will never feel pain again."

As Josei uses her supernatural beauty on Tina. Making Tina's eyes start to glow purple as she falls for her beauty.

"That is it, now give me your soul."

Tina nods as Josei goes to take her soul, a sword flying into Josei's hand. Making Tina break the mind control from Josei beauty, as Josei looks over and sees Rose standing there with magic swords around her.

"How dare you interrupt my snack."

"Your snack? I swear, all of you are just weird, and that is why you will keep your hands away from Icibis. Do you hear me?"

"Haha, what is an Icibis? Never mind that, I think I will have your soul too. You look like your soul is pure, I bet it tastes good."

Tina grabs her knife from her side and stabs Josei in the feet as she looks at Rose to shoot her swords at Josei. Josei feels Tina stab her in the feet, and stabs her staff into Tina's left shoulder, making it break as she speaks.

"You little bitch. I am going to enjoy playing with you later, and for you…"

As Josei looks at Rose, Rose's magic swords go through Josei's body, making Josei go flying back into a tree.

"I think you need to take a step back and think before the next time you face us."

Rose walks over and helps Tina up.

"Do you know, healing magic?"

"No, but I know medicine."

"If that is the case, we need to get some distance from here and fix you up."

"What about your Icibis?"

Rose gives Tina a stare.

"How much I hate leaving him, but we need you to get us out of here, so you are more important than Icibis is. But only this once."

Tina starts to laugh. Then spit out blood.

"If you say so."

As the two of them start to walk away they hear Josei say something.

"Do you think I will let my toys walk away from me?"

They both turn and look at Josei. As Josei does a hand sign, then spoke.

"Demon Summoning."

As 5 demons appear right in front of Josei, as she looks at Rose and Time with a smile on her face.

"Break their bones and bring them back to me, so I can have their souls."

To be continued….