Chereads / Meeting with Fate / Chapter 11 - Chapter 11

Chapter 11 - Chapter 11

The day began again.


Shikina arose from his mass of blankets, with a yawn and tears in his eyes.

He prayed that for today, nothing would happen to him.

He brought his body down to the bottom portion of the bed, leaving his legs dangling over the edge.

"Mhmm… I don't wanna gooo…."

Looking at his pair of bunny slippers on the floor, he held a somber look.

There was a secret use to his ability.

When he went to sleep and activated it, he could

be in dreamland for far longer.

A three-hour nap would be the same as him living for many years in his very own dreamland.

However, the he still experienced everything in regular time, his brain unshackled, from the slowness his eyes and ears had processed things.

It was his special time, to escape.

He dropped from his bed to the floor, slipping into his slippers with ease.

Reflecting upon the rabbit design, he remarked:

"I will definitely ascend the throne, to godhood… for sure… in my next dream, Mister Rabbit."

The bottom of the slippers left little noises as they slid across the floor.

He undressed as he took each step.

With every meter, he got closer to the bathroom.

He threw off his shirt first, sending it flying into a corner.

Then went the rest of his clothes.

He grabbed his shaving razor from atop his bathroom counter, next to his sink.

"Its another day."

The curtain flung close, and he spent half an hour in there.

He sang to himself.

"I've been waiting… for this moment… I've been waiting for this moment, all my life."

Trying to sing, as best as he could with a somber feminine tone.

Shikina shaved and brushed his teeth in the shower, to save on time.

Forgetting his towel, he got out and stood on the shower mat right outside of the of it, waiting for all of the water to drip off.

Casually watching each drop fall, then get absorbed by the mat, he said:


Shikina felt lucky that he woke up as early as he did.

After a few minutes, he left the bathroom and got his school uniform on.

Still as good as he wore it before, he took care to hang it up without any creases left in the fabric.

"Now, thats beautiful as always."

Shikina was checking himself out in the large mirror that stood behind the door to his room.

He wiped away his content smile when he looked at his phone.

15 minutes until 8.

With a small voice, he remarked:


Quickly grabbing his school bag and slipping into his shoes at his entrance, he swung open the door and closed, it not needing to lock it as it was an electric lock.

There was a poptart in his mouth as he run.

Shikina booked it, swinging his arms as quickly as possible.

People said things as he sprinted past.

Remarks like: "Good morning, Ikkamiya", or "Slow down."

However, he was more focused on making it to school and eating the brownie-flavored poptart.

His replies to them were:
