Chereads / The Evergreen Files; Banshee / Chapter 16 - Part 16

Chapter 16 - Part 16

Solomon had taken his spot in the corner of the room next to Lucius and Allan, he then began taking notes, knowing, in the conference rooms of the other ships, their primary company captains that had the correct clearance would be doing the same. Kyril began again "Captains." Pausing a little before adding "and Advisor." he cast a look at each of the ghostly figures in turn and ignoring Winslow "We will report back after one hour, with your officers" all the figures except one agreed and vanished. Winslow remained for a few more moments, leering at Kyril before vanishing himself.

"Right, lads, we will be moving into formation soon, and as soon as The Judgement has sorted itself out, we will be on our way" said Kyril with a tired sigh. Solomon, Allan and Lucius agreed to meet back within the hour to give a full report on the incident and the already made checks before the voyage would be made.

"Is that the toe rag, you've warned us about Cap?" asked Tricks and Kyril responded with a sigh and a nod. "Too much effort, is that boy. Needs a good accident to happen to him, that's what he needs, either that, or a straight up assassination to brighten up everyone's day."

Solomon walked past the medical bay window in the corridor of steel, catching a glance of Lyra the junior nurse. Lyra looked up from cleaning at just the right moment to find a handsome lieutenant commander's grin pass from the window. Solomon made it a few meters down the corridor when he heard the sound of a body banging itself and against the bulkhead and the auburn-haired figure poking its head from the medical door. Solomon gave her a generous and theatrical bow and began walking backwards before turning down the corridor towards the library smiling from ear to ear.

Sandra sat at the data consoles with a pen held between her teeth and a stern look upon her face. She was concentrating so much she didn't hear Solomon clear his throat dramatically as he approached. Solomon caught a sight of Sandra's console; she was reading the data provided by the Gryph on the Banshee. Her eyes darting from left to right and back again. "they're a good read, them things." said Solomon over the console, making Sandra jump from her chair. Blinking and taking in Solomon's sudden appearance. Settling herself back into her seat, Sandra suddenly checked her wristwatch and realising the time, she swore softly and apologised for her losing track of their meeting. "It's fine" said Solomon softly raising his hand to silence Sandra. "It's good that you have been researching their creatures, that's what the meeting is about." he said warmly. They discussed the creatures the Gryph have provided for them to study. "Then, there's these, like...giant wolf spiders...'Albrans' they're called. They only attack you in you look at them in their eyes...problem is, they have sixteen of them" said Sandra trying to catch more breath to unravel to Solomon what she was learning. After half an hour of the meeting, Solomon got to his feet and bid Sandra goodbye, making his way back to the command bridge to give his report.

Lucius and Allan stood outside the Conference Room, obviously listening to the conversation on the other side of the closed door. Their ears inclined to the source of conversation. As Solomon approached, the two company captains stood tall, their faces straight, hoping Solomon had not seen them. Solomon smiled at the posture and look did not suit the captain of the second. "Anything good on this channel?" asked Solomon as he pressed his own ear against the door, "I always struggle to get reception through that door." Allan shook his head in reply, "We can only here the Captains Voice, Sir."

"But My Lord, He is slowing down this entire expedition! … Yes, I believe he is deliberately doing this, sir. … No sir, I would not go as far as to call him a traitor, sir. … I implore you, please, have a word with him … No, sir, I would not dare to presume and give you an order or tell you how to manage your own people … He has been sealing areas of my ship off to me and my crew, for no good reason … and he is segregating people from each other, again with no good reason. And then we have the missing people, two of my staff have gone missing in two days… Yes, sir. I understand. As you wish, My Emperor."

All three of the listening captains stomachs dropped at the mention of the last two words of the conversation. They should not have been listening to Kyril and the Emperor's private talk.

The door slid open as they men shot a look at one and other, Kyrils ageing tired face welcomed the three men into his well-lit metal room, his eyes half shut and heavy. A lingering smell of stale sweat was hinted in the air. "I want Winslow, off this expedition. He is going to destroy any relations with the Gryph with his incompetence and thirst for having the last word. This will end with a war." warned Kyril wearily. "He's not allowed on this ship or allowed to send any orders to my ship or my crew, by order of Emperor Syphodias. The Order will be coming through to him soon, maybe two or three hours." Continued Kyril. "I can't wait to see his face in five minutes when I give him the direct order and he won't know if it's true or not for a few hours!" laughed the commander captain. "Right." Said Kyril glancing at his wristwatch "Show time." sure enough, as soon as Kyril straightened up, the blue ghosts appeared again before them.

There was a pause as they all waiting to see if their signal has been correctly intercepted. Anticipation was clear upon all of the captains faces. The only face not showing anticipation was Winslow's. In fact, it was showing a delightful smugness of satisfaction as he had not only annoyed Kyril with his tedious delays, but shown, he has more power than him.

"My fellow Captains, and Advisor" the last word seemed to cause Kyril pain to keep the news quiet.

"Are we ready to make sail?" asked Kyril immediately.

The room was silent for a lifetime of a moment for Solomon.

"We are sir." spoke Captain Hyphon standing taller than their last meeting.

"Excellent, let's do it then, Make ready for my order in ten minutes."

Winslow's face wreaking with smugness remained silent through the conversation as the other captains began looking relieved.

"Oh, and Advisor..." began Kyril with a growing Smile, catching Winslow's arrogant stare.

"By order of the Great Emperor Syphodias, if you set a single hair on my ship, without an invitation, or order any of my people around, you will be shot." said Kyril with an abruptness joy in his tone as he pressed a button and removed his ghostly figure from the table. The remaining Ghosts remained shocked for a few seconds before breaking into a nervous chuckle, except Captain Hyphon who simply smiled, but soon began looking around as Advisor Winslow's furious shouts could be heard through his communications channel. "Good day, Captain Sinderman" said Hyphon as he closed his own channel quickly. Sinderman bid the other captains goodbye and closed all the channels.

Returning to the Command Bridge, the ten minutes lasted hours in Solomon's mind, when they eventually ended Solomon remained in his chair ready for the embrace of warp travel when Kyril spoke "Warp Jump co-ordinates to Jump Route one. Initialise. Warp on Three … Two … One... Jump!"