Chereads / Game of Dragonborn. / Chapter 33 - Chapter 33 - Stealing Lucis.

Chapter 33 - Chapter 33 - Stealing Lucis.


[Chapter Size: 1900 Words.]

Third Person POV.

Somewhere on North.



"Tell me everything that happened!! What did you do after you killed a cold shadow in front of everyone? Wait, how did you do that?! How can I kill one too?!" the boy said in an excited tone, looking at Jon with an admiring gaze.

Lucis listened to everything as she entered the tent with hot water for a broth that she went to get for Jon right after he surprised her. She ended up telling her brother as soon as she stepped outside, and the boy let out a cheerful sound as he ran to the tent, leaving his sword training behind to come see Jon.

Lucis just sighed, but she couldn't help but hope for an answer from Jon. After all, they had only seen that he had killed a powerful Warg in hiding before leaving Ygritte and the children of the forest to head further north.

Jon stood in front of the excited teenager, a small smile appearing on his face. The boy reminded him of his early years in Skyrim. At first, Jon had been scared of the new world, so different from what he was used to, as Skyrim was far more fantastical with its magic, monsters, and all kinds of things that made even Westeros seem like a peaceful and less cruel world.

Over the years, he transitioned from fear to an excitement to know the world and grow strong enough to explore all of Tamriel.

'I want to be strong... to survive and make my own name.' A much younger Jon had shouted in a very old memory as Jon thought back almost ten years. That Jon was a mirror of Lucis's brother.

The man, who had heard the demands of the boy before him, holding a wooden sword in his hand, smiled. 'You certainly will, but you can't become that strong overnight. It takes years of training, but there's no doubt you'll make your own name. After all, I've always seen potential in you since I took you out of that orphanage, Snow.' The older man spoke with a laugh at the end; Jon's last name always made him laugh, wondering who would give themselves such a simple name, even if Jon insisted it was because he was a bastard and that was simply how names worked where he came from.

'This reminds me so much of the relationship I had with the man who adopted me, who I considered my father...' Jon murmured to himself before opening a smile and ruffling the boy's hair.

"I've been busy, as you can see. If I told you I went to the army of the dead in the north and tried to sneak past them until they discovered me, so I had to run..." Jon commented with a teasing smile.

"Army of the dead?! How did you get out of there? Wait!! There's an army of the dead?!" The boy was shocked at the thought of an army of the dead.

"Jon... can you stop teasing Lafy!" Lucis said in a slightly dissatisfied tone, with Jon mentioning something that even gave her goosebumps. She refused to believe that such a thing could exist in the north.

Jon understood their feelings well. As long as that army didn't march south, they would be fine. But if they had to face them, everyone there would be easily wiped out, making him think that the dead didn't want to draw the attention of those training in the south yet, as if they were waiting for something... After all, they could just show up and destroy them... Maybe no longer since he destroyed the three-eyed raven, so he had to think of a way to get them out of there.

The Free Folk, in Jon's opinion, had changed him. He began calling them wildlings openly, but they weren't quite what he had been taught. There were rotten apples among them, and Jon had dealt with many of those, but they weren't a bad people overall. They simply wanted to live their lives, and now they were gathering for their survival. Jon couldn't help but think, when he saw the army of the dead, of the people there, imagining the whole camp turned into the dead with blue eyes.

Lucis, Lafy, Val, Ygritte, Karsi, Tormund—all of them marching among the other dead as they moved south, while he remembered the Night's Watch oath: the realm of men. It was obvious that the Night's Watch and the Wall had been made for this thousands of years ago. It was a pity that its true meaning had ended up forgotten.

"Lafy." Jon called him while the boy was a little displeased with his sister stopping Jon from continuing to talk about the army of the dead. The boy turned back to the Dragonborn.

"Can you let me speak with your sister in private? Also, I'd like you not to tell the camp that I'm here. After all, I want a little rest for the next few hours." Jon spoke. He knew this would be temporary before people started seeking him out, but he still wanted some time there.

"Yes..." the boy murmured in a slightly low tone before nodding to Jon, leaving Jon with Lucis.

She paused for a moment until she remembered she had brought the hot water with broth for him. "Here... I brought this for you." She said, handing him the pot.

"Thank you..." Jon accepted it, looking at her. "Sit with me." He asked, and she sat down beside him.

"How are you...? You were gone for weeks... some said you were dead, though most didn't believe it after hearing what you did at the northern camp..." She commented before speaking in a slightly weak tone in her next words. "About the army of the dead you mentioned... you were just joking with my brother, weren't you?" She looked into his eyes.

Jon sighed before answering her. "I'm fine... I got a few scratches, but nothing serious." Jon said, as the cuts made by ice spears in the middle of the army of the dead had been healed by his spriggans.

"I found some interesting things up north... a weapon and a creature that should be wandering the camp right now while I'm here... about the army of the dead..." Jon then looked at her with a serious glint in his purple eyes, meeting her blue eyes. "I wasn't lying... there are tens, no, hundreds of thousands of dead up north... and I may not have seen them all." Jon commented.

"You can't be serious..." she said, her voice failing. She was clearly frightened at the thought that they could all be wiped out.

"I know I'm being quite blunt in saying this, but I don't like to lie. But don't worry... I won't let you or your brother die here." Jon said, holding her arm to calm her.

"..." Lucis looked at him, a bit lost, but nodded at his words, trusting Jon after everything they had been through. "Thank you..." she murmured in the end.

"You don't need to thank me, I'm the man who stole you, right?" Jon said with a smile as Lucis nodded to him before looking at his arm on hers, the only one free since the other was holding the broth. She moved her arm, touching Jon's with her fingers, a tender touch, before looking at him with a more serious gaze—after all, she had begun to see him as her safe harbor in the midst of this chaos.

Jon slowly moved his free arm away from her fingers and slid it to her waist, amidst the heavy clothes of the Free Folk, before pulling her to him, while her leg let their lips meet with a wet touch.

Lucis simply closed her eyes as she began to touch his face while kissing him, gradually becoming more aggressive to the point of sitting on him. She had no experience with this kind of thing, but she felt her body heat up, and it all came naturally.

Jon saw the woman on top of him and let it happen naturally, setting the soup aside next to them, leaving the food and the conversation for later. He took her leg and positioned it perfectly in his lap, both of them kissing more intensely as he guided her through her first kisses.

And so they continued, exchanging their tongues until he pulled away from her face, looking into her eyes with a smile. Lucis wore a slightly nervous expression, but she didn't seem to reject him—quite the opposite, she appeared to desire him, her body yearning for it.

Jon kissed her again, both pressing their faces against each other as Jon began removing her clothes, and she just felt her body grow more excited. Jon ensured that no one would enter the tent or that she wouldn't feel cold as her body became increasingly visible, his mouth moving down her bare neck and onto her small breasts, eliciting moans from a woman who had never felt pleasure before.

Jon just smiled and led her to the bed; the conversation and food could wait, while Lucis kept her eyes on Jon the entire time, surrendering herself completely to him.

And thus, Jon had her in that tent, Lucis moaning with him as they made love. He healed her after her hymen broke, continuing to make the experience more pleasurable than painful for her first time.

It was only after a few hours that Jon opened his eyes, wrapped in cloth used as a blanket with a naked Lucis sleeping beside him, deciding that it was time to leave since he had other matters to attend to.

He dressed himself and went to the broth set aside, warming it up with a small flame before starting to eat it.

"Jon...?" Lucis woke at that moment, seeing the empty bed, and found Jon beside it, eating.

"How are you...?" He smiled with some tenderness.

"Good..." she murmured, looking at him with some shyness.

"That's good. Anyway, I can now say that you are mine." Jon said.

"Yes..." She didn't deny it, before looking at him, now having something more than just a lie for him to enter the camp. "I heard rumors you have another name..." She commented.

"Daemon... the name my mother gave me." He said, sounding more like he was reflecting on something than answering her.

"Should I call you that? Daemon?" she asked curiously.

"No... I'm Jon, at least for now." Jon said.

"And now?" she asked curiously, still in bed, covering her naked body with the cloth.

"Now, let's talk, because I have something to do." Jon began as Lucis waited for him to continue.

"I'm going to talk to Karsi after this, but my plan is to head south alone." Jon said, making Lucis raise an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" she asked, somewhat surprised.

"There's something I need to do in Winterfell. Who knows, maybe I'll even meet the so-called Mance, the King-beyond-the-Wall." Jon smiled, as his next destination was clear—Winterfell.


Raccoon Here:

I changed Jon's name in this fanfic because "Aegon" is already being used in another story.

I thought "Daemon" suited this Jon better, as he has similarities with the Rogue Prince. Though they are quite different, there are still some resemblances.