Chereads / Game of Dragonborn. / Chapter 37 - Chapter 37 - Stealing Val.

Chapter 37 - Chapter 37 - Stealing Val.

[Chapter Size: 1900 Words.]

Third Person POV.

Somewhere on North.



"Are you going to take it?" A female voice was heard beside him.

"I can take it, but what about you?" Jon asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm not good at archery!" She complained.

"You were the one who invited me to this hunt; you at least have to do something with this excuse to drag me out of the camp..." Jon spoke calmly, looking at the deer in front of them.

"I don't know what you're talking about..." The woman murmured timidly.

"You're embarrassed, what happened to the feared Val?" Jon raised an eyebrow.

"Shut up." She simply murmured, picking up the bow and starting to aim at the deer as Jon had requested, not wanting to talk anymore.

"...," Jon just remained silent, watching with a small smile.

She narrowed her eyes as the arrow pointed at the deer 40 meters away, while they were at least 3 kilometers from the camp, alone in the forest.

Val was concentrating as she prepared to release the arrow from her hand, despite not being used to this weapon since she normally wielded a sword.

However, at that moment, a sudden gust of wind came as large wings flapped in the sky, alerting the deer immediately. In a desperate attempt, Val released the arrow but only hit a tree trunk while the animal fled in fear, more scared by the approaching creature than Val's attempt, as she even missed where the deer had been.

"Damn... Jon, your creature scares everything in the forest!" Val complained, trying to blame her failure on the dragon, while Jon sighed, watching the white mass pass over them, causing another gust of wind as it flew ahead, making the dragonborn raise an eyebrow.

"Is she...?" Jon murmured before seeing the enormous creature descend and catch the poor animal 300 meters away after it ran as fast as it could, only to be crushed by the dragon.

"Did it pay for the deer? Is it competing with you or something? Or did you use your Warg powers?" Val asked, astonished, as the sound of trees breaking under the weight of the dragon landing in the middle of the forest echoed loudly.

"No... I didn't control her for that; I have no idea what she's doing..." Jon commented, somewhat lost, as the enormous dragon grabbed the deer in its mouth from a distance, making Jon wonder if it was really trying to compete with him.

The dragon then lifted off, flying again as its wings flapped, moving toward them before flying over Jon, who stared fixedly into its crimson eyes, wondering what it was up to. The dragon, still holding the dead animal in its mouth, then released it, letting it fall in Jon's direction, with the carcass hitting the ground near them.

"...," Jon.

"...," Val.

Both of them stared at the animal, now riddled with enormous holes in its body after being clamped between the dragon's teeth.

While Jon scratched his head, Val couldn't hold back. "HAHAHAHAHA!" She burst into laughter. "What was that? Is your dragon trying to please you or something?" She asked in an amused tone.

"I don't know..." Jon murmured as he watched the dragon circle the air near him but never leave, following Jon since he had left the camp. "Either way... I'm not sure we can use the deer, but let's take its body." Jon said, approaching the carcass and storing it inside his dimensional space.

"Shall we go?" She asked, looking at him.

"Yes... but let's find a river or something." He said as she nodded, and they headed toward a small stream Val knew.

Jon filled his canteen while Val waited by his side, but he could also feel the intense gaze of the woman on him, sighing as he turned back to her with a smile.

"You're not thinking about taking a bath, are you?" He asked calmly.

"It's not that..." she murmured.

"Then tell me, Lady Val... Why that look?" he asked, teasing her.

"I'm not a lady, Jon Snow." She muttered with an unsatisfied look.

"But I could turn you into one..." Jon said, getting closer to her. It was obvious why she had called him out for a hunt outside the camp this morning, so Jon decided to take the initiative to finish what they had started.

"..." Val didn't respond, seeming not to deny Jon's words as he approached her, with her keeping her gaze on him.

Jon also said nothing more as he grabbed her by the waist and brought her face close to his, their lips meeting. For many weeks, Jon had wanted this, as he had already stolen two of the women he was involved with.

Val felt her body being grabbed by Jon as he pressed her against a tree nearby, her body heating up as she looked at Jon with excitement, nervousness, anticipation, and a bit of fear. This mix of emotions made her give in to him completely as he moved from her lips to her neck, making the blonde moan.

They stayed there, their lips crushing against each other's for a while as their tongues intertwined, before Jon set her down, beginning to lower her pants. The blonde didn't seem bothered by this at all, but looked at Jon nervously, even as her body seemed to crave it.

He pressed her against the tree, her butt now exposed to him, and Val began to feel his touch, making her moan, surprised by sensations she had never felt before. After all, no one had ever stolen her before, which made her happy, because she couldn't imagine being with anyone but Jon at that moment, as the Dragonborn prepared her for what was to follow.

He pulled out his dick and began to align it with her rear after arching her butt slightly, entering easily and being gentle so she wouldn't feel too much pain or discomfort from her hymen breaking.

And so, Jon began to move as Val moaned, looking at Jon from the side with a certain desire. The Dragonborn had now stolen his third woman among the Free Folk.

For the next dozen minutes, they stayed there, having sex in the middle of the snow, with Val pressed against that tree, only moaning as Jon moved against her pussy, while the dragon continued to circle the area.

It was only after an hour that they started heading back to the camp, after Jon made sure Val wouldn't have too much trouble. She was now able to walk normally, though intense feelings were still present, her gaze shining as she looked at Jon, happy internally for being stolen and for Jon showing such emotions.

"When are you leaving?" She asked cautiously.

"Tomorrow," Jon replied.

"Can I come with you?" She asked, but Jon shook his head.

"No... I'll have to do this alone, so it'll be faster. I'll be back soon," Jon said as they walked back to the camp.

"Will you really fight for us, Jon Snow?" She asked, looking at him intensely. The last thing she wanted right now was for Jon to be her enemy.

Jon seemed to read her thoughts as he smiled without looking at her, his focus ahead. "You're right... it seems this fight will need someone to make a difference," Jon said, believing that the Free Folk didn't really have the capacity to defeat the Night's Watch.

"I'll trust your words..." she murmured.

"Do you think I'd throw you away after stealing you?" Jon asked, teasing her.

"I hope not, Jon Snow..." she said, looking at him intensely.

"But would you follow me? Even if it meant leaving this world? Even if it meant leaving your sister?" He asked, still uncertain of the future that awaited them. He didn't know whether he would stay here or return to Tamriel, if that were even possible...

"I... I'll go with you... no matter where you go." It wasn't an easy choice, but now her life was tied to the Dragonborn's, and she would be wherever he went. She wanted to go south with him, but if he said she couldn't, she would obey, waiting for his return. "Just come back soon..." she murmured at the end.

"Of course," Jon said as they headed back to the camp.

"I think I need some sleep..." she said once they reached the camp and stood in front of Della's tent, speaking to Jon as they were about to part ways. "Besides... you need to get yourself a tent... You've stolen three wives... and I think Lucis' brother can stay alone." She said.

"I think you're right, but that will have to wait until I return..." he said, and she nodded.

Jon raised his hand at that moment, and the space distorted. "One more thing, I think you can take this." He said as the dragon-bitten carcass fell to the ground.

"Alright..." she said, looking at the deer. She wouldn't refuse meat, especially since it was becoming rare.

"Goodbye, Val. Meet me later, as I'll be leaving soon." That was all Jon said before she nodded, watching him leave and asking some men from her tribe to take care of the dead animal.

Jon returned to Lucis' tent, finding her sewing some clothes. "Damn... you just reminded me of a few things..." Jon grabbed her attention with his words, making her blue eyes look at him in surprise. "I need to change my clothes... I can't go south dressed like a wildling or in Night's Watch attire," he said, knowing he'd have to steal from some commoners along the way.

"You're back... I hope the hunt was fruitful..." she said in a soft tone, as she was the shyest of the three women he was involved with.

"You could say so, and before you ask, yes... Val and I..." Jon spoke, knowing what she had already suspected. From the beginning, there had been an attraction between him and Val, not that Lucis could stop anything.

"Alright..." she murmured.

"Anyway... your brother is with some companions on the other side of the camp. Why don't we enjoy ourselves a bit?" Jon said, approaching with an intense look at her, and quickly she started to open up to his touch, as if her body was automatically responding, craving his touch again.

Jon lay with her for the next few minutes as they had sex until they finally relaxed, lying against each other under the animal skin they used as a blanket, with Jon keeping her body warm.

It was only a few minutes later that he started hearing people shouting outside, exclaiming the word "Dragon" after the camp had learned what it meant now, and a moment later, something giant passed over them. Jon sighed at that, realizing she had returned and was probably landing on the nearby hill.

"I'll go see her," Jon said to Lucis, who looked a little tired but nodded. Leaving her in bed, he dressed and went out to find the dragon.


Raccoon Here: Now that his relationships were established, we can head south.