Chereads / Kiss me! / Chapter 8 - Chapter 8: Time with him

Chapter 8 - Chapter 8: Time with him

Twenty minutes later, nothing, no reply. I guess it's plan E, everything is lost. I put the phone on my study table and open my physics notebook. Suprisely, i read without understanding it is irritating.

Time passes, 30minutes, 40minutes...the message ring comes from my phone. In a hurry i take my phone and look in the message but it's just Celia, without reading her message i throw my phone on the bed. Tss why does he not reply? Is it because of this afternoon? Is he jealous of Julien? or worst is he angry about...the message ring comes again of my phone, in less than a second am on bed, it's him he has finally replied. I take in a hurry the paper with my plans note and open his message.

What should i reply to this? there is no plan that indicates this, i should contact Celia? no it will take too much time and he may off his phone.


Now, how much should i send? Will 50 thousand francs( equivalent to 76,3€)be sufficient ? Or will it be too much? Argh i will just send it. Using my phone i transfer it to his number.



Hum now should i just wait or start plan B? Let's first read Celia's message.

Pff nothing important let's start plan B, on my phone keyboard before i attempt to text his message arrived.


No need for plan B, plan A is operating by itself. he want's too flirt (laughs), why am i happy? it's normal he want's to flirt.



Celia told him what? She sold me! I need to know until which point she sold me, hopefully she might not mix her thoughs with reality. Has she speculate that am in love with him? Ahh i should ask.








Fadil :


<352, you didn't told me the reason>






Our conversation continued again and again, time became useless for us and the morning surprised me. 4am on my clock, we had to stop and study separately so i leave my phone to study the remaining time before school.

Study, morning routine, porsche am in school. Coming out of the porsche am as tired as ever. The fallout is heavy but i need to resist.

Arriving in class, when i sit down Julien comes near me.

Julien: Hello, Elvira daughter of beauty

Me: Hi

Julien: How are you cutie?

Me: Fine

Julien: (smiling) some day me shall marry

Me: Maybe

Julien : Are you really fine

Me: Yeah

To his questions and teasing my answers were dull, i had neither the energy nor the will to argue, after some time he left.

Afterwards Celia entered and sat.

Celia: Hi Elvy, how was the battle?

Me: Thanks, there were some new unknowns but i succeeded to turn it to plan A

Celia: You seem tired, you must have slept late

Me: I didn't slept at all, and at break i shall go with to visit the school

Celia : Oh, wow okay then sleep now if you want your visit to succeed am taking your book to copy the assignment

Me: Yeah

The head on the desk, the eyes closed i let sweetness of sleep to carry me.

[The walls are pink, the floor is

covered with flowers, Fadil is moving with a luxury dress. Elvira is sitting on a chair, Fadil is approaching.

Fadil arrived near Elvira,

Fadil hold's Elvira's hand and kiss it.

Elvira: You're exaggerating, am not that famous

Fadil: You are not famous, famous is too small for you

Elvira: (looking embarrassed) stop teasing me

Fadil: Elvy am in love with you

Elvira: (looking to the side) you are just saying that because of my beauty

Fadil: I love your beauty yes but not only, i love every aspect of you, so if you weren't beautiful i would have love you still.

Elvira: (With the finger on her lips) Ok if that's the case then kiss me!

Fadil holds Elvira's face, their mouth are approaching each other bit by bit...]

Celia pushes me again and again then my eyes open. why now of all period did she had to get me up?. why am i angry of been get-up?

Celia: My dear, it's break. I shielded you during the entire lesson period, don't thank me is normal

Me: Yeah

Celia's goes out and now i don't know if i have to go to his class or wait for him here. Will i seem obssessful if i go to his class? On my seat i can't move since i can't decide what to do.