What should i do? Would he misunderstand everything if i go to his class? Will he come here? not knowing what to do i remain in class.
Time passes, and about 15 minutes later, Fadil cross the door, our eyes come in contact then he smiles. To his smile, i can just smile. A feeling of satisfaction replenish my inside. He sits near me.
Fadil: Is the school visit still maintained?
Me: Yeah,(standing up)
We go out of the class.
[Typhany's Point of View]
Break started in a while but Elvira is still sitting down, suddenly a guy enters and smile to her, another victim but is he stupid? how can a guy like him dream of a diamond...oh she smiled back to him. He has been acknowledge to be a toy, what does he has that i haven't seen, at first sight he was basically too common for Elvira, perhaps i have neglected something. The two of them goes out, so i approach Julien.
Me: Hi, Jule
Julien: Hi fake..euh.. typhany
Me: You seem confused, what's the matter?
Julien : You see that guy that just when out with Elvira? his a pest
Me: Really?
Julien : yeah, Yesterday she was annoyed just because i went to chat when she was with that nobody
Me: In that case you are the pest, Elvira don't like intruder's when she is with a victim but normally he isn't grade to be one...
Julien : You think also? she said that there is no different between cowards, she doesn't have middle
Me: It's a lie, she doesn't see everyone the same way, she chooses the hearts that may have the highest impact before breaking them
Julien : (with a smile) So if i become more popular, i may become a target
Me: Men are all stupid, tss yeah you maybe one of her victims
Julien : Thanks, Typhany...i think that Elvira shades your beauty
Julien then goes out, sitting in class i don't understand, the why or how she ignore Julien for a zero potential. If Elvira passes time with him he should have something special. I will find the covered talent, Elvira saw (smile) it may be fun.
Suddenly, an unclassified girl enter's the class, the girl seems to be worried. She looks like a prey conciously going in a predator territory, but if she knows it's a predator territory, why should she enter? The girl comes towards me, but why?
The girl: Hi Typhany, i need your help
Me: My help? how can i help someone i don't even know the name?
The girl: Sorry, am Joana Fotso of LSS1
Me:(with a smile) Don't be shy, speak Joana...if i can help i may help
The girl: Typhany, there is a boy in my class, he is new and is really physically common
Me: You love the guy? you need love advice?
The girl: Am not here to talk about that, the guy started spending time with Elvira, he is not the type to break, so please convince Elvira to stop playing with him...
Me: Height 1m80, hair height 3.4cm, has an H morphology, and today he was wearing a fake white balenciaga...oh yes and he is poor
The girl: Yeah, your right your really intelligent having all that information on him or perhaps are you attracted?
Me: No, i saw him for the first time today he entered spoke with Elvy then the two went out.
The girl: Please help him not to be a victim
Me: I don't understand two things, by seeing him i could know he is poor and you didn't oppose, so if he is, how did he manage to attain this highschool? Also why are you too protective is he a guy you love?
The girl: Apparently he entered by scholarship, our class master said his intelligence is twice the whole S1 joined together, he is a genius.
Me: Do you love that genius?
The girl: (looking embarrassed) For me he is like...he helps me study, we offer the same subjects, and when studying with him i understand more...so i don't want him to be a victim, please help me Typhany.
Me: I want to help you but if i ask Elvira to let the boy, she would do the reverse...the one that can help you is Celia, her bestie
The girl: Do you think, she will accept to help someone like me?
Me: Be more confident, it's not only appearance that count and for other schools you are really beautiful...Celia will never do something against Elvira, so if he is not one of her favorite toys she may help
The girl:(With a depressive look)
Me: Don't worry i don't think he is one of the favorite, and in the worst case just tell him who is Elvira, a normal poor will go apart
The girl: Thanks,
Me : What is his name?
The girl: Fadil,
The girl goes, out.
That guy has definitely something special, yeah it's an unclassified girl and the probality she loves him is just at 60% but having this impact on his first week and taking into consideration the fact that Elvira spend's time with him. There is only one conclusion, he has definitely something i don't see yet.
He is a guy that entered here only thanks to his brain. He must be really intelligent but i don't think it's only that. I must have missed something. Julien is very handsome he has a certain popularity and thanks to the newcomer luck, he has a good effect among girls, he crushes on Elvira which is normal then Elvira counts him among her toys but Fadil enters the game. It's true she don't like intruder's but her chatting with boys do not take much time normally and the smile she made today was not normal, it looked sincere eventhough it must be fake. Firstly, she spends time with him at the canteen then now goes somewhere with him. Elvira must have seen something more special than just intelligence. It promise to be interesting, i must definitely find what he has of special.
[End of Typhany's ViewPoint]
[ Elvira's Point of View]
Near the library at the corridor, his hands on my waist, i feel weak. His eyes are absorbing and without been conscious our lips approaches bit by bit....