Chapter 2
The kingdom's capital was a two-month trip by foot, two weeks by carriage and one second by a portal. Thank you, Mikey, one of the very few reasons why I like you.
The name of this entire kingdom was Agrath it's a huge country, flourishing with magic, culture, creatures, dungeons, guilds, whatever you can find in a fantasy you can find it here, but wayy better because you're actually in it!
Our village was lively but nothing compared to the capital, it was overflowing with so much colour, that it made me glad to know that the one thing that wasn't a fantasy was the smile on people's faces...Hm, I feel a sense of foreboding with that flag I just put up.
Aiden: Happiness exists in this world, huh? Heh.
The portal opened up a few blocks from the school, it had a lone road towards it, it was a bit far away from where we were but I didn't wanna go to school yet so I'll use this chance to get a lay of the land... by trying the dishes they had at the stands, I heard you can know a country by its food, and I have to say this is the best snake-pork I've ever had(not that I've had snake-pork before).
Hell, I don't even want to know what it supposed to look like while alive, but dead and giving me the "Why me?!!" face while tasting delicious is giving me mixed feelings but who cares?! It's good.
Crysta: Maybe you shouldn't be too quick to eat random things your body can't handle.
Aiden: Hehe, don't worry, we've (Ive) been bitten by snakes before, we(I) have poison resistance so it'll be okay...I hope.
But her warning fell on deaf ears as all things she says to me.
Akeru: If you get an upset stomach during the exams, I hope you'll be comfortable pooping in an Ice toilet, Aiden?
Aiden: Don't worry Akeru I'll be fine...I hope.
Crysta: I hope you don't get dysentery from weird food. Wouldn't want to ice your stomach to keep the pain down.
Aiden: Aww, Lil sis you look out for me too much.
Crysta: That was a threat.
She said with a cold expression on her face.
Aiden: *Gulp* Anyways, you've gotta loosen up a little, you're a young girl, you shouldn't be making threats to boys until you're 18.
I advised or at least I think it was an advice.
Crysta just looked at me with cold indifferent eyes then the temperature around us started to get chilly.
Aiden: Hey, Akeru did it suddenly get cold here?
Akeru looked at Crysta emitting her cold aura without my knowledge, besides that why was it getting colder.
Akeru: Uh...
Hmm, I wonder why Akeru is moving away from me slowly. is there something behind my--
Aiden: Ahh! S-s-stop f-f-freezing m-m-me, C-c-crys-s-sta.
I thawed out after a few minutes, damned frost magic!
Aiden: Miss you have pretty impressive frost magic.
The shop owner said to my malevolent sister.
Crysta: Oh, Uhm, thank you?
She replied.
The shop owner gave her a type of respect that you'd give someone above you.
Shop owner: What royal family are you from, If I may so ask?
Crysta: I'm not a Royal, my friend here Akeru, I and that thawed out idiot brother of mine are from sheates.
The shop owner looked shocked.
Shop owner: Sheats huh? Isn't that a very poor region? I once heard tax collectors stopped coming because they think it's a ghost town now and that the lands were terrible.
Aiden: Hehe, looks like your water illusions are still working, huh, Ice bitch?
Aiden remarked.
The sky turned dark.
Aiden: Hm, I wonder if it's going to rain soon?
I said oblivious to the icy danger that was about to befall me.
Akeru: Hold on Crysta, please! You don't wanna make him sick before the exams now, just calm down, okay, calm down.
The clouds dissipated.
Crysta: Fine, but after the exams are over, I'm going to incase him in Ice for a thousand years.
Crysta said with a straight voice.
Akeru: Please don't, hehe.
Akeru managed to calm the Ice Queen.
He's the type of little brother I've always wanted not like that little devil who keeps sending me to random places with his spatial magic!
Michael: Atchoo!!
Larisa: Are you feeling under the weather darling?
Micheal: No, I'm fine I think someone was just talking about me.
Shop owner: Now who wants a helping of grilled fish?
The shop owner asked.
Aiden: I do! I do!
I had stars in my eyes after hearing that, common knowledge in my village; I'm a fish addict.
Aiden: T-this is delicious!!
I said with tears coming down my face like a faucet.
Akeru: You shouldn't eat too much, it'll slow you down.
Akeru said.
Aiden: It's still early, let loose a little, it's not like being stiff is going to help us.
I said while still stuffing my face with unknown meat and fish.
Crysta: Akeru, when we get to the school you'll head back to the spot and wait for Micheal to pick you up.
Akeru: Oh err...Aiden said I shouldn't be the only one at home so he invited me to force, hehe.
He said with a small laugh.
Aiden: Yes! Family should butt into other family members' lives, it would be boring wouldn't it?! Cough-Cough!!
I said then started chocking on the food that just went down my throat.
I ordered grape juice since I'm still a minor and drank it all in one was warm and filled me with sadness.
Akeru: You...think I'm family?
Aiden: I've always thought that dummy, teehee.
Crysta: You're the last person I'd want to hear call someone else a dummy and the last person that should talk about family.
Oh! There's a bunch of horse-drawn carriages heading towards the academy, I'm guessing we should wrap up our little feast and head over there.
One stopped by us, probably wanting to eat something, and two finely dressed boys came out, one had red hair the other brown, they also had a symbol on their shoulders, it had an eagle on it, which must be their family's insignia or something, they looked my age.
I can't bother with their names so I think I'll call them Nobel 1 and Nobel 2.
Nobel 1: It's so crowded here, can all these peasants stay inside, their sight disgusts me.
Hehe, classic medieval-rich kid-NPC talk, hehe.
Nobel 2: Now, now we have to let the common folks enjoy now shouldn't we brother?
Nobel 1: Tch.... they're disgusting.
I wasn't really minding what they were saying until a kid bumped into Nobel 1, and accidentally spilt some juice on his shoes, his young mother came to quickly apologize and clean it up.
Nobel 1: Lick it clean!
He demanded
Woman: B-but...
Nobel 2: You heard him, or do you want your son to suffer?
She bent down on her knees and licked his shoes, everyone just watched on as they couldn't do anything.
Nobel 1: Gross! Now my shoe is covered in your putrid spit, clean it at once with that scarf!
He's words were scornful but his eyes looked at her lustfully, Which is funny because it's like being angry and horny at the same time. Hongry? Aorny? Hehe.
Woman:T-this is my husband's last gift to me before he died in the war, please, I'll use my dress instead.
Nobel 1: All the more reason, I want you to use that rag and clean it dry!
I shot a very low-grade fire spell by his feet, his shoes, pants and a medium sized area of the ground got scorched.
But don't worry I didn't hit the woman.
Aiden: Are those dry enough?
I asked.
Nobel 1: How dare you!
Aiden: Heh, you wanted them dry right? who am I to defy a noble? I might have overdone it tho, hehe.
Some of the citizens started snickering at them.
It was fun until four guards with spears surrounded us, and then Nobel 1 said: "kill them!"
I wasn't too surprised about the turn of events but at least I get a warm-up after eating.
Aiden: Okay, it's time to kick some... Ahhhh!! Crysta...STOP FREEZING ME!
She froze my legs to my torso.
Crysta: You like causing trouble no matter what world we're in.
Crysta said.
Aiden: Hehe, they earned it though.
I saw walk away from me and headed to the boys.
Aiden: Huh? Crysta, what are you doing?
She walked up to them to apologize on my behalf, they smiled and then Nobel 1 held her waist pulled her close then started stroking her hair.
Nobel 1: You're too pretty to be here, seeing a beautiful, delicate flower like you makes me want to eat you up, how about after this exam is over I'll take you with maybe you can become one of our "dolls".
He then stroked her cheeks.
I was terrified beyond belief when I heard that, Were those really going to be his last words? It was soo lameee.
Oh, I'm not scared for my sister obviously, I was scared for them, my sister is many things but "a delicate flower" is not one of them, these morons just did something even I would have second thoughts about, they angered the ice witch.
Wait, by "doing something I would have second thoughts on" I meant angering my sister!! Nothing else!!!
I was already encased in ice but it got colder after they said that, she stretched her hand out about to cast one of her most dangerous spells, Permafrost, and seeing as she was about to commit murder, I quickly thawed myself out and cancelled it with my fire before it hit them, but the rest of the district was covered in snow and the nobels in water, hehe.
They left there, with their very small tails between their legs, and headed for the academy.
Also of course Crysta wouldn't use a very dangerous spell on fodder like them.
*Fun fact I learned about this world: When someone uses magic their eye colour(irises) changes colour to suit their attributes, for example:
Fire magic attribute:Red eyes
Ice magic attribute:Light blue eyes
wind magic attribute:white eyes
Lightning attribute: it depends it can be yellow, purple, or blue.
Water attribute: Ocean blue eyes
And yes you can get confused seeing a lightning user with blue eyes and a water user.
Even I get it mixed up, hehe.
I had to create a small sun in my hand( just a bright fireball) to melt the snow that she caused, luckily she was holding back, this could have been a whole lot worse, I couldn't wait till the snow melted so I left my little sun there and the moment the water's gone so is my sun.
The woman thanked us and went back to her stall. We also left.
Akeru: Woah!
Akeru was in awe of how big the school was.
It was way bigger than I expected. 40 meters tall give or take, it covered a huge amount of land.
New character: So this is where most of the taxes are going to, huh?
I heard a voice from beside me.
It was a boy my age with blonde hair carrying a wrapped sword on his back, he looked like Royalty, no he IS one.
Aiden: I wish it was put into something else, you know like something that benefits everyone, something for the people or something?
New character: Haha, Do you have any idea how these people are? Not the school itself but the system.
He said laughing.
His way of speaking is similar to mine... could he be from my world?
Aiden: What do you mean by these people? Aren't you one of them?
I remarked.
New character: I may look and dress the part, but I don't see what's fun about blowing a nation's budget on snotty rich kids.
He replied.
I was shocked by his vocabulary, he talked like someone from my world.
New character: What's your name?
He asked.
Aiden: Aiden, yours? (So I can stop calling you "New character")
Draven: Draven.
He said.
Sounds fake but okay.
Draven: Nice to meet you, I hope we can get along.
Aiden: Hehe, not really
I responded.
Draven: Aw, why so?
Aiden: No offence or anything but I can't stand nobles and royalty, y'all are too stuffy.
Draven: Don't worry about it dud-, er I mean friend, I'm not like that.
He was about to say "dude" wasn't he?