Yeah, this guy is not from here.
Maybe he is a fellow reincarnate but he wants to keep his a secret?
(That's a pretty wild guess but this isn't too out of normal for me)
Wait, even if he is why the hell did he get reincarnated as a rich kid and I a peasant?!
No fair!
I demand a re-reincarnation!
Tch, I'll ask him later but for now, I'll just try to focus on the exams.
Draven: How do you think a group is going to be chosen?
Aiden: Group?
Aiden: You didn't know? The exams require a team of five to participate in.
Aiden: First I've heard of it.
Draven: was placed to build teamwork and encourage collective thinking among students or so they say.
Aiden: Hm...
I brought out my flyer made out of God knows what and showed it to him
Aiden: See, it doesn't mention this in mine.
He brought out his flyer, it looked so well done and neat that it made mine look like toilet paper, hehe, guess what I'm using mine to do after the exams are over, hehe.
Draven: Hmm...our flyers are different.
No shit Captain Obvious
Aiden: Yes, I guess they are.
Akeru walked over
Akeru: Aiden, what are you talking about, I hope you're alright?
He faced Draven and bowed his head.
Akeru: I'm sorry if he bothered you.
Aiden: Relax mom I'm not doing anything.
Crysta: Don't call him that, and also have you noticed that people are in groups?
Aiden: Yeah, Draven here told me about it, we've been set up to fail this exam at the start, heh, bastards, Take a look at our flyer and Draven's notice the slight difference?
Aiden: Apart from the from ours being toilet paper compared to him, there's a lot of write up that's not in ours.
She read Draven's flyer word for word.
Crysta: They intended to make us fail from the start. We'll find some individuals inside the school, It'll be certain that some won't know about this either, so we can just pick those who aren't in any groups, but just in case we can't...
She made an ice sword for Akeru using her magic and wrapped the handle with a cloth to keep it from slipping.
Crysta: Here Akeru, in case we need one more member you can help us fill it.
Akeru: O-okay," He replied nervously.
I'm honestly surprised he went with it, I don't know if that concept exists here but Akeru is something of an introvert, not the typical shy type who locks themselves in their room all day wishing for the destruction of humanity(normies) whilst contributing nothing to it,
I mean the type who always go out to plant flowers in our backyard, and prefers the company of themselves and family members, he's also pretty fit for a guy who doesn't work out much if he had magic I'm sure he'd rather have healing magic, overall he's a pretty nice guy.
Aiden: Now, all we need is two more knuckleheads to join our pathetic little group and then it's smooth sailing from there! I can't wait to fight! Er, I mean learn.
Draven: Hmph, you act a little funny Aiden, I hope you find a group so we can compete against each other.
Draven: Why don't you just join our group?
Draven: I'd rather be opposing you than be on the same team, I'd love to gauge our strengths.
He said with a smile on his face then walked into the gate.
Aiden: Gahh! what are we going to do?!what if everyone in there already has a team? I want to test out my fire spells on a bunch of people without getting arrested for it!
I complained.
New character 2: It must have been a private announcement to only those of pure birth, Kakaka.
A voice from behind me said.
I turned around, I didn't see anyone, someone yelled at me from below.
Oh, it was a fat boy in full-clad armour without a helmet, he had a hairline that made me question how genetics could be so cruel.
Fatboy: Haha, looks like you commoners can't get in without a team, well behold my team!
He pointed at a bunch of really beautiful stern looking girls, with fine white armour.
Each girl had a different hair colour
One red, one ash, one green, one blue, If I didn't know any better I'd think those were the power rangers all female versions, but now that I took a closer look at them they're demi-humans of the same species, Cat I think.
Fatboy: Well it's only natural that we purebloods are the only ones in this, you commoners are only good for is for labourers or slaves, Kekekeke.
Naturally, I'd get mad at that statement but that wasn't really what was on my mind now, How am I going to get the remaining two team members?
Draven came back.
Draven: Oh, I almost forgot, If you don't have a team now, you might still have a chance to get some inside.
Aiden: Really? Thanks, man, I appreciate the info!
Aiden: Let's go, Lil sis.
Crysta: Call me that again and we'll need three new members.
She threatened.
What a vague threat, but now I'm scared, who'd ever imagine their little sister being this disrespectful to her Oni-chan!(Big brother)
We entered the gate.
Fatboy: Hey! Don't ignore me!!
Said the...Uhm..who was he again?
We passed through a dark gate before finding ourselves in an open Arena, it was a wide space not to mention tall and really wide! I looked up at the second floor which was 14 meters up I saw food stalls it made me feel so hungry...
Akeru: Aiden stop drooling, you just ate.
Aiden: Well it's not my fault its smell is worth the drool.
He sighed.
The top entirety of the arena was covered from start to finish with finely dressed people.
Aiden: Arghh, my eyes!
Akeru: What's wrong Aiden?
Aiden: I think a woman's necklace just reflected the sun into my eyes!
I rubbed my eyes vigorously. Finely I can see again.
Hm? I looked at the contestants we would later be facing, and to my surprise, I saw a more commoners than I expected, looks like everyone got a dream that can only be achieved if they studied here, huh?
The candidates were 200 in total including me at least 20 of them were from average homes and the rest were from the upper class.
I looked to my left there was a boy who caught my attention, he was napping in a thread hammock.
Aiden: Wow, this guy is seriously carefree, if he joins my team it'll be fun! I hope he joins my team, hehe.
Akeru: Aiden, what are you laughing like that?
Aiden: Oh, er, nothing.
Announcer: If you already have a team please step to this side if you don't you have 10 minutes to do so!
The announcer said.
A lot of people were rushing to one guy.
Versi: My name is Versi coldherten heir to the coldherten empire! Hahaha!
He announced, No one asked but he announced,
I can feel his affinity his attack magic attribute is...Lava, hm, impressive.
I see so he can use both lava and fire attacks, huh? Sorta similar to mine.
In this world, commoners are only born with weak a mana supply and have elemental attributes like Wind, water or earth, fire was a rarity and other highly flashy magic affinities like
Shadows, spirit user, lava, Ice, Ash, teleportation, spatial, time, chain etc were exclusive to royals and nobles who used these to torment the weak and feel like a big shot.
I know I keep complaining about nobels but there is a backstory to it and that might come later.
Anyway back to finding members.
You know what? I'm a lazy guy to begin with so I'll leave all the work to my sister she's got this.
I walked away.
Crysta did a little sneeze.
Akeru: Are you coming down with a cold?
Crysta: No, I don't think so, I think someone was talking about me.
Aiden walked over to Draven who was surrounded by girls.
Aiden: Yo, Draven, have you figured out who you're going to pick?
Simp #1: Why are you here peasant?
One of the girls said.
Aiden: I'm sorry, who are you again?
Gloria: I'm Gloria Ann Dorothy I'm the daughter of the feudal lord of karion.
She said.
Aiden: Oh, uh, that's, er, that's interesting, I guess.
Simp#2: Why are you even talking to him, go back to your barn, you shouldn't be here.
Draven: Hey, now that's not nice!
Aiden: Anyway dude, have you figured out who you're going to choose?
Draven: I already had people from the start, I'm trying to explain to them but they wouldn't listen, hehe.
Draven laughed nervously.
Aiden: Oh, since you're already full do you know anyone who might need a team--Oof!
Gloria interrupted me by backslapping his face with a metal gauntlet she happened to be wearing.
Gloria: Silence! Your voice annoys me, can't you see that we were talking to him first!
She yelled.
He cleaned off the blood on his lips.
Aiden: I wasn't talking to you now was I?
Aiden said with a closed eye smile.
Gloria: You dare speak back, do you know who I am!
Aiden: And what if I don't care?
Aiden said still smiling.
Gloria: Disgusting! Your filthy low-bred blood got on my glove.
Aiden:Ooh, bread I could go for some bread too but you should really mind your weight, you look like you could burst.
The girls behind her gasped.
Simp #3: Ugh, this is why I hate the lower class, so uneducated.
One of the girls said triggered by my joke.
Aiden: *Coughs* Sorry Draven I have to go, I can't breathe with all this cheap make-up putting out a smoke screen.
He said and waved him bye.