Chereads / My new Journey through the realms / Chapter 733 - Chapter 731 Delving into the Spider's Den

Chapter 733 - Chapter 731 Delving into the Spider's Den

Since there was no need to throw a second punch. The group ventured into the Spider Den.

Rex the mighty warrior and tank, War God the swordsmaster, the shortest man the main wizard, and finally the Ancient Zuggurant the leader of the expedition and all rounder.

War God seemed to follow Rex her steadiness in watching not only his back but the right side of him made Rex happy.

The shortest man following behind War God on Rex's left. To ensure that he has enough time to jump forward or backward to launch a Qi attack both quickly and effectively. The Ancient Zuggurant in the back making sure that no spider dares to come from the back.

"Alright ahead is where the main spiders live. This was just the outskirts. Mainly where too vicious spiders live and fight. I am honestly surprised we did not fight any along the way." The shortest man spoke.

The Ancient Zuggurant seemed to agree with the man. Rex being in the front made the whole ordeal closer to where they want to be made for an unexciting trip.

Once they entered the main strip, the sounds of spiders rushing was heard. They were not rushing towards the group but away.

"Seems like that they are either afraid of either the boss or the man in front." The shortest man spoke.

"My pick would be on my Master." War God smiled as she spoke.

"That is indeed a wise choice. Whoever leads the way will always be the first that the beasts sense. There will come times when enough Qi radiating from the back of the line will also hinder beasts. Since I have not been covering any person with my Qi. Rex is indeed a powerful man." The Ancient Zuggurant spoke proudly.

"I thank you for your kind words." Rex replied.

War God was also thankful for the words spoken to her Master. The shortest man knew that the Ancient Zuggurant did not tell any falsehoods. Even if he did, the shortest man would not tell the group.

As the group descended further into the spider's den. The Spider Queen came out from Rex's Soul.

"This den has recalled all of its spiders to the furtherest point. It is either trying to protect them or protect what is at the end." The Spider Queen spoke.

"How can you tell?" Rex asked.

"I hear the orders from whoever or whatever is at the very end. Even if humans could hear it, they would not understand the words spoken. The faint echoes lingering in your ears have told me enough to know what has happened."

"That is indeed a weird statement. Why would they want to protect their kin at the furtherest point?" The shortest man asked.

"Depends if they value their life over what is in their den. Or if the end of the den is where the most valuable piece of whatever is there." The Spider Queen spoke.

"What is your guess?" The Ancient Zuggurant asked.

"I will say this. Wherever the main room is, that will tell us what the end game of the spiders is." The Spider Queen said.

Their hearts not ready to traverse the den because they do not know layouts.

"I am not an expert on these spiders. I can say usually where the thicker webs are, those are the ends that mean death. As for these spiders, it could lead us to the end or not." The Spider Queen spoke.

"Very well. I believe that we should take the chance that the less crowded will lead us to the end. Unless we want to try and face death to the face." Rex spoke.

"I believe we need to try at least one on each path. That way we know for sure. Besides, it will be good testing before we actually have to face against hundreds or thousands." The Ancient Zuggurant spoke.

"Agreed. That does make sense. For starters, we need the shortest man able to be able fire Qi at close and mid range. I can also use Qi to divert attacks if need be." Rex spoke.

"There has to be enough room that the two of us can advance without striking the webs or touching the webs." War God spoke.

"Very well. We will follow this plan until we can no longer do so. That will be the way we do the heaviest webbed area for now on." The Ancient Zuggurant spoke.

The group descended into the heaviest webbed area. It was about even across three of the four paths at first. This was their first chance to see what it was like.

The moved slightly and quietly. Their light swords that had a small amount of Qi in them. As they got close to not being able to move. Ten bright red eyes glowed and the got into position to fight. Instead the spider backed away and a stone rolled. The spider revealed itself as a giant black and red spider.

"Widows and Widowers of the Spider Race. A very dangerous opponent. Even most colonies fight to the death to keep them away. Yet, there is one here admist the group either as a protector that was raised by the spiders in this den or it lost a fight without being able to defend properly." The Spider Queen spoke almost afraid of the spider in front of them.

"Why would it roll a stone away instead of growling at us and making us back away or try to fight us?" The shortest man asked.

"I do not know. Either way we are screwed now." The Spider Queen spoke.

Their hearts all in suspense as they traveled through to the next area to watch as the spider rolled the stone back.

As they all looked at what the other outcomes led to. It was has the Spider Queen said and that the least covered is the direct line. As they saw they might be able to venture into any of the tunnels and reach the main room.

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