Chereads / Crazy 'Bout You / Chapter 26 - Chapter 21 - Charlie

Chapter 26 - Chapter 21 - Charlie

The whole way back I keep wondering where Charlie went. Why she left without telling me. I try to hide my concern but it's getting harder.

"Are you sure you don't want to grab some ice cream with us?" Keith asks for the hundredth time in 5 minutes.

"Nah, I'm really tired. I think I'm hitting the shower and get ready for bed." I look at the boys.

Jake pushes me. "Party pooper."

I hold up my middle finger while I walk away. "Later suckers." I grin when I hear how Jake and Andrew laugh.

"Later loser!" Andrew yells back.

I walk into the lobby checking the elevators. Jesus, the top floors. Fuck that. I run up the stairs, making more speed. I hope Charlie is at our room. I really hope so.

At dinner I couldn't get her out of my head. I couldn't even listen to the conversation that the boys where having. I'm worried sick, couldn't she at least send me a text and why where the boys not worried?

I tried asking Jake but he only shook his head at me. Telling me without words that he made a promise not to tell anything. So that sucked.

God if she is in the room I'm going to punch her real hard and painful. Great now I'm getting mad.

Finally I make it to the right floor and make my way to the right room door. I knock, hoping she opens the door. "Charlie?" But nothing happens and I don't hear anything. Shit.

With a sigh I open the door. Great, just great. I throw the door closed and throw my stuff on the ground, where is she?

When I look up, I stop dead in my tracks. What is this? The room is lighted by small candles, there are petals all over the floor and on the beds and I hear soft music on the back ground. If this is a joke from the boys I will kick their asses.

And then two arms wrap around me from behind. Before I start screaming I smell her scent and a smile creeps up my face.

"Hey babygirl." She kisses my neck, jaw and cheek, wrapping her arms better around me.

"I hate you."

She grins. "You love me."

"Confident are we now." I turn in her arms so I can face her. "How do you know that?"

Her fingers slide under my chin lifting my face so I look her in the eyes. "Because of the smile that's on your face every time you look at me, the sparkle in your eyes when our eyes meet, how your hands travel to mine automatically and just the look in your eyes when you stare so deeply in mine." My heart warms. "I know you heartbeat quickens the moment I walk in the room, how you get warm and giggly almost like you're drunk -" My lips stop her from saying more, that's exactly what happens.

"I love you."

Charlie smiles on my lips. "See."

"Shut up and kiss me." And so she does, she kisses me. She pulls me in a hurricane, her hurricane. Tearing everything apart but it's holding us together like glue. And when It's almost too much to handle, we break apart gasping for air.

"Sorry that I left, but I wanted to surprise you." She caresses my cheek, my eyes flutter closed. "And you know I will tell you everything If I talk long enough, so I left without saying anything."

"It's okay." I slightly stroke her cheek. "I'm just glad that you're okay."

"So you really were worried!" I laugh and kiss her to shut her up.

"Just kiss me." But of course she does not, she wants to brag about this. "Charlie..."

She looks me in the eyes. "Were you really worried?"

"I was really scared something happened to you, I couldn't eat anything, I felt sick not knowing were you where, I looked at my phone every 5 minutes to check if you had send me a text." I look at her. "Is it great to hear that?" She knows I'm a bit angry and that I'm upset.

So instead of bragging about it, she tilts my head up. I stare into her eyes, finding nothing more than peace, love and sorry. "I'm so sorry." She whispers. "That wasn't my intention, I didn't want to ruin this surprise."

I push my head up, missing her lips by a few inches. "You can make it up."

She smirks when she knows I'm fucking with her. "Can I now?" She kisses me, pulling me into her. And when our body's collide, a shock wave ripples through me, warming me from my toes to the top of my head.

"I want you." She says, breaking away ever so slightly to look me in the eye.

"I want you too." I search her face for the courage that I need. "I really want you, Charlie." When our eyes lock one more time we dive towards each other.

Our lips come crashing in, hands travel our bodies, moans escapes our lips and then she lifts me off the ground. I wrap my legs around her and let her guide us towards the bed.

She lays me down gently, backing away from me to look at me. "You're so damn beautiful, Jayden." She looks at me with so much love in her eyes that my heart aches.

"I love you."

With the biggest smile that I have ever seen on her face she moves in, placing her hands next to my head. "I love you, more than anything Jay." I gasp for air when I feel her hand by my crotch, she makes it worse when her lips land in my neck. Kissing and sucking my skin.

"Out." I hiss the word, making her look at me. "Clothes out now." She chuckles and helps me remove her shirt. She throws her head back when I cub her breast through the fabric off her sport bra.


Before I know it I'm the one without a shirt and jeans. Her lips kiss every part of me, making me tingly and warm.

Her jeans are next and with a few more fabric out the way we are naked and this time I don't feel embarrassed, I'm not uncomfortable, she makes me feel the prettiest girl alive. She makes me feel wanted.

Our eyes lock when her hand travels down, I'm not nervous, or scared I just really want her. She awaits my response as her hand lands where I want it so badly. She moves her fingers up and down making me moan. She pushes one in, a wave of pleasure ripples through me. She looks at me as if she's scared to hurt me.

"Please." I moan. "More."

She kisses my lips, right before she pushes a second finger in. This hurts a bit and she sees it right away stops her hand from moving and looks at me. "Relax, it hurts more if you don't."

To help me she start kissing, my body. Her free hand strokes my tights. And slowly she starts pushing her fingers inside me. It hurts a bit, but with 10 more seconds only pleasure flows through my body.

Oh fuck. My head falls back, this feels amazing. "Faster." She does as she's told and pumps her fingers in and out me a bit faster. My moans become louder, they bounce back from the wall.

"Charlie..." She kisses me silent. Until my hand does the same to her and she moans right into my mouth. Her head moves to the crook of my neck.

"Fuck." She moans louder this time, that has to mean I'm doing something right. Carefully I push a finger in, then another and when I know for sure she can handle another, I push a third finger in making her moan loudly.

She speeds up, making me lose the ability to think clearly. Oh fuck. My body heats up, I feel myself falling. I'm close.


"I'm coming." She whispers. Oww fuck.

And with a few more seconds our bodies unravel, my legs shakes as I come down from the best orgasm I ever had. I feel our hearts beat, fast and in sync. God.

Charlie lays down next to me on her side, her hand strokes my arm gently making me look at her. "Thank you."

I move towards her, only stopping when I feel my lips on hers. I don't say anything, but I don't need to. I curl into her body, letting my eyes close. She makes me feel so save...

The boundary that seemed so strong that held us back, it breaks into a thousand pieces. Letting us go, freeing us. I'm not longer scared, I don't feel fear, for the first time everything feels right. Everything feels like it had to be like this.


Slowly I open my eyes. Now knowing clearly that she kisses my shoulder. I smile and turn in her arms. Charlie smiles up at me, she plants kisses along my arm and ends by my fingers.

"Good morning, beautiful."

"Good morning." I move towards her and kiss her. She kisses me slow and deep, what reminds me of last night. I can't help it and smile on her lips.

She smirks and pulls away. "What?"

I shake my head slightly and push my head forwards until my forehead rests against hers. "Nothing." I look up into her eyes. "Just..."

She caresses my cheek, my heart warms. "Tell me." It's just a whisper.

"Last night was amazing."

Charlie grins. "Yeah, I thought so too." Her lips move closer. "You were amazing." I feel butterflies shudder in my stomach and I lose myself in our kiss. But she pulls away and now I'm left wanting more.

"What's wrong." I say, trying to hide my desire. Not that I'm good at hiding things from her.

"Mmm, I want to give you something." She looks at me, smiling lightly just before she turns away from me.

I try to look over her shoulder, but she block my sight. After a minute she turns back, grinning. She's such a brat.

"Close your eyes." I look at her with an annoyed face, she chuckles. "Do it, Jay." After a little staring contest, she wins of course and I close my eyes. "Now hold out your hands."

"If you put something gross in my hands I will fucking beat you." I hear how she chuckles again and it don't ease my nerves.

I feel how a small box is placed in my hands, it's not heavy and not really big. Mmm, what in the world...

A smile creeps up my face when she kisses my shoulder. "Open your eyes." I do what she says, open my eyes slowly and stare at the little box. "Open it." She says when I look at her.

I frown. "Charlie what is this?"

"Baby, just open the box." She rolls onto her stomach and places kisses on my arm and shoulder. Is it strange that my hands are shaking?

I open the box, a necklace... I look at Charlie, she moves towards me with a smile. She's crazy.

"Do you like it?" She looks at me with questioning eyes.

I don't say anything yet. I get the necklace from the box. It's a thin silver chain with a little silver baseball pendant. My eyes start to water even I don't even want to. She knew I got a necklace like this from my mom right before the accident and she knows that I lost it and that I am filled with guilt about that.

I feel her hand on mine when a tear slides down my cheek and I look at her. "Thank you." It's just a whisper because I'm scared I'll break down in tears If do otherwise.

She smiles softly and wipes away the tears that ran down my face. "I had to get it when I saw it."

I sight and move forward until my forehead rests against hers. "It means a lot."

"Do you want me to put it on?" I open my eyes to look at her, I nod. "Alright sit up." I do as I'm told and feel her hands in my neck, slowly tracking my skin. A shiver rolls down my spine when she pulls her hands away and for some reason it feels like my mom is here, but she isn't.

I look down at the necklace, letting it rest in my hand. I just don't know what to say, all the words keep getting stuck in my throat.

"You don't have to say anything, except thank you." I look at her again. "It's okay."

"I want you to meet my grandpa." It's out of my mouth before I can think about it. I close my eyes, fuck, why did I say that?

I open my eyes when she don't say anything. Her fingers caresses my cheek and she kisses me. "I would love to meet your grandpa and I don't have to if you are not ready."

"Are you sure?" She nods.

"Of course."

We just stare into each others eyes for some time. We don't have to say anything and the silence isn't uncomfortable.

"I want to give you one last thing." She turns her back to me once more. I let the little ball from the necklace roll between my fingers and can't keep the smile of my face. "I have this."

I look at her and when I see what she holds I almost pee myself from laughter. Is she fucking kidding me? I push her and take the cookie from her hand. "Oh my god." I stare at the red letters. Not a Virgin.

"Sorry but I had to." She laughs.

"What if I didn't lost my virginity last night?" I look at her. She's crazy.

"Then I at it and bought a new one for an other time." Before I can take a bite, she pulls the cookie away from my mouth. "I shouldn't do that, it's really gross."

I shake my head at her. "You're crazy."

"About you." I grin right before her lips crash onto mine. I'm not surprised when we get taken away. It takes seconds before one of us deepens the kiss. Mmm, I could get used to this.

I have to hold back a moan when she's on top of me.

"Charlie..." I tilt my head back when she kisses my neck.

"I want to return the favor." She sounds hoarse. "I want you to feel as good as you made me feel." God she has no idea how good she made me feel last night. "I want to take you to the moon." She slowly moves down.

Her lips kiss every inch of skin they come across. When she reaches my breast I can't hold back anymore. A moan escapes from my lips, filling the air.

She takes her time and that makes everything worse, my moans get louder, my desire for her get stronger and I'm not sure I'm going to last if she keeps playing with my boobs like this.

Gratefully she moves down, my back arches how lower she gets. God this feels amazing. But she stops when she moves an inch past my belly button. I groan and look down. Before I can even get a word out, she lays her lips against my left knee and starts kissing up towards my tights. Oh god.

I throw my head back and my back arches even more. I hate, but love that she teases me. And then after she kissed both legs she finally lays her lips there were I want her so badly.

"Fuck!" My fingers lock in her hair and I moan her name. My body is on fire and it feels like I'm floating. I'm really close and she knows.

After a few flicks of her tongue I untangle under her. Can't keep my legs from shaking and the loud moan that leaves my lips. God.

I laugh when she kisses her way up and her lips meet mine once more. "How was that?"

Instead of saying anything, I press my lips on hers, hard. She grins and pulls me in for another kiss. I have 5 words. I am crazy about her.

Chapter 21 - Charlie:

The sun is slowly rising, it provides a golden glow in the room. I smile. I feel great, I feel happy and I'm truly happy since I met Jay.

Speaking of Jay, she was amazing , she is amazing. That girl has some fire inside her, damn. That same determination that I see in her eyes when she plays baseball I saw in her eyes last night. God I'm surprised this was her first time.

Okay, yeah she didn't really know what she was doing and there is still room for improvement, but is wasn't bad for a first time. She did know how to please me.

I turn onto my stomach and sigh. She's showering now and I'm considering if I should join her for the last 6 minutes. Fuck it.

I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and make quick strides to the bathroom. My heart beats ten times faster just at the thought of getting closer to her. God she changed me so much and I think she doesn't even know it.

As quiet as possible I open the door, I don't want to startle her by barging in the room and making her feel uncomfortable. I feel hot when I look at her. Her hands go through her hair, she washes the shampoo out of it and she turns around.

Her eyes find mine and although her body language tells me she's a bit uncomfortable, her eyes radiate nothing more than calmness.

"Is it okay if I join you?"

Without answering she holds out her hand to me and I gladly take it. I let her pull me under the shower head and put my arms around her. She's still a bit tense, probably because she's not yet comfortable being naked in front of me. Which I get, but she has nothing to worry or be insecure about.

"You're beautiful." I whisper in her ear. "Don't worry, just enjoy the shower." When I kiss her cheek, she visibly relaxes. Finally. I kiss her cheek one more time and lay my head on her shoulder. "How are you feeling?"

I see how a smile appears on her face. "I feel great." She turn her head towards me.

We both want to say something, about last night and this morning. I don't have the words and looking in her eyes she hasn't either. I'm not good with feelings, let alone with words. But seeing the love in her eyes I don't have to say anything.

"Thank you." She says. "For making me happy." I stare deep into her eyes. Please don't cry. I move forward and softly kiss her lips.

"I love you, so much." I say resting my forehead against hers. "Thank you for giving me a change." I open my eyes and I'm lost in her green ones. So damn beautiful.

She kisses me in response, she turns in my arm, leaning more into me and losing herself in our kiss. We make out for a good few minutes but before one thing can let to another, she breaks away from me.

"What's wrong?" I caresses her cheek.

"What are we going to do today?" Jay bites her lip and wraps her arms around my neck. My breath hitches in my throat when her breasts press against mine. Automatically I wrap my arms around her to steady her and I let my hands travel down her back.

When she looks at me questioning, I look up in her eyes. "Oh uhm, I thought we could sneak away and make it a day with just the two of us and be back just before the game starts."

Jay smiles up at me. "Sounds perfect."

"Did you wash your back yet?" I ask making her blush. She shakes her head no. "Turn around then." Although I hate that she leaves my arms, I still get to touch her.

I let my hands caress the soap onto her back making her moan in the process. Her head falls back and she relaxes even more. I grin, knowing I'm doing something right. This day is going to be great!


The day really was great. We sneaked away before the boys or some teammates could see us and made our way to time square were we ate brunch and laughed a lot. We also talked about the things we still wanted to do.

Jay also explained her plan to me, when we get back she's going to tell her dad, not right away, but soon. She doesn't want to hide this part of herself anymore, she doesn't want to hide me and when she told me that it made me really happy. I can't really describe the feeling. Everything just turned flaming hot and I couldn't keep the smile of my face.

After she tells her dad and she probably gets kicked out of the house, we are telling Keith, he deserves to know. I'm glad we can tell him, he annoys the fuck out of me. I'm ready to show him she's mine and only mine.

I'm ready the show the whole world she's mine and I will knock their teeth out for only staring at her. And I will try to protect her for all the bad guys in this world. They will have to go through me before they can get to her.

Jay did say that she wanted that our relationship stays our relationship. She's fine with people knowing, but what she actually mend was that she want to keep me for herself and that was my thought exactly. Nobody has to know how our relationship is behind closed doors. That's for us.

After the talk I payed, we walked to central park, I think we spend a long time walking through the park, enjoying each others company with some small talk. Around 3 o clock we rented some bikes and Jay showed me all the places she loves.

I couldn't stop looking at her, she had the biggest smile on her face and my heart warmth at the sight. I knew she missed this, not only the city, but also the small things. I knew she misses her old baseball team, how her life was before her mom got into that accident.

I was happy she was happy, this trip does our relationship some good. I know for sure that I have fallen for her and there is nothing I can do to stop it and I don't want it to stop. She makes me a better person.

After everything that happened to me I didn't think I could be healed again, but I didn't knew Jay then. She pulled me out of the darkness, she silenced that dark voice that I hear in my head all the time. She showed me that I still have love in my life, that I can be happy too. And although she can't heal my scars, she healed my wounds, she stitched me up and made me smile. God she even made me laugh. I can feel something again that's not dark or painful, but what is full of warmth, love and care.

I could look at her and lose myself in her not even seeing the lamppost that was in front of me, I hit it with full speed. It hurted like a bitch but at least I got her to laugh and god I love that laugh.

So because of how stupid I am we had to make a pit stop near a small restaurant. We got some ice for the bump on my head and sat down on the sidewalk with a milkshake. Jay ended up drinking mine too but I didn't mind. I got a few kisses out of it. I told her I felt better afterwards so she kept kissing me.

When we finally stopped kissing, well when Jay stopped kissing me and I wanted more she grabbed my hand and pulled me after her through some streets. My confusion grew how farther we went and my head almost exploded when she climbed a ladder to get on a roof of a small building. I thought there wasn't coming an end. This girl is really crazy.

I took all my words back when we stood on the roof. The sun was getting under reminding us that it was almost time to go but the view was amazing. Jay told me that this was her favorite place and I knew exactly why. Wow.

She was a bit quiet when we sat down so I looked at her. A tear rolled down her face and even tho she wanted to turn her head away I got a hold on her chin, forcing her to look at me. I knew right away that this was about her mom. After forcing the words out of her she broke down in tears and I just held her.

Her mom showed her this place when she was 10 years old, they came her every month to just sit and think. After the accident she kept coming back, it was easier for her to talk to her mom here than really talking to her mom. This was her escape.

I pushed my forehead against hers and looked straight in her eyes. Telling her I wasn't going anywhere and that I love her. I made her laugh again and after a little make-out session her phone exploded with calls.

We both decided to turn them off before we sneaked away. Jay turned hers on one time because she had to use google maps. So when I turned mine on and saw the time and all the misses calls and text we rushed our way back to the hotel. I dialed Jake's number on our way there. Jay and I didn't gave a shit that we walked hand in hand, we had a great time.

Jake told me to meet them at the field and that the coach was not happy. So Jay and I took off running. We got our stuff from the hotel room and are now still running to the field. Damn it' good that Coach trains us hard for conditioning.

We stop painting in front of the team. I lean on my knees trying to catch my breath and Jay has her hands behind her head.

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU TWO BEEN?" He is really not happy.

"I'm sorry, our phone's died." I lie. I stand up to pay off some respect when he moves in front of me.

"You are co-captain of this team, Charlie Davis and I'm starting to regret that decision." I see Logan smirk behind him. I ball my hands into fists.

"It won't happen again, coach." I look in his eyes, god I'm going to puke. When I think he is going to have an outburst and yell at me he turns away.

"This is also a warning for you, Jayden Miller, next time you are sitting on the bench." I see how she swallow's. If you take the redness from her face aside you can still see that she has cried.

"I understand, coach."

"Good." He sighs. "Go fucking change so we can play a game tonight." Without saying anything else everyone walks inside to the changing rooms.

"Where the fuck have you guys been?" Ask Keith, who looks almost more angrier than our coach. I roll my eyes.

Before I even can open my mouth Jay does and she looks as annoyed as me.

"We went out, is that a bad thing? We are here are we not?" She walks without another word into the girls changing room.

"Is it only me or are you also scared of her?" Jake asks.

"You are scared of everyone my friend." Andrew winks at me and pulls Keith in the changing room, who still has questions for me.

"You two look like you had the best day of your life." Jake says when he sees my smile. Shit. I try to rub it away with my hand but Jake stops me. "Don't, I'm glad that you're happy. You look good when you're in love." I roll my eyes and push him towards the right door.

"If I didn't had an angry coach after my butt I would have punched you a black eye." I hear how he laughs when he walks in. I shake my head and follow Jay. She is already putting on her gear, a determined look on her face. She's ready. I grin, so am I.


Okay this is a big crowd. We walk onto the field taking in our surroundings. Coach wasn't joking when he said a lot of people were coming to watch. I look at Jay, she doesn't seem to care. God, she's scary when she looks like this. Almost as if she's ready to kill someone.

I hear how coach calls the first strikers, I grin when I hear my name. Let's do this. It doesn't takes long before the game begins. Andrew is the first one to strike. He swings a few times to practice and off he goes. He gets to the second base, Walker is next. He is the first one to go out, shit.

My turn. When I walk towards the home base, it's quiet. Not only in my head but around me. I'm fully focussed, nothing that will throw me off my game. The only thing that I hear is my heart beat and my own breathing.

I lock eyes with the pitcher, I see that the boy is a little surprised to see a girl and I take that to my advantage. I turn my heels in the sand for some grip and get the tenseness out of my shoulders. Game on.

He throws hard, but it isn't a nasty ball, it's a fastball. I hit. And take off running. In the corner of my eye I see that I hit it perfect and that Andrew is in. I barely make it to the third base and I'm met with a strong shoulder. What the...

I set my foot down on the base just in time. I look up to see the eyes of the cheater and all the color is drawn out of my face. No way in hell. She smirks, staring me down knowing she has an hold on me.

It's only when the umpire whistles and we are pulled apart that I hear everyone yell. I see Andrew in front of me, he gets a hold of my head and forces me to look at him.

"Are you okay?"

With a growl I push him of me and straighten myself. "I'm fine." I huff. "Get your ass back down to the dug-out." He hold up his hands defensive and walks back. I get a talk with the umpire so does she.

I ball my hands into fists when we stand next to each other again. She close, too close for my liking.

"Surprised?" She hisses. "Did you miss me." I almost want to throw a punch when I feel her hand by my ass. But instead I bite down the anger.

"Fuck off." I growl.

She laughs. "Why would I do that?" She chuckles again, making my stomach turn. "I know you two are together, I saw you. And I thought you didn't catch feelings." The pressure in my chest tightens when she pushes her body into mine. "Not after me."

"Thungk." My eyes dart to home base and see how Clay starts running. I'm off, hitting her with my elbow in her face. I believe that I never have run faster and almost come down sliding over the home base. But coach catches me and gives me a pat on the back.

"Good round Charlie, but try not to get in an argument again." Did he not see who it was? I can't even plaster a fake smile on my face. I just put my cap better on my head and walk to my bag.

I hear a shout behind me and everyone is busy dealing with a new argument. But Jay isn't. She know that something is wrong. She knew it at the second I was caught off guard.

"Charlie." She says, looking worried.

"I'm fine." I keep myself busy with my bag, I only stop when I feel her hand under my chin. She forces me to look at her.

"Look in my eyes." She doesn't leave me much choice, so I look straight into her eyes, can't help the tears that start forming. "What's wrong."

I shake my head and turn around so I can sit next to her. "Nothing." I lay my hands in my neck, keeping my head down.

"Char." I feel her hand on my back. I know I can't keep it in much longer. "Baby." She whispers.

"She's here." I blurt out.

"Who?" I relax a bit when her hand slides down my hair. "It's okay."

"My ex." I say, feeling a heavy pressure in my chest. "She broke me completely at the moment I needed her the most." I look in Jay's eyes. "I thought I could trust her." She wipes away the tears that fell. Now she knows the reason why I don't do "feelings". Why I don't fall in love.

"Well fuck her." I can't help it and chuckle. "She holds nothing over you anymore." Jay sliders her hand in mine. "I'm yours now, you don't have to hold onto the past." God I really want to kiss her now. "And I know it hurts like hell, but she wasn't worth it."

We just stare at each other. We only let go of each others hand when the rest of the team sits back down and we are called into the field. The whole game Jay is on my mind and when most of the time that's a distraction today it makes me play 10 times better.

I keep out of AJ's way. I don't let her get to my head and she notices. It's making her mad. She plays dirty only to get back at me. And then the thing that I'm scared of the most happens. AJ strikes when Jay pitches.

With sweaty hands I watch from the side. I see the smirk on AJ's face and my anxiety improves. Fuck. Jay is confident I read that out of her body language. But she doesn't know AJ.

Jay throws a hard screwball, which AJ misses. I ball my hand into a tighter fist. The second ball is another screwball, AJ misses again. She seems more angry. I shake my head at Jay who's getting boosted from AJ's misses. A third strike and of she goes. The ball is hard and my team mates have to run hard to get the ball back on time.

The clock starts ticking down. This is going to be an home run for AJ if the ball doesn't get back on time which make her team winners. My eyes dart between AJ, the ball and Jay. They seem to move at the same speed and it scares the shit out of me.

10 seconds before the game ends. The closer it gets to the zero the closer Jay, the ball and AJ get to the home base. But AJ stumbles, she loses some of her speed. Just milliseconds before she hits the home base, Jay catches Andrew's throw and AJ is out.

I don't see Jay after she catches it because everyone jumps up celebrating our win. Somebody jumps on my back, yelling loud in my ear. But I push him off. I don't see her. I move through the crowd.

My heartbeat stops when I see her shoes, then slowly her whole body come in my sight. She lays on the ground and she doesn't move. Nobody seems to notice that AJ is also on the ground with her, but she's smirking.

"No." Some of the boys look at me when I start running to Jay. I don't give a shit about my pants when I slide down next to her. "Jay!" The partying people stop celebrating and look at us in horror.

I stare at her face. Her tongue. As fast as I can I roll on my side next to her, laying her on her side as well and trying to get her tongue out of her throat. I feel an arm around my throat and instantly know it's AJ. I get light in my head feeling the air disappear from my lungs but I won't let Jay die because of her.

I kick with my legs, fuck. I hear a scream and I can finally breath again. I don't have time to look back. I get a hold of Jay's tongue and pull it down, air fills her lungs. Medics pull me away from her.

Andrew holds me back while they work on her, everything happens so fast and in a blur that I don't even know that I'm the one that's yelling. A dark cloud appears above my head and everything I had worked on comes storming back. She's going to die!