"Water." Keith throws his bag in the grass and starts running, throws his shirt off in his way and then dives into the water. Soon Andrew and Jake are running after him.
"Whoever is last is a loser."
"You already are," I hear Andrew shout before disappearing into the water. I shake my head with a grin and throw my bag on the floor. I look over my shoulder. Charlie is still standing by the car, lifting a cooler of the tailgate. I turn back with a grin and spread out the rug where we all have to sit on. I press the music box on and connect Jake's phone, it's a good thing I know his password.
Two arms are thrown around me from behind, my gaze shoots straight to the boys.
"Charlie we can't do this here."
"Baby..." I gasp. "Are you coming with us to swim?" When she nips at my ear I shiver. I can't manage to say no.
"Fine." Charlie lets go of me, with a grin she pulls her shirt over her head. I drink her in, god she is beautiful. She knows I'm looking at her.
"If you keep staring like this, I don't know if we're going to swim." I turn my head away with a giggle. That's new too, since I've been with Charlie, I giggle and I think it's awful.
"Maybe I don't want to swim either," I tease back.
She bites her lip. "Jay, don't give me any ideas." I grin and pull my shirt over my head. I hear her sigh and turn to her. "The boys are already watching." I try to hide my grin when I look at the water. They are still in a romping position, but have now turned more into statues.
"Suckers," I say as I put my clothes in my bag. "They don't realize I'm already taken." Charlie grins at those words.
"You're mine." Those words make me very hot. I'm hers. We look at each other, desire in our eyes. "I'm serious" Jay. "
"I know."
"Ey, hurry up!" I hear Andrew scream. Charlie rolls her eyes.
"Run unless you want to be thrown in the water." I look at her. "I'm serious," she grins.
"Screw you." I throw a bottle of water at her and sprint to the water. "Help!" I can hear the boys laughing and Charlie running after me. "Go away!" Now Charlie is laughing too.
"Run faster, Jay!" Jake walks up to protect me. "Run!"
"Help!" My feet hit the water, yes, come on.
"Too late," I hear Charlie say, before her arms wrap around me from behind and we both sink into the water. I just breathe in some air before I go down. She still holds me underwater, only when we come up are her hands back to herself.
"Asshole." I push her back, causing her to submerge again. I can just hear her chuckle.
"That's what you get when you miss training." Andrew teases.
"Yeah nice." I sink into the water until my chin touches the water, the water is nice and cool.
"I'm going to get the ball, so we can play a game of water volleyball." Jake travels out of the water and runs to shore. I chuckle.
"It could be me, but I've never seen that boy run that fast." Keith and Andrew laugh.
"That is really true."
"Oh yeah." I hear Charlie say behind me. I already know what time it is. She puts her hands on my shoulders.
"What?" When I want to turn to her, she puts pressure and I go under. I knew it.
She smiles when she sees my withering look. "That was your death wish." She doesn't wait seconds and shoots off. "You're dead, Charlie Davis!"
"Oh god." I hear Andrew say.
"Come here!" I quickly chase her, soon it is too deep and I dive under water to be faster.
"You guys are really annoying." I hear Keith calling. And that's coming from his mouth. I dive under the water again and soon reach Charlie. I know she holds back, she's a much faster swimmer than I am. I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her under the water.
"Jay!" She still screams. She does it on purpose. Under water she turns in my arms, so that she looks at me. I understand the signal she gives. We both come up, gasp for breath and then disappear under water again. Her lips are on mine and I try to enjoy the kiss until we have to go up again.
Charlie grabs me right away when we come up again. I try to turn out of her grip, but she's stronger than I am.
"Charlie!" I scream. I can hear the boys laughing. We romp through the water. "Stop," I whisper.
"No way," she whispers back. "At least now I can touch you a little bit." I have to suppress a grin when I realize how she's holding me.
"SOS?" I hear Andrew calling out questioningly.
Charlie makes it hard for me to think when I feel her hand between my legs. "If you're smart you say no."
"I -" We disappear under water again. "I'm fine." Now I'm the one pulling us under the water. Nevertheless, the boys do run to us and Charlie unfortunately has to let go of me. I take advantage of it and dive under water so I can get behind her. She already knows she's fucked when I slap my arm around her neck.
"Oh God." I chuckle in her ear and pull her underwater. By the time we get to the surface, the boys are diving on top of us. I swim away from them, I prefer not to drown and I think I will lay down on the rug, I have cooled down.
"Where are you going?" I hear Jake calling.
I look at them over my shoulder. "I'm going to sunbathe."
"Boo, we just got the ball."
"We would have unfair teams, I will participate later." I walk over to the sheet and lie down without saying another word. I can't hold back when Charlie looks at me like that and I don't want to do things I regret. So now I'm going to enjoy the sun, even though I'm really going to last 2 minutes in this heat.
An annoying noise and something very cold makes me open my eyes. Fuck, I fell asleep. Jake chuckles and sits next to me.
"Hello sleeping beauty, did you sleep well?" He throws some water on me again, motherfucker. I punch him.
I moan when I turn on my back, shit, I'm burned. "Unfortunately I did."
"Forgot to apply sunblock?"
"Oh shut up." I hear him chuckle and sit up. I sit next to him and pick up a water bottle.
"You can ask Charlie to rub your back." He looks at me with a grin again. I shake my head with a sigh and look at the water. Charlie, Andrew and Keith throw the ball to each other and laugh.
"Why don't you participate anymore." I glance at Jake briefly.
"I was too good for them," he jokes. "No, I didn't feel like it anymore and I wanted to wake you up."
"You didn't even know I was sleeping." When we look at each other we laugh. I hit his shoulder with mine and grin.
"No. I wanted to talk about you and Charlie." I roll my eyes.
"There's nothing to talk about."
"Oh no? Also not that you both smile at each other like two puppies in love and you see how often Charlie smiles these days now that you are a thing?"
"Sssshhh." I nod at Keith, making Jake roll his eyes. "We're not a thing."
"Mm-hm, right."
He holds up his hands defensively. "Okay, fine. At least tell me what's going on between you two."
"Will you stop then?" He nods his head furiously, which makes me giggle. I really hate it when I giggle, damn it.
"Tell me." He nudges me and smiles.
I sigh softly. "We are getting to know each other and that's it." I stare into his eyes, he knows very well that there is more, but he says nothing.
"Okay, that's fine. Is it serious?"
"It is to me, I know there's more to Char than she shows and she needs time, I respect that, I just hope she does the same to me." I look at Jake again for a moment.
"Believe me, Jay, I've never seen her like this in all the years I've known Charlie. She really likes you, maybe more even more than just liking." I look at him with raised eyebrows, she said something to him. Jake laughs. "Believe me, it's okay." He puts his arm around me. "But do you like her just as much?" Protective best friend, check.
I bite my lip and look at Charlie. The butterflies in my stomach immediately start to flutter. "I've never -" I bite my tongue, if I had to admit it to anyone, it was Charlie, not Jake. "I like her, Jake, I don't intend to hurt her."
"Good," he smiles, taking a breath of relief. "My two buddies, I love it." I shake my head at him.
"You can't tell anyone." I see how he rolls his eyes.
"I think everyone except Keith understands what's going on."
"What do you mean, everyone!" He laughs when he sees my gaze.
"Andrew, Nolan, Clay... Charlie does mark her territory quite a bit." If I give him a particular look, he continues. He sighs. "She's made it clear that they should stay away from you, not necessarily through words, but more through looks, the looks that could kill."
"I'm going to kill her."
"That look, yes." I push his head away. "It's cute, you should be happy about it, Charlie never does this, she didn't gave a damn about all her exgirlfriends, she didn't even look up when one of the guys flirted with her girl, but with you it's different."
"Jake..." I look away before he can see my flushed cheeks. Does she really do that? I look at her again, within seconds we look at each other. Can't we help but smile.
"That look." I hear Jake say. "She's only giving it to you, you're special to her, Jay." My heart is glowing.
I grin at my hands, envision closing my fingers in hers. God, I really like her.
"How's your shoulder? Did you get rid of your injury?" He changes the subject and I'm happy with that. I can't really talk about my feelings.
"It's still bothering me a bit, but I can do everything again." He nods in understanding. "I really shouldn't have thrown with that much force." We chuckle.
"We did win because of that." I chuckle.
"Everything okay here?" My heart immediately starts to beat faster and my eyes automatically find hers. I have to do my best not to hit Jake when I see in the corner of my eyes how he looks at her and then grins.
"Jay just said -" A hard punch makes him squeak in pain and he keeps his mouth shut. "Nothing at all."
I bite my lip to hide the grin and look back at Charlie, who is now frowning. "We were talking about my shoulder."
She nods. I already know she doesn't believe it. "Jesus, you got a bad burn." I hiss in pain when she touches my shoulder.
"Don't..." I knock her hand away. "Do that." I hear her chuckle.
I grab the sunburn from Jake's hands who laughs at me. Jerk. With a sigh I rub my arms. I listen to Charlie's and Jake's conversation about the other boys, who still throw the ball over and talk.
"I dare you." I hear Jake say with a grin.
Oh no. I get up to stretch my legs and arms and slide my sunglasses back over my eyes.
Charlie gives Jake a look and they stare defiantly at each other. Charlie gives up and sighs. "Need help with your back?" Only now does her gaze slide towards me and she takes the sunburn, she rubs her own arms in first.
Jake gives me a grin. "You got a nice burn, Jay, I would say yes." He screams when I empty my bottle of water on him.
"Fine." I sit on the sheet again and turn my back to them. "Jake, I'll kill you if you do anything to sabotage."
"Why would I do that." Charlie and I both look at him. "Okay, okay, I promise."
"Careful," I hiss when I feel her hands on my shoulders. She suppresses her laugh and continues quietly.
"You will have to wear a shirt," Jake teases.
I stick my tongue out to him. "I'm going to push you in front of a bus one day."
"Sweet," he grins. I see him roll over onto his stomach and pick up his phone, probably to text his girlfriend, because she blows up his phone. I take that as a sign to enjoy Charlie's hands. She's been done using the sunblock for a long time, but keeps rubbing my back and shoulders.
I bite my lip and suppress a groan. God, this feels good. I sigh softly. "Is it good?" She whispers in my ear, I breathe in her scent and nod. I see a grin before she pulls away.
"You are kidding me!" Jake exclaims, shooting up. Keith and Andrew look our way and Charlie quickly pulls her hands away. I groan inside in frustration. Fucking Jake.
"What?" Charlie groans, who looks just as frustrated as I do. I sigh and fish my shirt out of my bag to put on. That's point 1 because my back was burnt and point 2 because I don't want to show the light bruises. Jake sees a lot, but he definitely can be blind.
"Why are you shouting like that?" Andrew and Keith join us.
"Guys you will never believe this." Jake turns to us. We all sigh. This is going to be bullshit again. I stick my tongue out at Charlie when she tosses a nut on my head.
"What is it, Jake," Keith sighs, lying next to me, a grumpy look appears on Charlie's face. I turn on my stomach so I can look at her and grin.
"Message from the coach. All seniors are going on a student trip in New York on Friday." We almost all roll our eyes. That is not interesting to me I am a junior. "Wait." Me and Andrew are almost talking about something else, but then Jake opens his mouth again. "Because we have a game, people from lower classes who are on the baseball team come with us, the same rules apply." My gaze jumps up.
"What?" I say surprised.
"You're coming with us to New York." Andrew nudges me making me laugh. Home? I grin.
"Then I'm going to show you my part of town, guys." There are cheers. My gaze lands on Charlie's, a small smile on her lips.
"When are we going?" Keith punches Jake who was already texting his girlfriend.
"It'll take a while." We nod.
"Enough time to get you fit." My mouth falls open when Andrew empties a bottle of water over me.
"AND THAT'S COMING FROM YOU! We jump up at the same time. He is the one who runs away first because I have to catch a bottle of water. "Andrew!"
"Go get him," Charlie grins, leaning on her elbows.
"He's a dead man." I hear everyone else laugh as I sprint after him. 'Come here!'
With a grin I look at the back seat, where three boys are sleeping. 5 minutes and they were gone.
Now my hand is quietly in Charlie's, she just lets go of my hand to put the poke into the correct gear every now and then, she nods to the music and drives to my house. I've been thinking about staying, but it's a weekday, not in a hundred years is my dad going to get along.
"Friday," Charlie suddenly says. "I'll pick you up at 8:00." I look at her, she looks at me for a few seconds before returning her gaze to the road. I can't help but smile and lean towards her a little more.
"Are you going to say what we're going to do?" I watch her look in the mirror for a moment before she answers.
"Nope, it's still a surprise." I roll my eyes. Charlie grins. "Bring extra clothes." Now I raise my eyebrows to her. "I'm really not saying anything, Jay." She brings my hand to her mouth and kisses my fingers. I want to move over to kiss her, but I remember just in time that we're not alone. We also drive into my street.
"I hate you." I look away so she doesn't see my grin. She lets go of my hand which makes me think she's hurt, but then I feel it on my leg.
"I promise you'll like it." That she likes it for sure. I turn my face to her and smile.
"I believe you." And with that, she brakes before the driveway and pulls the handbrake. I sit there for a moment, look at the boys and then at her again. "See you tomorrow."
"I'll help you with your bag." I smile again and get out, knowing she doesn't want to say goodbye either, even if we'll see each other tomorrow. Without saying a word to each other, I walk to the front door and let her take my bag.
She comes back with a grin and follows me inside. My father is sitting in his chair, watching TV. His head immediately shoots our way when he hears a sound.
"Hi Dad."
"Hey, Charlie." He nods to her and for the first time I see something of a smile again. Charlie got along with my dad, he likes her.
She shakes his hand again and smiles. "Good evening, Mr. Miller."
"Call me Gerald." Charlie nods and puts my bag on the table. "How was it?" Dad watches TV again.
"It was fun, I um, I'll her walk to the door." He raises his hand as a sign that he has heard. I feel Charlie's hand in mine as we walk to the front door.
"Are you okay?" Only now do I notice that I am shaking and take a deep breath of air into my lungs.
"I am now." Charlie smiles a bit sadly and brushes my hair away from my eyes, I immediately give myself a mental note to cut it soon.
"You know you can always sleep over." She steps closer with a small grin. "I have no problem with that."
I bite my lip and lift my chin, our lips inches apart. "Mmm, I know."
"Call me if anything is wrong, okay?" I nod, My heart warms, she really cares about me and that makes me feel a lot of things. "Jay!"
I smile and take her hand. "I promise." I pull her closer, want her to kiss me. "Kiss me, please."
She grins. "Good night, Jay." She presses her lips against mine, she's not going to let it take too long, keeping my father in the back of her mind. Her fingers run through my hair. "I'll text you when I'm home." She presses her lips onto mine one more time and then really steps back.
"See you tomorrow, Charlie Davis."
She smiles. "See you tomorrow, Jayden Miller." I don't close the door until she drives away and lean against the door with my back. Bite my lip with a grin. My stomach is just about to explode with butterflies.