Amy looked around at the opulent furnishings of the Royal Hotel where AJ had brought her. It had been three days since their engagement ball and she had been begging him to take her along with him when he went to question Jacqueline. Surprisingly, even though Jacqueline had gone missing, not one had been said about the same in the media. In fact, her assistant told her that Jacqueline had seemingly gone on a vacation.
The perpetrator's main agenda had been to malign AJ and her reputation by letting him or her take the blame for Jacquiline's death. Even though they had the recording where Jacqueline jumped off the balcony, they had not made a move. And Amy did not understand why. Yes, they must know that Jacqueline was not dead but by creating a fuss they could at least bring it to attention and force AJ's hand to reveal the girl. So why didn't they?