Chapter 7 - The outcast

Following the assistant Henry who opened the door for them, grandmother Brown was the first one to enter the room, she was surprised but also glad to see that he was getting best treatment.

This grandson of hers was so pitiful he had been all alone since he was a little though she had entrust him in nanny Betty's care still how can a young boy stay away from his family?.

But what could she do his stubborn son was cunning enough to send the boy away in her absence and never revealed his location until later on.

Years had passed but she could still see that bright boy in him.

Leon was still in daze after seeing his family after a long time, was he excited, happy but whatever he was feeling he didn't show instead his face had that neutral look that neither invite nor scare someone despite his pale face.

" look at you! already causing trouble as soon as you came home you want me to die of blood pressure"grandmother Brown said dramatically touching his cheek gently

" grandma! how can you say that I didn't cause any trouble this time"he said calmly not caring for anything at the moment, his grandmother was all he could think of now.

"What do you mean you didn't cause trouble why are you here then?" grandma Brown asked with a confused look.

"Well that is because I.."

But before he could explain or say anything he heard the man called his father say in disappointment.

"What do you expect from him mother he is nothing but trouble, now why are you even here?.. how come I have no idea that you were coming?"Mr Brown said coldly making Leon swallow in his words, this man always gave him cold shoulder despite the situation, but before he could say anything to his words grandmother Brown interfered.

"I'm the one who called him here do you have a problem with that?"she asked firmly with her authoritative tone making her son speechless.

But right then came Joanna and Joseph the twins siblings of Richard and him, when he left the country they were very little seeing them now they were already university students and had grown up a lot.

"Second brother.." they both called him happily before going to his bedside the twins were more close to Leon than Richard despite having not seen him around them because their residential differences still they always found a way to talk to him and he would give them all the attention they needed which was different to their other brother who was always sour and aloof for no reason.

"Brother how did you get hurt?...look our whole family is in chaos because of somebody, I wanted to go shopping today but there were reporters everywhere it was really uncomfortable can someone please do something about this mmhh!" Joanna said more like whining taking her brother's hand.

"What are you saying Joanna, brother is sick after all the one who caused the problem should be the one to resolve it" Joseph said looking at his big brother who seem quiet than usual in hostility, he hates the man very much, he has always bully him and his twin sister despite sharing the same parents he doesn't feel close to him at he always feel with his stepbrother he was more close to him than his own brother.

"It okay if it family problem l'm sure dad will take care of it"Leon said calmly his eyes then looked at his nervous father and wondered why?, he had never seen this man nervous like this before is the problem that big?

"You don't understand!, there is nothing Dad can do about it, our brother just called off his engagement with the Smith family's daughter and insult Mr Smith's daughter in public now the man is offended and is causing problems to our family so now you know it.. ah! it so furstrating " she said dramatically while holding her brother's hand, so now Leon seem to get it why his father appeared so stressed and nervous.

But then came Mrs Brown she looked at Leon with sad eyes as she recall the last day he left home, she had tried her best to reason with the stubborn man but he didn't bulge he was adamant to take away the boy.



"You know that he didn't do it right? then why are you punishing him you know that mother will not like this" she said but he didn't listen to her.

"Nancy l will never be able to stay with him here, I can't accept him.. that child as mine I never wanted him and I never will, so it better this way I will make sure to take care of him from there and provide for him, I will make sure to take care of all his needs but that is all I can promise"James said firmly not blinking an eye and there was nothing she could do to change his mind.


"How did you end up like this dear?" she asked almost crying she seem worried as she saw his pale face.

"It okay I will be fine mommy Nana" he said calmly just as he used to call her back then seeing her up close he was overjoyed, hearing what he called her she smiled.

"You are still the same!" she said touching his pale face he lean to feel her touch.

"And you are still the same beautiful as I remember " he said with gentle tone looking at the woman who warmly welcomed him to her house when even his own father didn't want him in it.

"Look at you such a sweet talker " she said happily before their moment got ruined by a sudden opening of the door, they all turn to look at the man who entered the room curiously and to their surprise it was Mr Smith!

Seeing him Mr Brown quickly went close to him trying to get to talk to him but the man didn't seem interested.

'If he was not interested into talking to him then why was he here?' he asked himself but when he followed his gaze he noticed something.



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