Robed in Prometheus fate.
To die every day,
And to live to see the next.
The eternal suffering of a ruined soul.
mia psychí timoriméni apó ton Día
As Viper untied Pablo and cleared up the place for the fight. Jack wondered what Ralph was thinking. He wasn't in the condition to fight. Not when he hadn't eaten for three days, Not in this condition.
"Will the Don be okay? Fox who now stood close to Jack asked."
"Why do you ask?" Jack asked.
"I heard he caught Pablo. But seeing the Don now. I am not sure he is in a condition to fight a man like Pablo."
"The Don will be fine," Jack replied. Don Ralph had told him a while ago to trust him and stand by any decisions he made and that was what he was going to do from here on.
"Are you ready?" Ralph asked Pablo who was now untied as he folded black his sleeve.