Chereads / Author's Drunken Party / Chapter 3 - RIP The Tentacles Monster

Chapter 3 - RIP The Tentacles Monster

Alvin rubbed his eyes, the confusion setting in. He felt like he was seeing himself in third person rather than living out his experiences.

"Alvin! Your foot!" Shelly screeched.

Alvin looked down and stumbled backwards as his vision went in and out of focus. He was stepping on a tripfish - a type of fish common in riverbeds with a spiky body. Their spikes contain a hallucinogenic poison that makes you question reality for six hours.

When Alvin looked at Shelly again, he saw his crush, the seductive demoness from a while ago. He was mesmerized by her beauty, as if her whole body was made out of the fairest jade In the world.

Just when the happiness in his heart was swelling up, as if taking care of his heart, his brain reminded him of the poison's effect. He must be hallucinating.

He kept screaming in his mind 'this is how I met your mother, this is how I met your mother's as if it's the last straw that's keeping his humanity intact.

Seeing Alvin having a panic attack, Shelly quickly read his small mind and realize what is wrong. A little amused by him deciding to date her, but as she needed a scout like the hallucination said, she quickly changed forms into the Shelly he was used to.

Opening his eyes again he saw the little girl from before. Relief passed though him as he was slightly afraid of facing his crush at the moment.

Over at the southern east coast of the Realli sea, at the site of the goddess of madness's perverted prank, the humans were shocked and horrified by the stat that the corpses on the boat were in. Little did they know,

"Those humans ignored us, as expected from their nut sized brains." Shockingly, these words didn't come from a person, but one of the mice that jumped out of the boat when the boat landed.

This mouse was different from the other mice. It's entire body was milky white. It's skin was akin to Jade's polished by a master. "Gang, next target: Gangnum empire!" "Yay! Let's go!" Screamed the other mice. From the looks of it, the mice that was mocking those humans was the leader of this gang.

The humans surrounding the corpses heard the voice. At first they were confused about who was talking, until they saw the army of mice that was standing behind them.

Terrified that the creature was talking to them, they quickly moved backward. But the mice just seemed to move forward toward them. Speaking again some dreaded words that the humans never wanted to hear, the mouse spoke

"hey, why don't we warm up with the food". As they slowly surrounded the frightened humans, the humans started to shiver after seeing the damage they had caused to those on the boat.

Moving forward with hunger in there belly's after a long trip on the boat. The mice licked there teeth. The human seeing the hunger in the mices eyes, were almost seeing there gods already. Death seemed to be coming closer as there body's stopped responding to there commands.

Seeing the approach of a thousand, small, bladed fangs bearing down towards their tired flesh, the men aboard panicked. Though futile, the men sent millions of electrical signals from their brains to their limbs telling them...begging move. That is, until they were interrupted by the sound of chittering teeth, splitting them apart piece by piece.

As new holes of lacerated flesh were born, so were new entryways into the men's bodies for the mice to devour their insides. The mice squirmed within, gnawing bone, tearing cartilage and slicing muscle until nothing was left but multiple piles of fleshy scraps.

After finishing their dinner, the mice moved towards a seemingly random direction with a strange glow in there eyes. As if their glares seemed to pass though space, they quickly the moved towards their target, leaving behind the bones of their last dinner.


Back in the forest, Alvin with his new friend started to move deeper into the woods. Alvin had excitement in his eyes and shelly just was amused by how much energy this little one had, and how much this little one wanted her approval.

After walking for a while, the reached the main river that the one vaporized by Shelly(or Alvin thought) mixed into. Sensing Shelly's power, a huge monster with 50 tentacles peeked out of the water, and by peek, the monster just swam out of the water. The skin of the monster was snow white, as if if was made out of pure jade. It's beauty appeared out of the world, it's just that humans couldnt appreciate this beauty.

Seeing the weird tentacles creature appear, Alvin felt scare and swung his scrap metal at the monster. As he did, Shelly imbued some power into the sword, and gave little Alvin the ability to destroy the monster. She was angry that she kept encountering jade beauties and decided from this point on, she would make sure that they were destroyed before the world got too weird.

Swinging his sword, a beam of pure light shoot out of the sword that disintegrated the tentacle monster before it could even get close. Shocked that he possessed such power Alvin tried again, but failed as shelly quickly removed the extra power she gave him.

"Hey! Where did my power go?" yelled Alvin in disappointment. He was having fun slaying the tentacle creature with the shiny light.

"It's not a toy. Now, come on, Alvin, we need to find something to eat. All this excitement has made me hungry." Shelly grabbed Alvin by the arm and started dragging him away from the ashen remains of the dead tentacle creature.

"I'm not ready to leave let's see what else is out there." He wiggled out of her grasp. "Okay defiant, have it your way," Shelly sighed and followed Alvin. "All I want is a meal and a nap," she mumbled in frustration.

Shelly got angry and took out her giant sword. She yelled when she swung down the sword at the tentacle. Shelly was a chef in the Demonic world, so she is handy with dealing with monster parts. She made a fire, skinned the tentacle, and seasoned it in her spice box. Shelly talked very loudly for Alvin to hear, "Well imma enjoy some roasted tentacle cause at least I know how to do something and take responsibility!" She skewered the tentacle, seasoned it heavily to get rid of the fishy smell, and set it up near the fire. "Such a wreckless buffoon." she muttered, being livid with Alvin's attitude. She walked out back into the woods. Without letting Alvin know, to gather some pine needles and firewood.

"Stupid humans. This is why most of them don't deserve to have magic..." she said in dissatifaction. In her world, the demons were of a kind of Magi that can fulfill deals.

"He doesn't realize the cost of his actions." said Shelly. Her skin started to reveal dark evergreen veins and fire. Smoke come out of her face in anger. She said distastefully of the creatures of the realm, "Humans are but cattle, and such a pest to any world."

But then, Alvin felt reality shake, as he found instead of a jade beauty that he was in love with, he found the small child that Shelly was. She was still holding the meat and looking towards him with nostalgia in her eyes. Shaking her head again, she found Alvin looking at her weirdly, and decided to ask "What's wrong?". He responded with, "Oh, I just saw the love of my life for a moment but it was just you... Ugh why can't you be her!"

Reading his mind, Shelly wasn't upset by what he said, however to keep the facade that she wasn't the demoness that Alvin liked. she slapped him face so hard that his face stretched and looked like a horse "why the long face?" Shelly mocked.

"Forget it," Alvin said gloomily.

Both of them then had a 'delicious?' Tentacle for a meal. Alvin somehow managed to eat that disgusting thing that had previously... Ahem, let's not talk about that.

"We need to search for a town and find out more about this shitty-ass world," Alvis said as he looked at the residue of the tentacles that they had eaten.

Holding back the nauseating feeling, he looked at shelly in a pleading manner.