[ Note: This Chapter Includes Mature Scenes, So when you see this ‼️, That's when it begins. When it ends you'll see ✅ ]
━━━━━━ ◦ ELIJAH MILLERS ◦ ━━━━━━
I wore a tight T-Shirt and Baggy black pants with a leather belt around.
My sister came in with a black crop top and A leather skirt with high heels on. Honestly, it confuses me how females walk on toothpicks they call heels.
"Well, You ready to go, little bro?" She sneered out.
"Shut up. Also, Duh, I'm ready to go." I responded, picking up my phone and dialing Zander. Funny how he didn't respond to my call.
"Stop texting your little boy–friend and let's go. We're already late as it is." My sister eagerly said as she grabbed my arm and pulled me out.
I was still debating on going to this party, or doing my Detention tonight.
I sat in the passenger side as my sister sat in the Driver's seat. Elliott cranked up the car and soon drove off without letting the car run for a few.
"Yeah, You're way to Desperate to go to the party." I told my sister in a deep tone.
"It's a pool party, I'd do anything to see Daniel Shirtless." She exclaimed happily.
I just blinked at her when she said pool party. Absolutely no one told me anything about there being a Pool Party, And Daniel at that.
After a few hours of me being shocked and my sister driving over the speed limit; We arrived at a Mansion type house which snapped me out of my trance.
People in swimsuits already hanging outside the house as the entrance was open.
I got out the car, along with my sister and walked over to Zander who was chatting with a few cheerleaders.
"What's good man." I said to him as we both did a small hand shake.
"What's good, I didn't expect you to actually arrive here." Zander said with a chuckle.
I just punched him across his arm before walking inside with him.
I looked around and saw plenty of people from our school, What caught my attention was Daniel who stood in his crew with Black Swim Shorts on and a Black leather jacket. He was shirtless, So his muscles were shown and he had an X tattooed on his neck, giving him off a well sexy vibe.
I felt myself harden from the sight of him, Something I never wanted to be caused by him.
His gray orbs made contact with my golden ones and he raised an eyebrow at me.
I just looked away and walked over to the bathrooms with Zander.
"I forgot to tell you it was a pool party, so on the way, I bought some extra swim shorts for you. It only costed 4$ thankfully." He threw me the swim shorts with plastic wrapping around it.
I sighed in relief as I opened it and stepped into a bathroom stall.
I stripped down and threw the swim shorts on, but my Hardened Erection showed pretty damn well. I groaned in annoyance and sat down.
"You all right, Eli?" Zander asked.
"Yeah, Just go without me, I'll be out soon." I told him, That's when he instantly left. Not to my surprise.
Now this..
I have never masturbated my entire life, So I have no idea how to even try to handle this.
That's when the door was swung open and heavy footsteps entered.
"Elijah." The deep recognizable voice of Daniel echoed the empty bathrooms. "I know you're in here. You didn't exit out with your little friend."
I just looked away, The memory of what I saw earlier of Daniel flooded my brain and I, unfortunately, Got harder.
It was starting to irritate me.
"What do you want, Daniel." I asked him in an annoyed tone.
"What are you doing in there?" He asked me from the other side of the stall.
"I...I'm minding my own business. You?" I joked out, Still irritated.
That's when the door opened up to a pissed off Daniel, Who just looked at me.
Didn't I lock the stall, Or is this bastard just strong as hell?!
I prayed he didn't look down, but my eyes told a different story as they traveled down back to his 8-Pack which almost had my mouth watering, then lower to his hips.
I was broken out of my trance when he let out a low chuckle and closed the bathroom stall, which was the last thing I expect him to ever do.
"I never expected you to get so hard off me, Elijah." He growled my name out at the end as he approached me with a sinful smirk on his face.
"Leave it, Daniel.." I said lowly, But I knew he heard it.
He bent down on one knee and tugged at my Swim Shorts, "So tell me...Do you need help, Eli?" He used his seductive tone, which I never found attractive till now.
My Hard-On twitched and ached for him, and I hated it. Though, if this is the only way to get rid of him and this..
What I should've responded when he asked should've been a hard No. Though, A Spontaneous "Yes." Dragged out instead.
He looked shocked for a second before his smirk widened. He pulled back my swim shorts to where my member instantly came out, Which made a wave of arousal strike through my body. A small groan escaped my mouth as he gripped on my boner with enough force for pre-cum leaked out of the tip.
That's when I realized I had made a mistake.
He started stroking at a medium pace, which didn't surprise me since Daniel Thompson isn't known for being gentle.
I bucked my hips slightly as he sped-up his pace.
"You know..." His voice made me open one of my eyes and looked down at him. "I never would've thought I would ever be giving Elijah Millers a Handjob, Nor Blowjob." He still had his same smirk plastered on his face.
"Blowjob..What—" I was cut off by sudden contact of warmth, wrapped around the tip of my member. I threw my head back and moaned out a little louder than I was supposed to.
He smacked my inner thigh with the back of his hand, Which made a small gasp come out of me as he bit down on the skin that surrounded my member and pulled it down where the sensitive spot shown for him to assault.
He started using his tongue as he went to deep throating. My moans started going out of control now. All I could really think about was Daniel and him sucking me off right now.
This wasn't a nightmare, it was actually happening.
Right now.
I felt my gut tighten after a few minutes of him sucking and me moaning and groaning.
I knew that he knew I was somewhat at my limit as he started using his mouth to suck the tip and his hand to rub the rest of my member at a fast pace.
"Fuck...Fuck, Stop it Dani—" I was cut off by the sudden release of the tight gut feeling. A strong wave of pleasure struck my body, completely stunning me as I closed both my eyes and gripped the males hair that sucked me off, pushing his head further down my member as I arched my back.
My vision clouded as my legs shook violently.
That's when I felt something squirt out of my member. . . a lot. Daniel didn't bother to move, he just started into my eyes, that's when I finally noticed I was holding him down.
Once I let go of his hair, he swallowed the white liquid and smirked at me once again.
I looked down at my member to see it wasn't hard anymore, but down and twitching slightly. Daniel stood up and wiped a tear off my cheek, which I didn't even realize was there at first.
"Damn it, Elijah. You owe me for this one." He barked out to me before grabbing my member which was highly sensitive currently, so I let out a moan as he did.
He licked off the white liquid that trickled down my softened member and shoved it back in my swim shorts.
"I better see you at the Beach house for Truth Or Dare, Shortie." He licked his lips before leaving out the bathroom.
Dear God, it's going to be so clear he's going to start treating me like one of his cheerleading females he has.
I groaned in annoyance this time as I stood up and exited the stall.
I fixed up myself before leaving out to the pool, I looked around and saw Daniel and his Crew over at the seating area circled around with everyone else.
Some people included Zander and Elliott.
I groaned and made my way over to them.
"Hey Eli! We're have you been dude?" Zander asked.
"Minding my business—"
"Sit brother, We're going to play a game of Truth OR Dare!" Elliott exclaimed to me. I let out a groan of annoyance as I made my way over to them.
"Can't you all make room for my best friend dude?" Zander scowled out at them.
I rolled my eyes and saw Daniel glaring at me, "He can sit on my lap."
I raised an eyebrow at him. Chatters filled the table as Daniel kept his eyes on me.
"I'll—be fine standing." I tried to say, But one of his boys grabbed my arm and threw me over to the edge where he sat.
He spreaded his legs open where I was placed and I just sighed In annoyance, but more because he was closer than yesterday.
"Now, Shall we start everyone?" A male asked. Everyone at the huge circular table agreed.
Now I loved the details, It was a huge table over everyone and it was like a couch connected to the walls and all together that circled the table also. Kinda like at the restaurants.
"So as you all know, I'm Cain. One of the Group Members of Daniel's. We'll be playing a dirty game of Truth or Dare." He smirked as everyone at the table chucked and 'Oooed' Out, Including Daniel. "So who's first?"
"I'll go first." A cheerleader said, looking around the table. "Uhm... Jayden! Truth or Dare." She said to a male over the table.
"I dare you...To Jerk off on the table."
Everyone started laughing and cheering him on as he confidently jumped up on the table and pulled down his swim shorts.
I shook my head and turned my head from him.
After 3 minutes of him, he sat back down and they called next to ask.
I didn't really pay attention for 17 minutes until someone called on Daniel's name.
"Truth Or Dare, Danny?"
I frowned at him saying dare. The female hummed before smiling.
"I dare you to...." She dragged to as me thought of what to do. "I need some help here." She confessed.
"I dare you to punch someone around you."
I was relieved, yet also afraid he might strike for me. As I waited for the blow, I felt a strong fist strike against my cheek hard enough to leave a bruise, but not as hard to break it like in the cafeteria yesterday.
I let out a growl in pain as I held my cheek, everyone cheered on as they continued the game.
Some Cheerleaders that goes crazy for him had relief in they're eyes, as if they were jealous at first.
I went back to spectating, That's when I felt a pair of hands caress my stomach. My face turned into a frown, though luckily no one payed attention.
Ah shit, here we go again
One of his hands slowly had made it's way up to one of my nipples, twisting it until It burned like hell which made a quiet whine escape my lips. I tried to keep a straight face as everyone else kept on chatting.
That's when his other hand slid through my Swim Shorts and slowly started rubbing my member. It was still highly sensitive from earlier so I almost let out one loud groan of pleasure, but I kept it in.
"Just moan for the crowd, Shortie." He whispered seductively in my ear which begged a cry of pleasure to escape.
My breath hitched as he started giving me a hand job under the table, and teasing my nipple like hell. Any easy orgasm could explode right here since it hasn't been long since he sucked me off. All I could do was pray.
He didn't even consider hiding it as he bit down on my neck, Squeezing a sensitive nerve which made me bite my lip.
God was he trying his hardest to make me moan out.
Well I won't.
He sucked down on my neck, which would surely leave a hickey at the spot.
Though, His stroking got more intense and he soon found a sweet spot on my neck. I was so close to an orgasm, until he stopped.
I sighed in relief, only for him to slightly raise me and slid his member inside my hole. He wasn't lubed at all, So it was painful for the both of us, but he didn't care one bit.
It took a while for me to realize his cock was inside me, He wasn't going to fuck me right here...In front of all these people.
That's when he gripped my member once again, and started stroking at a highly fast pace. I could feel my legs shake and I threw my head back on his chest, I couldn't even hide the face expression anymore. Everyone soon started to notice us, But Daniel didn't care. He just took this as a 'Oh well' and threw me on the table, He forced his member inside me then out until it started getting wet, where he could finally fuck the living daylights out of me.
Chatters crowded the table, but it was all a blur to my ears. I didn't hold back any of my moans anymore, I was to close to care. Everyone was kicked out of the beach house by Daniel's crew, Leaving us alone.
"Daniel.." I tried to say his name normally, but it came out as more of a whine for more than one to stop.
He just slammed my head down on the table as he pounded into my ass, repeatedly. Each thrust burned my insides and it made me triggered at the feeling, This would not have happened if I would've just went to detention like I was supposed to.
"You owe me anyways, Eli." He spat out as he slapped my ass, hard. I winced at the sudden pain as I bit down on my lip.
I clawed at the table as he continued to thrust inside of me, my body from my Abdomen and below became weak, then numb.
Soon, He went balls deep inside of me and warmth filled my insides as he panted before collapsing back on the couch.
I flipped myself over on the table, now facing his sinister smirk.
"I fucking...Hate you...Bitch.." I panted out.
"Good." He replied to my offense, "You'll hate me for a long time also. Whore."
I cringed at the word whore and just shook my head at him, forcing myself off the table, on top of him. My vision started blacking out until I fainted.
I was smacked on the top of my head, Grunting to see everyone staring at me with a grin.
I was still seated in Daniel's lap, He also had a smirk on his face.
"What where you dreaming about, E-li-jah?" Zander asked with a smug on his face.
I squinched my eyes at him, "Nothing. Just a nightmare."
"You seemed to enjoy it, E-li-jah." My sister dragged on my name like Zander did which irritated me. "You know you talk in your sleep."
Once she said that, it all dawned on me. I know damn well I didn't just moan out loud, or his name at that.
"No." I told myself.
"Mmm, Daniel..." A cheerleader mocked out as the table around started to laughed. "Wet dreams about your enemy?"
"It wasn't a wet dream, Asshole." I growled out. I swear my face flushed in full embarrassment.
"That explains why you where so grinding up against Daniel a few minutes ago." Cain chuckled out.
"Oh my fucking God..."
I did nothing but try to get up, only to be dragged back down by Daniel. "I'm pretty sure you don't want anyone seeing your huge boner, Eli." He sneered out.
I looked down and slammed my fist on the table in annoyance.
"Don't be mad E—"
"Fuck off."
I should've went to detention today, like I was supposed to.
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Next Chapter: Kristin & Kristina