Chereads / Don't Blame Me, PLAYBOY / Chapter 5 - (( 4 )) • KRISTIN & KRISTINA

Chapter 5 - (( 4 )) • KRISTIN & KRISTINA

━━━━━━ ◦ ELIJAH MILLERS ◦ ━━━━━━

I stayed at home all day Sunday, And Went to school Monday.

I walked over to my locker and grabbed my P.E clothing, throwing them on top of my locker and taking out some hygiene equipment I had. I had track after school, so thank the heavens for that. I can finally get my lower muscles in check.

Soon, The intercom came on, Asking all Student Council and Teacher Counsel members to the Meeting room during Lunch. It confused me but I shrugged it off and grabbed my belongings and left out to the Male Locker rooms.

"What's Up Eli!" Zander greeted, punching my shoulder as he always does.

"What's up pal." I greeted back as we both made our way over to our side of the locker rooms.

"I... Honestly never expected you to come to school after what happened Saturday—"

As I opened my locker door, Paper came out.

"Oh yeah, Daniel's hosting a Sleepover at his place for everyone during Spring Break for whoever wants to come. Dude has like 50 bedrooms in his mansion, bro." Zander exclaimed.

"I'm not going." I said as I opened my locker and threw my hygiene equipment inside, closing it back up.

"Yes you are, Please dude?" Zander begged.

I took off my shirt and changed into my P.E clothes. "No."

"I'll pay you—"

"50$, Then Fine."


I walked over to the changing room with my clothing as Zander walked to the Cafeteria.

As I walked, I bumped into one of Daniel's boys.

"Watch it Nerd—" Once he turned and saw me, I realized it was Cain who threw on a sinister smirk, just as threatening as Daniel's. "Hey, You're the horny motherfucker."

I twitched an eye at him before walking past him and into a Changing room. "You know, Daniel has been talking shit about you for a while now." Cain added on.

"Nothing New." I added on as I changed my pants Into my shorts and took my rings off, throwing them in my old school clothes and leaving out.

"Hope I see you at the party Spring Break." He sneered out as he walked off to the Gym.

I just opened my locker and put my old clothes inside, and applied Spray on Deodorant and Deodorant behind it.

I closed my locker, only to be jump-scared by Daniel.

"FUCK. FUCK YOU." I said while holding my head, which I hit from jumping back.

He approached me and gripped the back of my shirt, pushing me closer to him. So close our lips brushed each other.

I closed my eyes and froze, somewhat preparing for a kiss, but nothing happened. I slightly opened my eyes and looked up at him before frowning,

"Awh, Look at you. Disappointed just because I didn't kiss you." Daniel sneered out with an evil type laugh.

"Fuck you Dani—" With me saying that, a pair of lips smashed onto mine.

Daniel gripped both my wrist and pinned me down to the lockers behind me and growled as his tongue slipped into my mouth.

He didn't dare miss a corner of my mouth as he hardened the kiss, Assaulting my tongue with his. I let out a short moan before he separated with that same smirk he always had on his face.

I almost winced as he pulled away, I guess my body didn't want him to stop. But I did, so oh well.

"You're going to my Sleepover Saturday, Elijah." He said lowly.


With that, He smashed his lips on mine again. This time, gripping both my thighs and throwing them over his waist as one of his hands gripped my hair and pushed me deeper into the kiss.

I guess we're just going to make out half the gym period I guess.




He then let go of my hair and slipped a hand up my shirt, teasing one of my nipples which made a groan escape my lips as he continued assaulting my mouth.

"Daniel..." I moaned out as he paused for a breath, but still close to my face.

My body deceived me as my hands touched both sides of his face and pulled him into another rough kiss.

He soon slapped my right thigh which let a moan come out again.








That's when he let me drop down to the floor on both my feet and smirked at me. He soon backed up and licked his bruised lips.

"You taste sweet, But I'm willing to taste more of you. Though we should make it to Gym." He said as stuck his tongue out at me before leaving out to the gym.

I just made my way to my locker and opened it, looking at myself.

My hair was slightly messy and my lip was faintly dark purple at certain parts and bleeding a little.

He just couldn't have been more gentle could he?

I slammed my locker and ran out to the gym where everyone started.

"Where have you been, Mr. Millers?" Coach Pryer asked.

He soon looked over at Daniel and I, "You both look a mess." He looked suspiciously at me and I just raised an eyebrow, trying to override my fear with confusion. "It might just be me, go over and exercise."

Soon, Zander waved for me and smiled.

I rushed over there and waved at him. "What's up bro."

He soon was about to say something, But he soon spotted my bruised lip and messy hair. "Why do you look like you made out with someone—"

"Weird, All I did was slip and fall." I told him, which was a clear lie.

He coughed out 'Cap' and cleared his throat, "Anyways, up for a race around the track?"


I soon glanced over to Daniel to see him enter the locker rooms with a female cheerleader.

I almost forgot how much of a playboy he was, and if he thinks I'm going to let him off with an easy one, he has another thing coming.

Some Mature acts don't make us any friendlier to each other.

"Elijah? Are we going or not?" Zander asked.

"Yeah, Let's go." I ran off to the start of the track with Zander.

After the race, which I won multiple times, Zander finally gave up.

"How are you not tired, Flash?" He asked.

"Breathing control, Something you don't have." I told him as I wiped my hands off with a towel I had on my shoulder.

I soon noticed a fine male with silver hair and a black jacket, but not leather like the rest of Daniels group. He was sitting down reading a book.

I don't know how, but he looked directly at me. We stared at each other before he winked and looked back in his book.

I felt blush heat up on my face as I frowned and turned my head away,

Who was this guy?

Soon enough, Coach blew the whistle and everyone started making their way over to the bleachers and waited for the activity.

Me and Zander sat down.

"Wonder what the next activity will be." I sighed out as Zander just shrugged.

"Hey." A soft voice called from behind me to see the male I saw earlier with a twin female beside him.

He smirked at me before sitting beside me as the female sat beside Zander.

"Hey, I'm Kristin." He greeted me and Zander as he pointed to his sister, "Oh, I'm Kristina." She also greeted and Zander nodded.

"Uh, I'm Zander and this is my friend Elijah, but I call him Eli." Zander said proudly.

"Interesting, That's a very sweet name." Kristin hummed, testing my name on his tongue by saying it a few times before grinning at me.

I just cleared my throat and frowned, "Yeah... Your name is as well." I complimented.

I oddly felt as if I had a crush on him. . Hopefully I fucking didn't.

Before I knew it, A strong hand gripped my shoulder and I jolted, Looking up to see Another one of Daniel's guys I didn't really know. "Sorry Pal, But... He's taken." The guy scowled.

Kristin's eyes widened before he grinned widely, "You're mistaking me, I'm only trying to befriend him." Kristin stood up, Facing the guy.

He and Kristin were almost the same height, actually.

I pulled my shoulder away from the grip the male had on it, making me frown. "I'm sorry, but I'm pretty I'm fucking single." I seethed out.

"Oh really? The last time I recalled you were having a wet dream about Dani—" I shut the guy up by punching him in the jaw and groaning in annoyance; "Fucking HELL, JUST DROP IT ALREADY, GOT DAMN IT!"

I heard Kristin chuckle a bit as he wrapped an arm around my neck, "Chill out, Man." He told me, "They'll keep bringing it up so you might as well leave it be. It'll wear off soon." He hummed.

Zander immediately shoved my shoulder as Kristian and I looked at him confused, "Yo, Daniel's coming out..." He told me, making me groan. "So?" I asked.

That's when I glanced over to the Locker Room exits and noticed Daniel rushing over to us. "Oh." I scowled.

Daniel gripped my wrist and pulled me behind him with so much force, It felt like he was close to breaking my wrist.

"Keep your hands off my Boyfriend, Bastard." Daniel snarled, shoving Kristian.

Kristina just frowned and stepped In front of the Pissed Daniel and faintly enraged Kristian. "You need to chill out. He said he was single, so Kristan assumed he was single." He explained.

"I AM single, This bastard is nothing more than a playboy who likes messing with people's feelings for money." I scowled, Only for Daniel's head to snap over to me as he gripped my shirt and pulled me to the Males Locker room once again.

Kristan & Zander followed behind, Only to be stopped by the rest of Daniel's shitass crew and a few cheerleaders stopped Kristina as well.

"Let go of me you fucking asshole—" I was cut off by a strong slap to my face, making my head ring for a few seconds whilst Daniel gripped my shirt tightly.

"You're going to take back what the fuck you just said this instant, Bastard." He seethed, pushing me against the lockers. "Why..? Because you know it's true?" I sneered, only to get kicked in the stomach, making me wail out in pain.

I forced myself to stand as I punched him in the jaw, making him tumble back a bit before chucking lowly. "Ate that shit up." He snarled before gripping my neck and pushing me back against the lockers.

. . .

"Now, As I remembered... We have a fight to continue, now don't we?" He reminded me, making me frown deeply.


Next Chapter: The Demon's Luck