Jameson is in his tower working on finding a way to make the whole underworld cooled down enough for Kylie to move down there so him and his highness can live happily in the underworld as they both wish they can as he is about to find away Satan aka Tyler prince of darkness bust through the door making a mess of all of Jameson's hard work.
Jameson: You gonna explain why you bust my door down and why you are laying on my floor?
Satan: I....I...need a...minute
Jameson: Wow must be important if your this out of breath while you take your minute I'm gonna clean this mess up I already make enough mess in my room as is I don't need you make a bigger one
As Jameson starts to clean up the room Satan catches his breath and get a big drink of Jameson's water before telling him why he busted through the door. Satan finally got calmed down enough to talk when he says.
Satan: I found him he is back in the human world