Chereads / Contract: Hunter / Chapter 40 - Recovery

Chapter 40 - Recovery

The loss of Hanson shook the office. Everyone was in a bit of a daze. But the work must continue. Field teams learned of the events as they returned. Hunter offered bereavement to anyone who needed it. Juliet knew she would be needed at the office more than before now. There was an awfully wide gap that needed to be filled. Someone also had to keep an eye on Hunter.

Adam took it as well as one would expect. "I read the official report. I know how this works." He kept a stiff upper lip, but it showed through.

Hunter started showing up later than his normal time. He used to be one of the first to arrive. Now he staggers in sometime around 10, if at all. He's keeping up with his duties, but his drive is missing. Adam started taking over contract negotiations. His inexperience with other people held him back but his knowledge from Hanson still made him formidable. He could push harder than anyone else in the office, except for Hunter himself. Hunter still tasked teams to carry out these contracts.

Even with the missing piece, the business portion was running smoothly. The days blurred together turning into weeks. The season changed from Fall to Winter. It didn't take long before the first flake of snow fell. The office was still quiet as the holidays came and went. To keep normalcy, the office holiday party went on with no change. Hunter still gave his address to thank everyone for their work. It missed the punch it normally packed. To no one's surprise, the empty gap of Hanson's address left an impact.

Christmas was quiet. But New Year's was a bit louder. Juliet took the initiative to spend the evening with Hunter. They rang in the New Year quietly on the living room couch, drink in hand, and fireworks on the TV.

Loss is something one has to cope with. It's hard, but someone close makes it easier. Juliet knew that Hunter wasn't going to ask for help. And she never offered it. But being close was what he needed. January was dreary. The weather refused to cooperate bringing snow and cloudy days turning everything a dull gray. The work continued.

A routine was formed again. Hunter was back to his semi-normal self where he was showing up early. He dressed properly, he smelled nice, and he kept himself clean. Progress! He organized meetings. He got things done! He was back in action if only missing a limb.

Everything seemed to be back on track. Until everything came apart again.