Chereads / Contract: Hunter / Chapter 41 - Just Puppets

Chapter 41 - Just Puppets

Adam was working on the third floor going over contract records. Juliet was on the second floor with Hunter going over the plan for the year. They had a new set of goals they wanted to meet. Juliet was also up for some recognition. She had completed a full year working on Hunter's team. Her international standing was already well known but that didn't relate to her work in the office. A pay raise was included but this was her time to negotiate a proper contract.

They murmured over it a bit, just to get an idea of an outline. Nothing would be set in stone at this time. Their peace was shattered in just a few seconds. Shouting echoed from the staircase. It was muffled as it traveled around the corners. It was only seconds before the distinct noise echoed up. A loud popping noise in rapid succession. More screaming followed but it wasn't the voice they had heard before. It was of fear.

Hunter wasted no time. He dashed to his office grabbing something from his desk. It looked heavy and sounded metal. He came back out of his office taking a quick peek down the stairwell. The popping continued but the screaming went quiet. He pointed down the hallway, "Juliet, upstairs. Go." His words were short and to the point. She knew better than to ask questions when he was in this mode.

She turned towards the next flight of stairs heading up. Hunter was behind her. He grabbed the metal door, shutting it. He jammed the bar to prevent it from letting go knowing it would only buy them time, not safety. He made sure to stay behind her, keeping her moving as he rushed her. "Adam is upstairs, right?"

 "He is."

 "You head to conference room 4, I'll get Adam."

The top floor door opened with both of them burst out. Juliet made a straight line to where she was told. Hunter disappeared down the second hallway. His feet moved quickly making almost no noise. He had done this before. His military days were coming back in strides. He knew how to move quickly, efficiently, and with deadly force if needed. He checked door to door.

He found Adam in the computer room reading over papers. He was caught off guard by Hunter's quick entrance. He shut the door behind him making sure it was locked. "Adam, cameras." He stuttered for a second while he turned himself to the keyboard. With a few clicks and keystrokes, the monitors were filled with the common cameras used in the building.

The lobby looked like a warzone. People lay on the ground, sprawled out. One person was crawling their way towards the door. Movement caught Hunter's eye from the camera watching the stairwell. There were numerous people dressed in heavy gear making their way to the second floor. At least six in the short time he watched. "Adam, get to conference room 4. Juliet is there. I'll be behind you."

 "What's going…"


He had no time for questions. His bark had Adam out of his chair and to the door in record time. He ducked his head down as he moved outside. Hunter took a few more seconds. He hit the button for the alarm. All the lights in the building turned red with a loud blaring noise. Nothing more he could do here. He had to get to the conference room.

The two people already there were shaking on the floor. Hunter had them lie down while he did what he could. This room had two doors, thick wood, that could handle some serious blows. It was always planned that this room would be a panic room of sorts. Hunter grabbed the parachute cord that was stashed under the table. It was made for this room. One loop fits on the handle of each door. With one pull they tightened up. Neither door would be able to be opened. On top of that, this room had the heaviest table. It was propped against the door to add more weight. The thick wood could also stop a wide range of bullets.

Any force on one door was met with the other holding it steady. But would it hold? These people looked prepped and ready for this. They knew what they were getting into when they marched in. Being a place of work, they were not prepared for a siege. The only thing Hunter could do was send messages to his people apprising them of the situation and the call for assistance. They jumped into action but it would take time. How long would it take before they were able to arrive?

Local authorities would be notified when the alarm was set off. So much planning for the worst started to bubble up. Once that button was pressed, not only were authorities notified, but they could access their cameras to see the situation inside the building. They could plan and respond better equipped for anything. Be it a disaster or this.

But the problem these three were facing was much worse. They were outmanned, outgeared, and left with limited resources to fight back. Hunter took a spot on the floor next to the other two. He did what he could to reassure them. "People know, people are coming. We hold out here."

It wasn't reassuring. It all happened so quickly. They wanted to know what was happening outside but knew sticking their nose out there wasn't going to help. Hunter just kept himself collected, gun at the ready. His colors began to show. His hands were steady while his body was alert. He listened to any sound he could. He knew they would be there soon. The door he jammed made a loud crash as it swung open into the hallway. There was more yelling as the invaders moved further into the building.

It was when everything went quiet that it became unsettling. One by one there was a loud bang of a door being thrown open. A short, quick shout followed after. They were going room by room clearing the floor. It was only a matter of time before they would reach the conference rooms. And then until they found them.

What would happen when they did? Hunter was very clearly ready to fight back. He was ready to fight no matter what. He didn't know what they were here for. He didn't know what they wanted. But he was as ready as he could be for whatever they were ready to bring to the table.

There was a loud thud on the door to their room. It didn't budge but the noise made everyone jump. Hunter brought the gun up to sight it on the door. The other door thumped with a loud thud. "Door is locked!"

 "Breach it."

The thud got heavier as something else hit the door. Again, it didn't budge. They hit on it a couple of times to no avail. "Place a charge!"

They brought explosives! Hunter laid down on the floor himself getting everyone else to do the same. He could only wait. The bang rattled everyone. That was Hunter's cue to start fighting back. The handle on the door couldn't take the bloat. Neither could the door. That opened up both points of entry. The table didn't budge but it wouldn't take much for one person on each side to push it back.

Hunter slid himself across the room to slam himself into the underside of the table. "We've found them! It has to be them! Open fire!" At the order, the explosive sound of their rifles filled the air. The doors took the brunt of it. The table took anything that the doors couldn't. The wall offered no protection but because of Hunter's foreplanning, anything that went through the wall flew overhead. He did what he could to hold the door against the wall and the two doors. This was his last stand to protect himself and the others.

The firing stopped but the ringing in their ears did not. Hunter heard a few calling out that they were reloading. There were more questions now. How much did they bring with them? Would he be able to withstand this assault or last long enough for help to arrive? He could feel his phone going off in his pocket but there was nothing he could do about it. It could be officials trying to contact him. It could be his people letting him know where they are. His focus was needed elsewhere at 100%.

"Get into that room." The order came and the moment was upon them. Throughout Hunter's training, he was always tasked with following the sound of gunfire. To find the threat and eliminate it. On the homefront, he was taught that the order was to run, hide, and fight. They ran, they hid, and it was time to fight. With his pistol at the ready, he waited. The table provided a cover and a way to brace the doors. But with the handles gone, it was a lot easier to move. There was a loud thump on the door and he could see light crack through before the door shut again. The second time came with more violence. The door cracked as someone managed to push through. Hunter didn't hesitate. They meant to do harm, and he refused to let them.

They exposed themselves to him. This one person didn't come ready for the fight that Hunter was ready to bring. One pop brought the fight to the intruders. The assailant's body shook violently before falling backward. The table pushed back against the door, shutting it in their faces once again. "They're still alive! They're armed!"

 "Get him out of here!"

They moved quickly. Their boots pounded against the hard floor as they repositioned themselves. Having one of their own drop dead was a great blow to them. It showed that no matter how prepared they were, the unexpected could always bite them back. "One! Two!" The whole table shifted as both doors were slammed! Hunter was knocked off his balance as it shifted. He wasted no time slamming himself back against it pushing it back to the door. His shoulder buried itself into the center to keep the weight on it.

A second slam came, throwing him back again but he still pushed. A third. A fourth. He did all that he could. He knew this was the last line. His body was ready to punish itself to hold here. His teeth grit and his shoes dug into the carpet. The fifth threw him off again onto his back. This was it. This was where they could break through.

One more slamming noise shattered the room. The table found its way against the doors once again. Juliet threw herself to the left while Adam took the right side. They dug in pushing the table giving Hunter the time to get back up. With all three of them, they pushed against the ramming that just kept coming. The battle turned into one of determination. Who wanted what more? To survive? Or to kill?

The three were able to hold themselves together. Hunter knew though, that it would only be a matter of time before they would break. They had more people. They could rotate out. Would they use a battering ram? Did they have any explosives left they were willing to use?

What could have been seconds felt like hours. This fight took everything they had and then some. Adam didn't have a large frame yet he could keep his position like a rock. Juliet wasn't very strong but she summoned everything she had. But for what? They would break in. It was just a matter of outlasting them.

Hunter kept his mind on the next steps. His body could handle the current situation but he had to think of when they made it in. Would he be able to take them all? Would he be able to defend his people? He needed a plan but with no resources, he had none. "Come on guys, we need you here." He muttered to himself hoping that his people would show up before it became too late.

The moment came. To make or break it. Both doors were hit with a force that knocked all three off. They didn't have time to get back up before they entered the room. Hunter stayed on his back as he took aim. The doors opened pushing the table back as it stayed upright providing a shield.

Black helmets were all that he saw. Armored no doubt. Meaning the body was as well. He had to slow himself and not give in to instinct. He had to focus on his aim to make his shots count. That would slow him down but could pay off. The first shot rang, hitting its mark. The lower angle allowed him to get under the helmet. He watched as the assailant stumbled back. He swapped to the second door to find the next person aiming at him. Hunter fired his shot grazing along the rifle pointed at him. There was a scream as the bullet hit the hand of his target. It would leave them mangled, unable to use their weapon.

He had to widen his view. He couldn't clearly see both doors. As their partners fell, they quickly moved in and continued to push trying to get into the room. Hunter kept them at bay as best he could. He gave his best fight but his best was overwhelmed. One bullet managed to find his hip. He fought through the pain continuing his own assault back. Another found his chest on the left side. He could feel the rib break as it tore through. Maybe it missed his lung. He was running only on the adrenaline his body was able to give him.

How many had he taken down? How many more were going to come? His second magazine was at the ready. His shots began to waver. They hit the helmets only dazing the person. As he loaded his last magazine, this was going to be the moment that determined if they were going to make it out or not.

Hunter tried. He fought with every fiber of his being, but the battle was soon over. The table was shoved further back, and more came into the room. In a flurry of gunfire, Hunter was struck, unable to continue fighting. His pistol hit the ground, his arm stuck where he had held it. The fight had left him as he could not carry on. His body jerked as the metal riddled him. His breathing became short and shallow. His eyes looked to the two others in the room hoping they would be able to escape. It was a vain hope. He knew the doors were blocked. They wouldn't be able to get past them.

The gunfire ceased into an uneasy silence. The armored group stepped to the side, clearing the table out of the doorways, and waited. Juliet and Adam slid themselves back into the corner.

He appeared.

With a slow clap, he walked through the carnage with a plastered grin on his face. His mask resembled that of a circus clown. It had stitching up the sides with patches of different-looking textures and fabrics. His hat looked proper like one would wear for a formal event with a red stripe on it. His clothes looked a little disheveled but still clean with black and red stripes on his suit jacket. The white shirt underneath had been stained red with blood, not of his of course. And his shoes shined, even in the red light.

His laugh unsettled the group as he entered, "You truly have not lost your touch! I would have guessed that after the loss of your partner, you would be a shell of your former self." The man moved himself to Hunter's view. He wanted to make sure he saw him. "Oh, you look so lost. You fought to protect them and lost. You're not one who takes too kindly to losing, are you?" His voice was drawn out with a high-pitched tone. It grated on the ears of anyone who could hear it.

This strange man knelt down beside Hunter, "Tisk, tisk. That's a shame. I know a lot about losing." His voice changed to a deep shout, "You took so much from me!" There was a pause almost as though he was collecting himself. "It doesn't matter. I have had my fun. I got to watch you as you worked your way further up the ladder of success. I bided my time, waiting for the right moment. And here we are! You have so much going for you."

He stood up pacing around the room, "You've been so successful that it might be time for you to be humbled a bit. Poor Hanson's death really brought reality down on you but that wound will heal. Well, maybe. You look like you're on death's door. You may not have time to heal." He cackled as he leaned back at his own words.

He brought himself back down again looking towards the two in the corner, "You really have made yourself a second family. I guess you would. It's one thing you never had. Your poor wife was so lonely with you. She was so sick of it that she wanted nothing to do with you anymore. But you carried on like nothing happened. Then you tried it again. This poor girl. Does she really think that you cared about her? You only live for yourself and your work. Others don't matter. I would know. I've been watching you. And let me tell you something! Framing you as The Puppeteer was so easy."

Hunter coughed as he tried to get air. "Now, now. No dying just yet. I have to monolog. Every step you took, every contract you were on, and every little action towards finding me only made it easier for me to build a case against you that I could 'anonymously' drop off on the inspector's desk. Why were you able to bring down Don DeLeon after so many had tried and failed before? Easy, you were inside. You were pulling the strings so to speak. The Puppeteer made his appearance public and to whom? You of course. And only you. But it goes so much deeper than that!"

He began pacing around Hunter as he gasped, "How could someone like you control a succubus like her? Power of control! You are The Puppeteer. Why did your group survive the Baltic Cabin incident? You made them stay behind to make your escape because you are The Puppeteer. Then to return and finish the contract no one else could? Just to cover your tracks. Very well played. You've been going out and recruiting people for your own purposes. Felix was such a good accomplice too. You took him over by threatening his family. But when he had the chance, he sold you out. Those poor people on that hunting trip. You just had to make them kill each other just to show off. But that alerted the world to your presence. You just set the pieces down for everyone to follow and once they 'figured it out', they issued your warrant."

He squatted down to get into Hunter's face, "But of course, it wouldn't be that easy. I have eyes everywhere. I may have been one step behind but that was because I needed to see where you were going. Convincing a brainless oaf to sign off on this contract was the easy part once everything laid in place. Congratulations kiddo, the world thinks you are The Puppeteer. And you've been caught."

He stood up with a bounce straightening his jack. His attention turned to the two in the corner, "You two can tell anyone you want. They won't believe you. These guys here aren't going to remember anything anyway. It will just be a regular raid where the suspect fought back and was unfortunately killed. That is, if you get out of here to tell anyone. You may just die here. I haven't decided yet." His strut was that of confidence. His shoulders were back, his spine straight, and he even added a skip with each step. He grabbed one of the rifles carried by his men turning around to fire four rounds into Hunter as he lay on the floor. The coughing stopped as his muscles seized. He had fought so hard but now he looked relaxed. The man cackled again as he danced around the room, "I did it! I finally did it! I killed that son of a bitch!" He was reveling in his victory. "No one can stop the true Puppeteer!" His laughter subsided with a sigh, "Ah, it feels good." He looked around towards the doors, "OK, kill them."

He took his exit swinging his arms. The remaining group of armed men shifted towards the back of the room with their guns at the ready. Juliet grabbed onto Adam as hard as she could, putting herself between them and him. Her eyes were focused on them as they moved closer. As he shouldered his rifle she buried her face into Adam. But the bang never came. She kept recoiling, waiting but it never came.

She got the courage to look up. The man had a hand wrapped around his mouth. He was fighting it with all his strength but nothing he did could pry it off. He began to turn pale as his strength left him. He fought until there was nothing more he could do and his arms dropped to his sides. The body dropped to the floor in a heap. One puff of black smoke left his mouth. Behind him, stood their boss, as calm and collected as ever in a black suit with a red shirt adorned with ruby rings on every finger. He rubbed his fingers together on the hand he had grasped on the man. "You two, run. And never come back."

Hunter turned around walking towards the other men lining the walls. They all pointed their rifles at him. With no order, they opened up to no effect. Black puffs came off his body as he just seemed to absorb the flying metal. He grabbed the closest man's face, pinning him to the wall. He yelled and screamed until he turned as pale as his partner. The other three turned to flee. "No, you don't get to leave."

The lights died leaving the building in total darkness. One scream echoed through the halls that ended with a whimper. A second scream whimpered away only moments later. The third was never heard.

Red lights blasted their eyes as everything seemed to come back up. Their way was lit up again. His words still rang with them. They were ordered to run. Juliet took the lead taking Adam's hand. They stepped over the mound that Hunter had left at the door from their attempt to break in. They were hesitant to move too fast. They found the stairs to the second floor. They quickly moved through the hall to the next set taking it down to the lobby. It was a mess. They walked into the building to see the massacre they left when they entered the building.

Shadows danced on the walls as flashlights were waved around. Shouting followed as a group of people made their way inside the building. They looked armored like the first group striking a fear into the two. Juliet grabbed Adam by the arm to pull him behind a desk. The group shouted "Juliet! Adam!" They knew who they were. Was this the group that was sent to save them? The majority of the group moved past the desk they hid behind taking a defensive stance while one met them, "Our orders are to get you out of here."

 "What about Hunter?"

 "Our orders are for you two only. We have to leave!"

There was no room for negotiations. They were forcefully pulled from their spot towards the front door, past the carnage that ensued. Outside looked horrid. There were two armored vans that looked like they were parked in a hasty maneuver. The back doors were still open but the insides were empty. They were rushed to another van where they were packed inside. The rest of the team followed in. Once the door was closed, the lead man slammed on the wall. The van lurched as they pulled off.

The group started sighing in relief as they removed some of their equipment. "Are you two OK? Are you hurt?" Both shook their heads. "We tried to get here as quickly as we could. Boss sent the message and we were beating feet but just before we pulled onto this street he changed the orders. It was to save all three of you but then it changed to just extract the two of you. Do you know what happened?"

They both sat quietly, unable to give an answer. "Well, I'm glad you're OK." The truck sped off down the street to get to their predesignated rendezvous point. The whole back of the truck lurched to a stop throwing everyone off. The lead slid the back window open, "What the hell?!"

 "Don't blame me! Look!"

He did his best to look through the small window. The sky had turned to an unearthly dark red. Clouds began to form carrying the color. Lightning flashed as it struck the ground with a fierce blow. "Drive! We need to get out of this! We'll find a new point!" The tires squealed as they started back up again. Everyone was thrown around as the driver did what he could to avoid traffic. They could hear the thunder roar. It didn't sound natural. It seemed to carry a scream with it.

They managed to get on the highway giving them a straight shot out of the path of the storm. Their warehouse became the new meetup. The gate rattled as they arrived and rattled as it closed behind them. The door was opened allowing everyone to pile out. They made their comments amongst themselves as they filed inside to return their gear. Juliet looked back towards the center of the city at the swirling storm. The color stayed even as the sun began to set. It refused to move from its spot. It was… unnatural.

Adam got himself as collected as he could. That first breath of air hit him hard enough that he ran to a nearby bush to vomit. Everything had just caught up with him. Juliet was left with a sense of unease. Something was left unfinished.

Even from a distance, the cloud that hovered over the city emanated with an evil glow. The clouds swirled overhead in an unending cyclone. It was obvious to anyone. News stations started reporting on it. It took hours before it made it to national news, and soon after international news. No one was able to get close to the center as the further in you went, the more severe the storm got. What's more, it was expanding. The area in which it was active slowly started spreading outward forcing those who resided there to flee. Some weren't so lucky to get out. No one could get close enough to give an estimate of the damage done. Any remote-controlled device was fried by the extreme electrical surges.

Juliet was escorted to her apartment where she could see the cloud continue to grow. It just lingered, firing off bolts of lightning. Even at the distance she was at, she could hear the distorted thunder. It rattled her to the bones. It had to do with Hunter. She knew it did. And she knew he needed her help.