Chereads / Storm 01 / Chapter 68 - Distress Call

Chapter 68 - Distress Call

Emerald puts on an oversuit and rushed down a flight of stairs with the Storm agent following behind her. "Do you know who that agent is?" The dark-haired man queried.

"I do. His name is Rowan Schlavigan, he was a P.I.D. agent for a year before transferring to join Department H."

Agent Klay stopped in front of a door and placed her hand on the security box for the door to open. "We have to get that footage to Madeline Gurley, and quick."

The duo stepped into the next room, it was a garage. A green roofless floating car was packed in the middle of the room. Emerald quickly hopped into the driver's seat and Storm 01 on the seat next to the former.

She clicked a few buttons and the gate in front of the car slid open to an underground passage. Emerald floored the pedals and the car flew through the wind.

"Where's Miss Havishma at the moment?" The black-haired lady probed.

"Last time I saw her was on Clave-Ar, but I think she should be on Moonfour now."

"We can't let Miss Havishma continue, and I think this footage is all we need to get that done."

They exit the underground passage and emerged on the main road. After a few more minutes of driving, the car came to a stop in front of a very large building. The building had no windows, it was just like a large black block plunged into the ground. The duo exit the car and marched towards the double door.

Storm 01 looked around to see an officer sitting on his car with a space bread in his hand. The dark-haired man saw a flash of light which disappeared as quickly as it appeared. The door slid open, giving way for the agents to enter.

Emerald stopped in front of a man who sat behind a counter. "Hey Michael, is Madeline in here?" She questioned.

"Yeah, she came in a few minutes ago and ordered you to meet with her when you arrive. She's at the gym," the brown-haired man stated. The man shifted his eyes to look at Storm 01 who stood behind the black-haired lady. "Who's he?"

"He's from Department H, we are meeting with Madeline."

"Hmm." The man nodded.

Emerald rolled her eyes at the brown-haired man. "Where's Monique?"

"Out for breakfast with the others. She said she won't bother waiting for you because you'll just give her the same answer."

"Right. Could you give her a call? We need her back here ASAP. And when she gets here, have her look up a Rowan Schlavigan on the satellite, it's urgent."

"Hmm. Hey, next time maybe warn us before you walk a space agent in here, Klay."

Emerald shook her head before walking further into the building with Storm 01. They stepped into an elevator that led them to an underground level of the building.

"Space agent?" Storm 01 asked.

Emerald chuckled softly before leaning her back on the wall behind her. "It's what the ARCHERS call the agents from Department H, nothing serious."

"I see, is there a back story to it?"

Emerald shook her head. "Not particularly, no. It's just some of the agents here don't fair well with your kind."

The Storm agent's brows shoot up into his hairline. "My kind?"

"I meant Department H agent, it's nothing serious, 01, there's just been competition between the two agencies since the beginning."

"Sure." The door of the elevator opened and the duo walked into the large underground gym.

Madeline threw heavy punches at a punching bag. She wore black sweatpants and a white crop top. Her yellowish hair was tied back in a ponytail. Her punches were quick and fast and she moved quickly around the punching bag.

"Knock, knock," the black-haired lady made the sound with her mouth.

Madeline stopped and turned to face the duo. A wide smile appeared on her lip as she caught sight of the dark-haired man. "There are my two favorite people." She picked up a towel from a nearby table to wipe her face before walking up to them.

"Storm 01, what are you doing here?" Madeline asked, still holding her smile. "I don't suppose you came here to see me."

"Storm 01 found a clip that we could use to finally put Miss Havishma away," Emerald disclosed.

"Oh," Madeline Gurley gasped. "The agent from Department H brought instigating data on Miss Havishma? Interesting. What might that be?"

Storm 01 takes out the camera from his pocket and played out the video for Madeline to watch. "Oh my god, this…" her words trailed off. Madeline was too shocked to even utter a word.

The door to the elevator opened and a light-skinned blonde walked in. "Hey, so. I searched through for the Rowan guy, and his last movement was months ago when he drove back to his home from the Prime Hall."

"Klay, head over to Rowan's home and see what's happening there. Monique, you get the agents ready to secure Department H on my signal, I'll clean up and meet with the Prime and the People."





Emerald and Storm 01 quickly took a spaceship from ARCHER HQ and set their course for The Realm.

Storm 01 strolled into the pilot section with a spacebread in hand. The black-haired lady glanced at him briefly, she let out a soft chuckle. "What?" He queried with his mouth full.

"You are eating."

"Yeah? I don't understand."

"Well if you had finished your breakfast, this wouldn't have happened. Now you see why I don't miss my breakfast," she stated.

"I'm not even hungry, I just wanted to taste some spacebread, really. I could go for days without eating and I'll function well."


Storm 01 hissed and sat on an empty seat in the pilot section. "Do you think Miss Havishma already got to Rowan?" The dark-haired man questioned.

"It's plausible. You said she had the laptop so I'm guessing she had already seen what was on it. Either way, we are about to find out."

Some moments more of soaring through the sky and the duo finally got to the Realm. Just like the other parts of Winter Weir, it was exceedingly cold. They got into another car and drove to the location they had received from Monique on the Electro agent's home.

The house was even bigger than Agent Klay's back in Zoda. It was longer and a lot more spacious than Emerald's in Zoda. "This house is far too large for one person, what would I even do in here?"

Emerald ignored the Storm agent's comments and strode up to the gate and rang the bell before slipping her cold hands into the pocket of her shirt.

"State your name and reason for being here," a voice said from a small box just above the bell Emerald had pressed.

The black-haired lady looked back at Storm 01 then back at the box. "I'm Monique, and this is…"

"Andy Sprite," Storm 01 chipped. He cleared his throat and stepped forward. "We are work partners with Mr. Schlavigan, and here to see him. He hasn't been present for quite a while now."

"Go away. I told you the last time, we haven't seen Mr. Schlavigan for as long as you."

"We know," Emerald said. She shifts closer to the box and talked in a low tone. "He sent us here. He said you'd understand if we start with that."

There was a bit of quietness before the door creaked open. Emerald looked back at Storm 01 and winked. "Wow, that was... Impressively smart" Storm 01 commended as they walked into the hallway.

"Lesson number two on your stay as a probationary ARCHER; always find ways from your mistakes."

"Two? What's one?"

"Have your breakfast. You need to start taking notes," Emerald said with a smile.

A young pale-skinned lady with long blue hair walked down some stairs to meet the two. "Where's Master?" She yelled out loud.


Five other ladies rushed down the stairs. "Master is back?"

"Oh no, he only asked us to pick up some things and extend his pleasantries," Emerald lied even more.

The pale-skinned lady turned to face the other ladies. "He still remembers us, Master still thinks of us. Please, come on in, this is your home too."

The duo followed the ladies into the house. As they walked through the hallway, the dark-haired man locked eyes with a brown-haired young girl behind a door.

The ladies forced Emerald and Storm 01 to sit and they served them each a cup of tea. "Please, tell us how the master is faring," one of the ladies questioned.

"Mr Schlavigan rue the day he left, he always speaks about you all, but never tells us why he lives the way he does now." Emerald narrowed her eyes at the pale-skinned lady.

"He does?"

"We asked him why he left, but he still says nothing to us, he's hurting. So we thought we'd ask you while we are here," Storm 01 chipped in, following in the ARCHER agent's steps.

Silence swallowed the entire room to the extent that the agents could hear the continuous rush of the tap in a different room.

"I can still remember the day like it was just yesterday, etched in my brain," the pale-skinned lady started. "He had just gotten back from work late, and tired. Shauna made a bath for him while I prepared his dinner. Then some men suddenly break into our home looking for him. When we rushed to his room to warn him, he had already disappeared, we couldn't find him anywhere."

"The men interrogated each of us, asking us questions about the Master before leaving."

Emerald held her chin with her hand and hummed. She turned to the dark-haired man and whispered. "Looks like Miss Havishma already beat us to it."

"Do you know who the people that invaded your home are?" Storm 01 asked.

"The Police Department. They came armed and dressed in full uniforms. I think they did something to Maya, she doesn't come out of her room anymore." As if on cue, five officers entered the room to join the two agents and the ladies already there.

"Do we have a problem here?" One of them asked, placing his hand on his holster.

The ladies all gasped in shock and began to tremble in their seats. "Officer Hugbord, what are you doing here?" Agent Klay asked, immediately recognizing the agent. She stood up to face the officer in the middle of the group of officers.

"A-Agent Klay," the officer stuttered. He looked over Emerald's shoulder to see the dark-haired man. "We got a distress call from here and came over as fast as we could,"

"I don't think anyone here made any such call."

"I did."

The young lady Storm 01 had met eyes with down the hallway emerged from her hiding. She held her trembling hands by her chest.

