Chereads / Storm 01 / Chapter 69 - Punishment

Chapter 69 - Punishment

"I did."

The young lady Storm 01 had met eyes with down the hallway emerged from her hiding. She held her trembling hands by her chest.

"Maya?" The blonde-haired lady cried. "Why would you call them?"

The girl remained quiet for a while before managing to muster enough courage to speak. "These people are here to hurt Father. We need to protect Father's home before he returns."

"Maya," another lady cried out.

The side of Hugbord's lips curled up a little. He cleared his throat and took a few steps forward. "Agent Klay, what is your reason for being here? Are you perhaps looking to speak to Rowan Schlavigan?" He probed.

"What if I was?"

"I'll have to ask you to leave this building, now. Rowan is a criminal and we have permission to restrain him once sighted," Officer Hugbord revealed.

Emerald narrowed her eyes at the officer. She watched him carefully and noticed the grip on his gun had tightened. The ARCHER agent wasn't afraid of fighting the officers of the Police department, she was sure she'd be able to take them all down even without Storm 01 present.

"What crime could an honorable member of the People commit?"

"None that concerns your agency." Upon utterance of the words, Hugbord pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed loudly. "Listen, agent, I respect you, and I don't wish for our relationship to go sideways so please, heed my words and leave this building."

"Did Miss Havishma send you?" The black haired lady questioned

Officer Hugbord went silent, unable to utter another word. He furrowed and took a step to the side as if giving way for the person behind him to pass.

Storm 01 gasped sharply. He quickly launched himself forward and pulled Agent Klay back, taking a shot through his neck in her stead. He gurgled as blood gushed out his mouth. The dark-haired man frowned furiously and blasted a wave of electricity through the window the shot came from. An explosion was then heard from outside as a vehicle exploded. The young girl standing by the officers' side let out a high-pitched scream and went down on her knees, covering her head with her arms.

Emerald managed to land on both her feet. She didn't notice anything and if not for the Storm agent, she would have been dead. The police officers immediately pulled out their weapons and aimed them at the agents. Storm 01 landed a heavy right in the jaw of Officer Hugbord. The moment his fist touched the officer's face, his vision was once again coated with flashes of light.

Storm 01 breathed heavily as his vision slowly cleared but still couldn't make out anything around him. He stood up on his feet and looked around his surrounding. 'Where am I?' The agent mumbled, but his words echoed around him.

He slowly start to make out where he was, but as he looked down at his hands, it wasn't there, he could feel his entire body but couldn't see it. Storm 01 starts to see some figures walking around the place. Wherever he was, he knew it wasn't Rowan's building.

"I'm here to file a report on my missing son," a voice said from behind. Storm 01 turned to see a man standing in front of a counter. The man had low-shaved dark hair and a full beard. He wore a plain gray hoodless cardigan and black trousers. The man looked in his late forties and somewhat portly.

'Dad,' the dark-haired man called out loud. He rushed forward and extended his hands to grab his father but couldn't reach him. He turned to the man his father was speaking to, Officer Hugbord.

"Calm down and tell me where you last see your son?" Hugbord queried.

"Miss Havishma! There's no need for explanation, I know that heartless woman took my son and I want him back!"

"I don't think you know what you're talking about old man. Miss Havishma rarely even leaves the D.H. headquarters, how would she take your child?" The officer laughed.

Mr. Coco lunged forward and grabbed Hugbord's collar, pulling him over the counter. "You are an officer of the Security Department. My son is missing and I'm here to file a report. I don't care if it's the Prime that took my son, I want him back!"

Storm 01 gasped as he stared at his furious father. Just as Miss Havishma told him, he thought his father had sold him for money which he could use to buy more beers, but he was wrong. "Get Havishma here, or I'll go to the People myself!"

The officer managed to unhand himself from Storm 01's father's grip. Hugbord looked around to see a crowd now forming around his counter. He fixed his collar and cleared his throat. "You persistent fucker."

The dark-haired man was completely swallowed by surprise. He was witnessing a whole new side of his father, a side that cared much about him, a side that he didn't realize back when he lived with his father.

He turned his head to follow Officer Hugbord, but as he did, he was no longer in the Police Department but in a ship that remained ported in the port of Zoda. His father held his hands behind his back and his brows unwaveringly glued to each other.

Miss Havishma walked into the room to join the older Coco. Storm 01 felt a swell of rage in the pit of his stomach as he watched Miss Havishma. It was all her fault, she misled him and because of her, he hated his father even more.

"Please sit, Mr. Coco," Havishma said, waving her hand at the many chairs in the room.

"There's no need to sit since I'm not staying here for long, hand over my son, and I'll be on my way!"

Miss Havishma scoffed and proceeded to sit on one of the empty chairs. She tapped her watch and a series of writing projected out. She cleared her throat and began to read. "Nicolas Coco, lived a poor life in the Underground as a failed agent of the UNDERWOLVES, after two years of serving under the State, you left. And then suddenly, you were a citizen of Zoda, that smells like illegal immigration to me," she raised her head to look at the dark-haired man.

"You monster!"

"I'm not done yet," Havishma chipped. "Not only were you an illegal immigrant, but you also evaded your taxes for as long as you have lived in Zoda. These are crimes that must be punished by the State. But," she paused.

"I could make it so these crimes never happened, you'll live with a fresh page. I could also pay what is required for you to begin a new life in the Realm. Don't you want to leave this boring life you've been living? It's not like you cared about the boy."

Storm 01 tried to attack Miss Havishma but couldn't. He went down to his knees and buried his face in his hands. 'That was all it took to let me go?' he thought to himself, believing his father would take the offer. He closed his eyes, trying hard to exit the vision.

"Don't you have any shame?" Nicolas groaned. The smile on Miss Havishma's face disappeared as he hits her with his response.

Storm 01 looked up at his father in shock. 'Dad?!'

"Taking his mother wasn't enough, and now you want to take my son from me?"

"Ah, God," Havishma exclaimed. "December was her name right? That specimen is the reason we were able to understand more about the Z-syrup. She was the first step to our new world and your boy shall take us through the remaining path." The expression on Havishma's face switched up as she furrowed. "You have two choices; take up my offer and live in the Realm, or live the rest of your pathetic life in a dark cell."

Nicolas inhaled and exhaled deeply. He slipped his hand into his pocket and pulled out a dagger. "I don't care what happens to me, let my boy go."

"Think this through Nicolas, you won't be able to get your son back if you're dead," Havishma said before putting her fist up.

"I've thought everything through alright. I'll rescue my son from you, no matter what it takes!" he screamed the last word and charged forward, swinging the dagger at Havishma's neck.

The pale-skinned lady pulled back in time to dodge the attack. She kicked the dagger out of his hand and threw a right hook. Nicolas grabbed her forearm mid-air and flipped her over his shoulder, slamming Havishma onto the ground.

Nicolas quickly rushed for his dagger, but as he turned, Havishma was already up and had a gun in her hand. Nicolas tried dodging as she opened fire at him but a few shots got him. He fell to the ground gripping his belly as blood gushed out.

Storm 01 ran to his father's side. 'No--- no… dad no."

"L-let my son, g-go--" Nicolas gurgled in pain.

Havishma slowly strolled up to him while holding her side. "I gave you a choice," she said before aiming the gun at the dark-haired man. "I shall create a world where all Weirs get to leave together in peace, a paradise for us, and your boy will be my foundation."

Storm 01 was once again blinded by flashes of light and when it cleared, he was back at Rowan's building with all the Police officers laying motionless on the ground and sparks of electricity flying all around the place.

He looked around to see all the ladies keeping a good distance away from him. "Are you okay?" Emerald asked, staring at the Storm agent with concern.

He turned back to face the bodies before blasting his way up through the roof of the building.





Miss Havishma stood in front of some men in Clave-Ar uniforms that were tied down on the ground. She held her hand behind her back and sighed. "Are these all?" She asked Electro 28 who stood behind her.

The electro agent also turned to look at Jesselyn and Sox behind him. Jesselyn cleared her throat and took a step forward. "Yes ma'am. We've searched thoroughly and there are the only Clave-Arns alive on Moonfour.

Miss Havishma dropped her hand by her side and take a few steps forward. She curbed down in front of the Clave-Arns. "Word of advice, leave Clave-Ar, start over on some other planet." She then stood up and looked at Steve who was standing behind the foreigners. "Give them a ship, let them go," she added before walking away with Joe following behind her.

"Are the White agents here yet?"

"Yes. They just arrived and are preparing to begin the repair of the gun," Electro 28 replied.

"Good, I want you to oversee the repairs. I'll be heading back to Winter Weir to meet with Scarlett…" Her words were cut off by a continuous beeping from her watch. She clicked on it to view what was the cause and a voice message began to play. [M-Miss Havishma--a… your Storm agent was at Rowan's, I think… I think he learned something]

"What is that?" Electro 28 asked, pointing at the sky as a blue light appeared in the atmosphere.

"Get the Red squad here, now!" Havishma yelled before marching forward. She could already tell who it was.

The blue light crashed into the Moonfour gun. It exploded with a strong rumble that sent the White agents that were approaching the gun back.

The look on Miss Havishma's face remained the same as Storm 01 strolled out of the fire with flames on some parts of his clothes. The electro-agents present rushed forward and aimed their gun at him.

"What is he doing?" Sox mumbled.

The dark-haired man stopped a few meters away from the other Department H agents. His right eye burned bright blue as sparks of electricity flowed all around him. "Havishma you murderer! You lied to me!"

"You need to calm down agent…"

"You killed my father and you ask me to calm down?"

Miss Havishma's furrowed. "I don't know what you speak of. Let's head back to HQ and get you checked."

"Did you do the same to her parents?" The dark-haired man pointed to Jesselyn who stood behind Miss Havishma. "And Grace Light too?… You claim to desire the creation of a peaceful world, yet all you've done is create havoc and deaths."

"To create a peaceful world, the one we live in now has to be destroyed," she chipped. "Everyone that was lost, every agent, every Weir, including your parents, and hers, it is all for the course of creating peace and paradise on Winter Weir." Havishma stepped forward and gestured for the Electro agents to drop their guns.

"And the innocent lives you ended on your last mission with Rowan? Was that all because of peace too?"

Miss Havishma was quiet for a few seconds. "You need to understand," she continued. "We could live in a world where there'll be no wars, no one would have to die in vain again, but none of these would be possible without the destruction of the war-grown galaxy we live in now and a little sacrifice along the way…" her words trailed off as a hand touch her shoulder. Miss Havishma turned to end up face-to-face with a raging Jesselyn.

Jesselyn yelled furiously and raised a dagger above her head, murderous intent poured down her eyes as she thrust the dagger downwards.

"No!" Sox pushed Miss Havishma back, causing the dagger to only plant a small cut on the neck of the Chief of Department H.

Miss Havishma crashed on the ground with a thud. She used her hand to cover her bleeding neck while staring at Jesselyn who just got tackled to the ground by the Electro agent. One of the Electro agents aimed his gun at Jesselyn but Sox knocked the gun out of his hand.

Storm 01 appeared in front of the Electro agent and sent him crashing into a ship with a heavy punch. He blasted another electro agent away with his electricity.

Sox rushed up to Miss Havishma. "Are you okay?"


BANG! The sound of a gunshot filled the air and Storm 01 froze on his tracks. Another sound echoed and the dark-haired man fell on his knees. His right eye became normal and the electricity around him disappeared. He extended his hand towards Miss Havishma. "I… wunt--t l-let you… li--ve" he crashed on the ground, falling unconscious.

The Red agents rushed up to the scene and cuffed Storm 01 with a special restraint.

Miss Havishma coughed as she tried to drag herself up on her feet. "What are you doing? Get a Blue agent here," Electro 28 yelled. He rushed up to Miss Havishma's side. She smiled softly before breaking a small chuckle. "No need, the blade just grazed me," she said. "Isn't this funny?"

"That your agents just tried to kill you? No Havishma, it isn't funny."

Havishma sighed. She looked at the Moonfour gun that Storm 01 destroyed. "What are you going to do about this?" Electro 28 questioned as he noticed Miss Havishma staring at the smoke.

"The white agents can rebuild the gun."

"I wasn't asking about that, I meant these two." He pointed at the unconscious dark-haired man and Jesselyn who was still fuming.

"Oh," she stopped. "Lock up Storm 01 and his accomplice. I still need to have that meeting."

"You're going to lock Storm 01 up?"

"It's like you said, my agents just tried to kill me. There are no signs of any attack right now so I don't need him at the moment. Even if anyone was to arise, we'd have fixed the Moonfour guns by then, and also, Project C-50 is almost ready."

Miss Havishma's eyes widened. She turned back to see Sox standing behind her. The pale-skinned woman smiled and turned back to Electro 28. "Also, put Grace's daughter with her friends. If he knows, I'm sure she knows too. And have Ace investigate how they found out about Rowan, I want to know how they got the footage."

"Got it."
