Chereads / Legend Of The Jo-lan / Chapter 82 - EPISODE 77: SOURYU’S SCAR

Chapter 82 - EPISODE 77: SOURYU’S SCAR

Josec, Harry, Buern, Jason and Estelle were currently flying through the air, exploring the vast universe that was the realm within the Book Of Jo-lan. It was a wondrous realm filled not only with the Phoenix Clan and its Hidden Villages but also with countless Psychorages. Josec, Harry, Buern, Estelle and Jason had always wondered where the Psychorages dwelt when they were not roaming the physical world. They found their answer within the Book Of Jo-lan for it was filled with a vast number of Psychorages.

Marina's domain, the River Of Recollection was also within the Book Of Jo-lan. From there, Buern realized that she could view her entire unique History. The Students travelled to Hieron's domain next which was the sky itself. From there, Harry realized he could review his unique History. Jason led the Students to a vast beautiful, yet mysterious forest where they found Silas, the White Elk. Jason realized that this was Silas' domain and the place from which he could review his unique History. Estelle next took them to a brilliant star within the Book Of Jo-lan. This was her Psychorage, Kerberos' domain and she too realized that this was where her unique History was recorded.

Throughout their journeys, though the Students were excited and amazed to see all of this, Josec noticed a sorrow within Buern. He knew that every moment the Students grew closer to their final confrontation with Souryu was a step closer to the moment that would decide whether Buern could save her father from Souryu's malice or would lose him forever. Josec wished very much that he could comfort Buern but he knew that up until this moment, there was no sure sign that Innovain could be rescued from Souryu's grasp. He couldn't afford to give Buern false hopes and he didn't want to make her any more depressed than she seemed to be by reminding her of that topic. Buern noticed Josec staring worriedly at her but when she turned to face him, he hurriedly looked away. She instinctively knew that he was concerned about her. It made her very happy.

"Josec, we've seen the domain of everyone else's Psychorages but yours. You are yet to discover from where you can view your personal History within this realm" Buern said.

Josec laughed. He knew Buern had realized his concern and was trying to take his mind off his worries.

"Well, I haven't exactly experienced a conversation with or the presence of a psychorage yet" Josec admitted. "I have been wondering though what Ryu meant when he said Benedict's Ark filled with all of our predecessors was my true Psychorage" Josec said.

"Yeah, you did mention that in Master Andrea's cabin" Harry recalled.

Josec nodded.

"We know Psychorages are sentient mythical beings but can a ship really be sentient?" Harry asked.

"I don't know" Josec answered honestly. "However, if we consider the similarities between the realm within the Book Of Jo-lan and Benedict's Ark as well as the fact that the Phoenix symbolizes the collective righteous will of mankind it is possible that Benedict's Ark and the Phoenix may share a connection in that the Phoenix is a super sentient being formed from the collective righteous will of mankind. If Benedict's Ark shares that nature, then I do not doubt that it is indeed sentient" Josec reasoned.

"Let's return to the Temple on the island" Buern suggested.

The Students flew back to the island. When they had finally reached the Temple, they were met by Master Andrea and the three elders of the Phoenix Clan.

"Masters Lucas, William and Victor, may I speak with you three in private?" Josec asked politely.

The three elders agreed.

Master Andrea and the other Students left Josec alone with the three elders.

"You are concerned about Buern aren't you Josec?" William Fenix asked.

"How did you know?" Josec asked.

"When you arrived in this Village initially, we sensed your aura radiating from Buern. We can tell that you have impacted her life greatly. Likewise, we can also sense Buern's aura radiating from you. You care for her deeply and are quite overprotective of her. Just before you asked to speak with us alone, we sensed a disturbance within both your spirit and hers. Your concern and hers, we thus concluded originate from the same source" William Fenix said.

Josec nodded.

"I'll go straight to the point then. Is there any way to free Innovain from Souryu's control?" Josec asked seriously.

"Hmm…that is an interesting question. After everything you've been through, you are concerned about Buern enough to be concerned for Innovain, her father, though he is your enemy" Lucas Bane said seriously.

Josec remained silent.

"There may be a way but that to a large extent depends on the details surrounding the final battle between Vega Fenix and Innovain" Victor Vern said.

"The battle between my father and Innovain?" Josec's eyes widened in surprise. "Why?" Josec asked.

"You may have heard that Vega Fenix, Felix Bane and Innovain were once friends before your births. At the moment of your births, for you, Harry and Buern were born at exactly the same moment, Souryu tried to drain Buern of her power in order to regenerate itself however Buern's mother, Lily Vern resisted Souryu's evil will with the Spirit Of The Phoenix and you Josec, as young as you were suppressed Souryu by shielding Buern subconsciously. From that event, we all knew that you, Josec possessed a special ability to suppress Souryu however since the shielding technique you used on Buern remained on her like a mark and you lost all your joki as a result, we assumed that you had lost this ability. Just before he lost control to Souryu completely, Innovain made your father and Felix Bane promise to protect Buern. Felix Bane thus assumed the role of Ysmann, Innovain's most loyal henchman as a means to remain close to Buern and protect her while ensuring that his own son Harry would remain safe. During that time, your father began to research into sealing and exorcism techniques. Originally, the role of sealing Souryu was to be entrusted into the hands of you three since the events surrounding your births indicated that you three had the ability to suppress Souryu. We were all thus to protect you secretly until you matured. Your father of course was against this idea since he didn't like the idea of children inheriting such a heavy burden. We had many arguments and it seemed like he was finally beginning to accept the whole idea" William Fenix narrated.

"What changed?" Josec asked.

"Shortly after your births, Ayumi, one of the Seven Jo-lan Masters arrived with Zan her husband into our Hidden Village carrying a blade we now know was presented to her by Pheisl, another one of the Seven Jo-lan Masters. The blade was called 'Kommeno Syndesmo' or 'Severed Link' and had the power to separate bonded forces of a polar opposite nature" Victor Vern narrated.

"The Kommeno Syndesmo? I remember seeing it amongst the elements contained in the History Of Dreams and Reality" Josec thought to himself.

"The sword itself didn't seem to possess any special ability however when one's positive feelings were flowed into the sword, it came alive and its ability to sever bonded forces of a polar opposite nature became clearly visible" Lucas Bane narrated.

"Your father began to study the sword into detail believing that he could conceptualize its abilities into developing a technique" William Fenix narrated.

"Shortly after that, your father left to confront Innovain but I knew Vega Fenix very well and he was not the kind of man to make such a reckless move lightly and I doubt he didn't consider the possibility of his demise. I doubt he carelessly threw his life away and I am quite certain that he certainly accomplished the task he set out to do. However, it has all been conjecture up until this moment and the key to determining whether or not Innovain can be freed may lie within your memories of that tragic night so Josec I ask, did you perchance observe anything odd about your father's fight with Innovain?" William Fenix asked.

"Hmm, I recall him fighting Vagan, Innovain's brother and twisting his ankle as he delivered the final blow. I recall him saying he didn't intend for me to master the Jo-lan Martial Art and he would rather I lived a happy life free from all the senseless fighting" Josec said.

"I see, he never really accepted the idea after all" William Fenix said.

"I remember Innovain walking in and I recall my father being unable to match Innovain's speed. I recall Innovain asking me whether or not my name was related to the Phoenix and telling me that the Phoenix was the only creature capable of standing up to the power of the dragon. I recall Innovain assuming the form of Souryu and my father equipping the Eyes and Wings Of The Phoenix. From then, Innovain blew a stream of black flames towards my father and though my father could have evaded the flames…he leapt right through them" Josec said.

He noticed a look of excitement on the faces of the three elders.

"Vega…that fool actually did it!" William Fenix said excitedly.

"What do you mean?" Josec asked.

"You recall me saying that you marked Buern with a shielding technique at the moment of your births and that your father was researching exorcism and sealing techniques as well as the abilities of the Kommeno Syndesmo? Well, your father succeeded in developing his own unique limit break. The most recent addition of limit breaks to the techniques of the Fenix Clan. It is a technique that leaves a mark similar to a wound on the one upon whom it is inflicted preventing them from ever completely being overwhelmed by negativity. By flowing positive feelings into this wound, one can slowly expand it until negativity itself is completely torn apart. Your father dubbed this technique 'Light's Wound' and I believe he may have succeeded in scarring Innovain with this technique" William Fenix said.