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To Kill a Killer (BL)

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If you kill a killer there's still the same amount of killers in the world. So why not kill two, or perhaps even more. Heck, why not entirely. My name is Peter Hale, well it used to be but that's not the point. I was murdered by one of my previous worlds most notorious serial Killers, and now I'm going to kill every last killer in my new world, so that they don't have to know the suffering that I did. Nothing can stop me.

Chapter 1 - A Short Life

Pavement and rain. A perfect combination in the big city. The smell of rain coupled with the millions of bright lights from the roads, buildings, and glowing signs, was something that almost anybody could look forward too. The only downside was the spray of water that was sent up by passing vehicals, which was commen when walking close to the edge of the sidewalk.
Shaking water out of his hair Peter shoved his hands in his pockets, tipping his head back to let the rain slide down the sides of his face. All of his life he had wanted to live in the city, wanted to be close to the hustle and bustle of thousands of people. As it turns out, it wasn't as exciting as he had thought it would be, in fact it was quite the opposite. He hadn't expected everything to be so loud, hadn't known how many thousands of people he would pass on the street in just one day. It was to much, he couldn't even think anymore.
Letting out a deep sigh he kicked his shoe into a nearby puddle, watching the droplets of water fall back to the already wet concrete. Now his socks were wet, but honestly it didn't really bother him anymore. He was to tired, to hurt, and to broken down to care anymore.
Turning a corner, he made his way down a street he had never been on before. Usually this is were he would turn around and go home, but tonight he didn't really feel like it. His small apartment was to empty, to cold.
Turning another corner, he saw the bright neon lights of a bar. He needed something to empty his head, to make the world disappear. Usually he wouldn't drink alcohol, but today he was desperate. His thoughts were to painful, if drinking made it go away then he would do it for the rest of his life.
He was just few feet from the entrence of a bar, when he heard a highpitched shreik from a nearby alley. The sound was horrifing, and chilled him to the bone. It was followed by the deep rough voice of a man. "Come on, just give me your wallet and we won't and we won't hurt the lady." It hissed, and the sound of several dark chuckles echoes off the walls.
For a moment, Peter was frozen in place, unable to make himself move. This wasn't any of his business, just a couple more steps and he could be in the bar drinking away his sorrows and pretending this had never happened. But there was a part of him, that said he wasn't going to do that. Yes he was just one man, a man that had nothing but pain and deep sadness on his back. He wouldn't really be risking anything by helping.
Shoving his hand into his pocket he pulled out the little pocket knife that he carried with him at times. It wouldn't be much help, but it made him feel better to have it in his hands. Besides the guy in the alley sounded like a cheap thug that was looking for a bit of extra cash. Guys like that were all talk, they never really did anything more then beat people up and steal there wallets and whatever else expensive they could find. And anyway, Peter was used to being beat up, his father hadn't exactly been a nice man.
Turning into the alley way he shouted. "BACK OFF!! IF YOU NEED MONEY GO AND GET A JOB LIKE THE REST OF US!" It was only after he got a good look at what was waiting for him in the alley that he realized he had made a mistake. The girl who had screamed was standing in the corner of the alley, tears in her eyes. Her lip was cut and blood streamed from her nose. In front of her was a large man with big muscles and a ripped shirt with no sleeves, holding a glistening silver dagger to her throat. A few feet away stood a tall lanky young man, wearing a hoodie and plain jeans, who must have been the girls boyfriend. There was two more large men holding his arms behind his back, and shaking him.
In the center of it all, stood a man, that made Peters blood run cold. He wasn't as big as the others, and he wore a fancy suit instead of worn out street cloths. His black hair was brushes back and gelled down.
Peter recognized him at once, most people in the city would. His face had appeared on the news more then once in the past month. His name was Sean Dansford, the single most well known murderer in the city. His main target was couples, it didn't matter the age or if they were married or just dating.He used his men to drag them into dark alleyways, and would force them to give up all there expensive belongings, claiming that if they did he would let them go without hurting them. As soon as he had all the valuebles, he would kill one of the two, and as it had been reported, laugh for several minutes before killing the other.
The police and FBI had been after him for months, but no matter how close they had come to catching him, he had always managed to slip away without a trace, sometimes leaving his men to be caught instead. Most of them were already on death row.
Peter took a step back, but it was to late, he already gotten involved. Sean wouldn't just let him go, not after that outbust he'd just had. What an idiot he was. The young woman wimpered, another tear sliding down her cheek and dropping off her chin. She couldn't be any older then seventeen, she didn't deserve to die. The boy looked to be about eighteen an expression of false bravery set on his face, he was trying to be strong, even though he must have been scared beyond belief.
Bright red lined Peter's vision. No, he needed to try and save them, they were to young to die. There was still so much life waiting for them, so much for them to experience. They were just kids after all. Well technically Peter was to, but he was twenty three and had still accomplished nothing, he didn't have as much to lose as they did.
"And what are you going to do." A cold voice drawled, in a venomous snake like voice. Peter glared at Sean who was sporting a large wicked smirk. " There's more of us then there are of you."
There was a flash and suddenly, even though he wasn't aware of taking the first step, he was running at Sean full spead. He was sure that his face must have been twisted in rage, he must have looked like a mad man. He couldn't stand those who hurt innocent people. And the ones that murdered others simply for sport, he despised the mere thought of those people, or could they even be called people. Monster suited them much better.
He was two steps away from the man, who stood there, his condecending grin unmoving on his unfairly good looking face. How come only bad people got handsome faces, that wasn't fair. BANG! The loud sound of a gunshot rang through the alley, and then a sharp pain exploded in Peter's chest.
He collapsed to the ground, the metallic smell of blood stinging his nose. God he was useless fool. As if from far off he heard a sudden rustling, a curse from a very deep voice and the sound of footsteps running away. Then Sean's voice saying. "DON'T JUST STAND THERE, GO AND CATCH HER SHE'LL BRING THE COPS."
The song of anotber set of runnig footsteps could be heard and then a much quieter voice asked. " What about him."
" Kill him. It'll be lesson for that bitch when Arron brings her back." Seons voice was colder then before. Then there was the sound of a muffled pained yell, and then the thud of a body hitting the ground.
It was getting hard for Peter to hear over the pain. He had never imagened that something could hurt so much. He blinked up at the sky, drowsiness washing over him as the rain fell on his face. He hadn't helped at all, if anything he was going to die for no reason.
The sound of footsteps again, and then someone was leaning over him. He had to blink several times before he could make out Sean's menecing figure. " Damn, how useless you must feel now." He drawled, the cold smirk still decorating his face. " You didn't even get in one hit, and both of the people you were trying to save are already dead, well the boy is. The girl is pretty much as good as dead though".
Peter groaned in pain as Sean laughed in a vicious manner. " You.....w-won't get....a-away with....this" The words were hard to form and hurt his throat and chest.
"Well not forever, but I will for awhile and I intend to have as much fun as I can in that time." Peter felt hot fury rising his stomach at those words. How could someone speak so ligtly after killing innocent people. Was Peter really going to die in front of this kind of person? No, he couldn't let that happen.
The anger gave him strength, pumping adrenaline through his body. He felt his pocket knife still in his grip. Smiling, he looked at Sean again, cold satisfaction running though his chest. " Times up."
"Wha-" Sean started, but without letting him finish, Peter surged upwards, plunging the knife into the man's throat. For a moment time froze, Seans eyes wide in shock, his mouth gaping open and blood spilling from his fatel wound. Then time returned, and his body crashed to the ground beside Peter, dead before he hit the ground.
Distantly Peter heard the other men shouting, but the world was already fading, they couldn't do anything to him now. He wondered how they would get by now, without Sean telling them what to do.
Smiling he thougbt of what tomorrow's headlines would be. "Famous Serial Killer Murdered by Young College Student". Now he could feel the life draining from his body, it wasn't like he had anything left to live for anyways. At least he had rid the world of a monster before he died, but was that really enough. That was last thought he was able to have before the world went black and he was plunged into silence. It had been a short life.