Chereads / The_Warden / Chapter 4 - ( chapter 3 P2 ) planet Alexandarina

Chapter 4 - ( chapter 3 P2 ) planet Alexandarina

after the portal closed and the fleet left the sloar system they traveled inside the portal and what feels like a moments for us it was hours for them , because inside the portal the time moves 10 times slower than the normal one

1 minute in real world means 10 hours inside the portal , while traveling through the portal it may take lots of time but the path remains , whatever the travelers distention is they will always go to the right path

inside the battleship in the HQ room vergshtien was furious , angry , while looking to the pictures his face was full of agony and despair

the operator brought him food And said thought your hungry

he said calmly thank you ..... but I don't want to eat

she looked at him and she realized he is not gonna eat so she took the pictures and start packing them , vergshtien looked confused and said wait ... what are you doing ...

after she packed the pictures she throw it away and hits someone eyes , she puts the food In front of him and said with a serious tongue you said you gonna eat later And that was 35 hours ago .... look it not your fault that it happened OK

he said with agony no.... your wrong ... it is mine we were there the whole time and we didnt see it we .... "got interrupted"

operator assistant said with loud vocie while he had an Ice bag to his eyes who dare to throw this at me

the female operator turned around and replied sorry force of habit

operator assistant said yeah yeah sure thing just gonna tell the doc its a battle injury

vergshtien said while his voice is falling apart we weren't there for them we were behind the DAMN MARS "his voice gets louder"

"he start taking deep breath "we were so close to the planet and yet we didnt get a signal of a battle or anything neither our scanners did , and because of our failure here the alexandarina legacy just shattered I just hope he !!! can take it

female operator puts her hand to his shoulder and said calmly it wasn't your fault , we make mistakes than we correct them , now relax

he said relax ..... its easy to say than act you know

she looked at him from close and said with low voice your food is getting cold

he said calmly with a smile sure "start to eat"

the female operator left the room she was going to the the prison to see the captives , when she entered the captive reached the cells asking for forgiveness and they will day anything

she looked down at them with cold look and said you wanna forgiveness than say who you working with ??

the captives start look to each other from the sides of their eyes and she start leaning her head to the right and said did I asked a personal question ??

the captives didnt answer than she stood up and told the guards to get one of them out when the guard did that she took the pistol and shot his knees he falls down than shot his shoulders and puts the gun to the injury

she start she start putting pressure on the injury , every time she was pressing harder and harder which made the captive scream from the pain

the others felt his pain and they were scared as she looked at them like a lion looking to his prey

she kept putting pressure to the injury which made him bleed even more , than one of the captive screamd in fear please stop .... stop it I will tell you just stop this ..... please .....

she stops and asked again with calm voice oh yoy want to help me how kind of you .....who you working with ??

the captive explained everything to her than she looked surprised and amazed she looked to the injured captive and she said with smile well done your job is done here "she shot him in between the eyes"

she ordered the other guards to execute them and throw their remaining in the space

she left with the journal she brought , she wrote everything that the captive said

after 5 days in portal which in real time was 12.5 minutes the battleship shot a devise and when the devise reached the place they shot it with the canons and the portal opens , the fleet was going out from it

and it was there the a planet which size bigger than earth 40 times with more than 120 moons they call it planet Alexandarina

from the outside of the planet a massive mechanical orbit was around the planet there was 4 of them it'd objective to protect the planet by all means necessary it had all kind of Cannons , blasters , automatic blasters , fighters , destroyers ... etc

it had a the kind of defenses it need more or less to protect the world , however it was not just the massive orbit shield but transport ships , civilians refugees , tourists , supply ships and more

there was a huge station for battleships and war machines there is more than 20 of them around the planet , its called the fleet docks it looks like a massive start each line from the start can hold up to 20 battleship each

when the fleet reached the station it opend one of the available docks to the fleet when they landed in as soon as the doors open the mechanical supply units start resupply the ship and aiding the injuries

there were so many peoples inside the docks , military , officers , captains all kind of soldiers and commandors with different missions

when vergshtien left the ship with his operator and the children he asked one of the officers if there is an available path to the Royal palace

royal palace location is on the capital city called Novlexa

the officers said yes sir there is just take the elevator and go to the floor 255 there is a ship ready for you there

vergshtien said alright than back to work officer

the officers said with smile yes sir and good luck with your mission

the matodar and the operator with the bag moved to the elevator , 5 minutes of witing the operator pressed the putton on Floor 255 and she gave vergshtien cold look since he didnt press it

his mind was off to somewhere else thinking of the outcome of what's gonna happen in the future

after the operator gave the cold look she said are you OK or something ?

he said while he was worry no , I am not

his heart were beating hard , he start sweating and taking his breath deeply from the way he acts it was known he was worried and scared for what's next yet to come

they reached floor 255 and they moved to sector 19 docks 12 the ship were ready to move the got inside and the ship took off to the Royal palace

in planet alexandarina life was normal they lived in a normal way , they were happy , the streets full of people and the skies full of transport ships , in the streets you can see the defense orbit and it was beautiful looking one at night the orbit glow with relaxing light

the planet atmosphere is smoother than earth everyday is a windy day , sometimes raining

planet alexandarina politic is different from any other planets and countries in this planet they once used money as their trading and buying but when or where did it stops no one know , now days they don't use money they work in return they have safe place to sleep and food since there was plenty of it in the planet

in the royal palace it was heavily guarded by machines and fighters patrol , they transport ship reached to the landing area and moved out

vergshtien asked the guard where is he

guard said he is expecting you inside go we got the rest from here

they got inside the royal palace , inside the palace there was plenty of truests but the place was so quite not because they afraid but from the door of respect

when they got inside the royal champer there was many guards with medieval heavy looking armor and behind the table it was there standing looking through the window his name was the matodar dell mar

he said while drinking a tea as I heard ... I am expecting bad news "take a sips from the tea"

vergshtien said with hesitation correct , tho I hope you can take such a thing like this

matodar dell mar turned around looked at them and said I am sure I will , now to the point ..... what is it ?

vergshtien puts the bag in the table and said see for your self my friend

dell mar opens the bag as he saw 3 children laughing and playing he was surprised as he saw them he knew who they were he puts the tea down looked at them

he said with deep voice it can't be .... it is too early for this

vergshtien said with sadness in his face I know my friend we couldn't do much but we have the information who they were

dell mar stared at them with hard looking and said WHO ...!!!!

THE operator gave him the voice recorder when he start it ..... it says

we are called the guardians from planet star Nova we been ruled by the reinheart family descendant ....

"operator voice" what is your objective

taking revenge and trying to start a new crusade ..... she told us this time its gonna we gonna take the fights to them

the mstodar dell mar holded the recorder as he was about to destroy it he took a deep breath and said take the fight to them huh we will see about that ..... Rainheart

matodar vergshtien said now what we lunch a war against the reinheart once again

dell mar respond no we have better objective here

operator asked what is it

dell mar holded rayzen and said to raise our future rulers and preparing them for the worst I chooses a path good for our people as I promised but apparently fate still alive after all "he looks at rayzen while smiling' isn't that right my lord

vergshtien said so there is no stopping it isn't it , no turning back

dell mar said nope no turning back , I am gonna take a good care of you all of you .... you Are all in a good hands indeed ..... now I a waits your order my lord

side note : matodar is a rank in the alexandarina army it is considered to be a highest rank ever exists in all the militaries it takes a strong mind, brave heart , a well from iron and blood from steel their title is never go down without a fight

( Chapter 3 P2 ) planet alexandarina

( Chapter 4 ) training day