Chereads / The_Warden / Chapter 2 - ( chapter 2 ) a new start

Chapter 2 - ( chapter 2 ) a new start

2500 years later from the events of the rainheart family a new beginning following by a new danger

far away in the milky way galaxy in planet called earth on the date 1438 it was a cloudy day there is a kingdom goes by the name of Erenmourn a peaceful kingdom for generation they lived in peace

One day there is this family called themselves the alexandarinia , one of the earliest people on that area and the founders of Erenmourn the current royal family queen Reeva and king bover had 3 children first born Remesel alexander second born twins Rayzen alexander and Ryden Alexander between the 1st born and the second one year apart

ryden had many problems when he was child be was coughing too much , hard to breath , unable to open his eyes many morr problems

queen Reeva and king bover knew he would die at anytime it was distant to him to die as one of the nights queen Reeva was unable to be seen in the castle king bover ordered to search for her in every corner

as the queen disappears king bover stayed up the entire night feeding him giving him medcine when that did not work be took him from doctor to healer , from healer to a witch , they all said the same the boy is dying and nothing can help him

he returned sadness was on his face he stayed up all night when the medcine didnt work he thought maybe a miricle will as he wasn't religious nor begged to somebody before

he start praying .. begging for something for someone to help him to help his son as he holds him to his chest crying as he did what he can to save him as he falls sleep he said right before closing his eyes

king bover said whispering while looking to the window please ..... anybody.....i am.... not... giving .... up .... on him

as he was tired and heart broken he falls sleep while he saw before closing his eyes a light from the window

as mysterious voice said you called and I shall answered

when the light day rised he heard a child having fun , laughing he woke up at this voice as he saw the unbelive he saw his dying son laughing , smiling , moving his arms and legs like nothing happened

he looked at him amazed , he cried from joy and happiness as he start playing with him the servant came only to see the child destiny was completely changed they ruched at the king looking at the child while crying as well

king bover looked at the window and said with happiness thank you whoever you are

for the other 2 kids they were doing fine , playing around and soon their brother will join

after 2 month the queen returned as the king was happy to see her he didnt questioned where she was or what she was doing he was just happy bit she didnt seems to be happy about ryden she was normal towards him the king was brotherd from the way she acted but he didnt say anything

as things were going good for the kingdom and the people they didnt know what were coming next

one day the people of the kingdom didnt see this day coming As one of the fishermen saw a huge fleet coming towards the kingdom as he saw flying things , at the walls of the kingdom they saw as well a massive army marching towards them they both panicked and ruched to the capital to warn them for what's coming

in less than hours the the massive army surrounded them , they used weapons way ahead of its time *in our time planes , Robots , space ship* the messengers left riding on a horse going on full speed trying to reach thr capital before its too late

after minutes and without any warning they attacked from every direction possible , an explosion shattered the wall the messenger looked back only to see hundreds of flying arrows as he thought they were arrows *they were missiles* as the flying things *fighters , ship* start shooting

the men on the wall tried to fight back using arrows , swords , pikes yet had no chance but to abandoned the wall for good

the royal family panicked as they woke up from the an explosion the king rushed to the window he saw that eastern wall direction smokes the queen entered the room

king bover said where you have been ..wh... what's going on

queen Reeva said we have to leave now

king bover said with worry what about our people we leave them to die

the massenger from the eastren wall rushed to the castle he said open the gates .... open the gates

the gates were opened than the messenger rushed to the royal and said "my lord we have been surrounded our fleet was completely destroyed and they are attacking us from air as well as the ground forces they were overrun

king bover said while he was confused attacking from the air ??

solder said yes my lord

queen Reeva said take the children ... "she start putting the 3 brothers inside bag that can hold the 3 of them together"

king bover said with sadness wh...what.... no you coming with Me ...

queen Reeva said while preparing her husband you said it by yourself my dear our people needs us ... there is no need for both of us to die here "she gived him the bag"

Sadness was on the king face as he leaves the kingdom with small force and few survivors they took the back door leading to the forest

when they reached the forest he looked back to take a one final look on his home only to see it burn the view was horrible to see nobody else looked back .

After around 30 minutes of walking a group of assassins ambushed the survivors , killing what's left of them at this moment the king wasn't really a king anymore as his objective was to save his sons so he ran away as few of the solders followed him to protect their last king

the group of survivors were completely outnumbered and were killed , one of the assassins saw the king running away so he followed him to finish the job

they kept running while the assassins taking the solders one by one using arrows and throwing daggers the king and 4 solders were left alive from the 200k survivors only they were left

they Reached the end of the forest only to see waterfall in front of them the king thought that all hopes were lost but as he resulted to his final decision he looked back at his solders

king bover said with hesitation and worry you are the last solders of this kingdom will you join me with this last journey

solders looked back at him as they were prepared to protect the king

solder said with no fear we will join you in life and in death my lord

king bover said throw your weapons and take off your armor you don't need it anymore

Solders proceeded to take the armor off and throw their weapons down the king looked at them with hopeless look as he tried to do his last move .... to jump off

solder said sir what we gonna do now

king bover said while looking at them from the corner of his eyes we will jump off

solders looked surprised as the sound on the forest goes down , after couple of minutes there was no voice to be heard at all

solder said with hesitation jump off .... from this waterfall .... my lord

king bover said got any other idea ?

solder were looking back to the forest as the king continued

king bover said we either die here or we jump , solder look at me ... " solder looked at him"... there is no honor in death

solder answered with worry si... sir yes sir .

They lined up in the cliff as they heard some sounds were coming from the forest they jumped off the waterfall , at the moment they jumped off the assassins reached their position only to see them jump off

one of the assassin proceed to catch one of them but with no use so he throw his dagger to his back

assassin said this won't be good

assassin leader said leave them the waterfall will take care of them

the assassins left the cliff turning back to the army to report that the mission was successful

in the morning there was a spaceship landed right after the river taking break and breathing some fresh air

soldier said what a nice morning

the second soldier said yeah it is nothing can beat fresh air

as another soldier was cleaning his face with the water from the river he saw a body floating in the water holding a bag in his chest

soldier said in loud voice there is a body in the water

other soldiers came fast as they grabbed the body it was the king body they checked his heartbeat but couldn't hear anything he was dead

they searched the bag only to find 3 children with lattter inside

the latter said "I did what I could to save my kids but couldn't do anything against the invasion , I wrote this knowing that someday something really bad gonna happen if anyone read this be sure that

the kingdom of Erenmourn has fallen but not the alexandarina legacy please whoever find this bag take Care of these kids I know that they will become something that I will be proud of someday"

soldier said with surprised face he .... he an alexandrainan

other soldier said if its not coincidence it has to be fate

they looked at the kids with sad faces

soldier said it is a new start for a new great leader "he turned around" gentleman lets take our new leaders to the safety

other soldiers took the bag into the ship

the second soldier reached to the first soldier said and we thought this day gonna be a great day

soldier said isn't a great day ..... no its a new start for a new era and I am honored to see this while I have the power

he goes to the ship while going he said come on let's leave this place

and then they got inside the ship and took off flying into the space

( chapter 2 ) a new start

( chapter 3 ) planet of Alexandrina

thanks for reading the 2nd chapter I hope you enjoyed reading i thought this was gonna be a lot but it seems it was short chapter

stay hyped for the 3rd chapter the action is yet to come