Chapter 7 - The Realization

"Bertha, I know you know what I'm talking about!" the cleaning lady's voice hammered Helomoto awake.


Like clockwork, she mopped away and complained to Bertha every night. Cleaning lady was clearly disappointed with the world and poured her pent up vexation into her mopping. She was born with high expectations of luxury, a constant stream of attention, and comfort.

Where she expected pampering she instead received a life pregnant with manual labor and minimum wage. Cleaning lady was heavily disappointed with the world and what it offered and she let it be known at every opportunity.

Helomoto simultaneously despised and respected her.

Her glutes shook like tectonic plates as she rhythmically wiped her mop back and forth, doing the bare minimum. She had gusto. Although she was but a cleaning lady within the 4 walls of Jaxley, Smith and Cone, out in the real world she was the type of woman to complain to the manager and get what she wanted.

Her movements were jagged and abrupt, the opposite of beauty and grace.

"And you would think these educated people would clean up after themselves," spat Cleaning lady, "they're pigs, Bertha, 10% brains, and 90% stank is what they are," she complained.

Helomoto couldn't help but chuckle. Suddenly in his mind's eye he envisioned the office dynamics: the nose picker, the pee holder, Che and her filthy nails, Melon's messy, dirty desk. They were living in filth.

"Stinky," he thought and tooted just for the guilty pleasure of adding to the filth.


"I told them to do away with this stupid stapler!" yelled Cleaning lady.

Helomoto was shocked out of his daydream.

"I don't get why they gotta do everything state of the art now, what's wrong with normal manual staplers. This one doesn't even work properly. Instead of spending money on this give me a pay raise," she complained.

Suddenly it clicked.

Helomoto wasn't completely inanimate. His toots would allow him to staple. He glowed in awe. This changed everything. He could express himself, albeit in a single motion, but it was expression nonetheless!

How ironic that the trait of his that he feared the most would be his most prized characteristic in this world.


Cleaning lady knocked Helomoto out for the remainder of the night.