Chapter 4 - Chapter 4

I did just that, buying groceries for my stay here and watching TV to pass time. I would have like to use the computer to surf the internet but SEVEN needed to use it. I had also bought couple items and with the AI instruction I made a cable that can connect to the ATM via a card and make it spit money,

That exactly what I did for one night, SEVEN dealt with the cameras and altered the tape so nobody could see my passage, I got fifty thousand out of two ATM. At the same time SEVEN created a bank account for me and stole money from others in small amount to avoid detection. She already had a way to launder the money, she tried to explain to me but the term became too technical for me and went right over my head. SEVEN also made some fake background for me in case people decided to search me up in the database, and all it lacks now is a copy of my ID.

That led us to today, me taking the taxi to the forger house and drop off the money in exchange for him to make me a fake ID. As I was sitting on the taxi, I was thinking on whose powers to steal. I naturally thought of easy target, like the mutant kids. Then I couldn't remember any of their names except Scott Summers and Jean Grey, and when I had SEVEN take a look on where they are, I discovered they were already at the Xavier school for gifted youngster, so that's a dead end.

"We reached the destination sir." The taxi driver said snapping me back from my thought.

Thanking him and paying the man, I made my way to the building and apartment that the forger resides. I was greeted by a guy in his forties dressed in a shower robe.

"You are MASTERSEVEN?" That is the nick name my AI took when she contacted him via internet.

"Yeah, you must be EL Kiki."

"That's me, I just have to take a couple picture and have you sign couple things and you can go home." That exactly what we did, I didn't it was so simple for a forged ID.

"Come back tomorrow, it'll be done by then." He said.

He may have dressed weirdly but he was surprisingly professional, I left half of the money with him and will only give the other half when the goods are done. I didn't stay here much longer and went back to the temporally house.

SEVEN was already fishing for an apartment and planning on things to buy. As for me, I just chilled waiting for tomorrow since I didn't want to steal another ATM as I am afraid of being caught and on top of that I didn't have a car making it a pain for me to carry the money back since I had to do it by walking.

A couple days later I got my ID and already rented an already furnish apartment and spacious enough for SEVEN to do her research her other things, the apartment cost quite a bit of money but it is worth it since all the rooms are soundproof.

As soon as we got the apartment, SEVEN had a long list of things to buy. I had to buy at least ten computers and filled the saloon, which is the most spacious room, with cable and screens. I may not be some engineer expert but I can at least assemble a PC and connect some few cables.

"Master, you're putting it at the wrong place." It was SEVEN who talked with a voice resembling the one from Google translation. It came directly from one of the computers and with the help of multiple cameras she could see everything I'm doing.

I am building a mechanize hand for her to use so she doesn't rely on my imprecise hands. Apparently SEVEN want to build some better computer and a phone for me when I get out. Some next level contact and ear bud too, resembling those that I saw on Mission Impossible. But first we need to wait for the delivery of necessary parts.

The AI is setting up some dummy company to trade in stock and further expand our riches. SEVEN is also researching a way for us to get our hands on some rarer material to make some robots or armored suits.

After finishing setting up the arm, SEVEN ran some test on it and the arm working perfectly. I couldn't help but feel a tinge of pride for making such complicated thing even though all I did was following SEVEN instructions to the letters.

"So, what are you going make?" I asked the AI. I have some idea on what she wanted to make but I kind of want to confirm it and be sure.

"I will first make intelligent contact lenses for you master, it will allow me to see what you see and give you information on what you see. Then the ear buds so you can hear me. Also some weapon so master can defend himself until I can make the robots."

"I never used any gun before." That and never even fought before, if I ever find myself in those kinds of situation I will definitely panic and do stupid shit.

"It will have assistance aim with it, master."

"Oh, do you need anything from me?" I asked mainly because I was bored and definitely not because I was feeling a little bit useless. Definitely not.

She needed to go to the electronic store and buy a bunch of part only for her to take a few rare metals and throw to rest. That's throwing money through to windows and makes me want to jump out of the same goddamn windows. SEVEN suggested we opened our own company and we totally could and I agreed but I wanted to fly under the radar for a while and creating that company will put me in the spotlight.

I couldn't decide so I putted that thought on the back of my head and went to buy what SEVEN wanted. I need to prepare to lose my virginity tonight by buying some Viagra. I decided to just hire a hooker and get that perk before worrying about leveling up or not.

The thing I didn't expect was SEVEN getting salty and a little bit jealous when I asked her to arrange a hooker for me. Well, I did ask Morgan to make the AI be in love with me, at least I'm pretty sure she won't do anything to jeopardize it.

After getting all the stuff SEVEN wanted, I returned back to my apartment to see the mechanize arm making another of its kind but in better. "Already making another arm?" I stated something stupidly obvious, saying obvious and stupid things are in my blood.

"I will work faster with more arms, master." SEVEN responded casually, I'm kind of sure that she could feel emotion since I discovered she could be jealous but except that instance she showed no other hint of emotion, at least I know if she ever goes full skynet, I would be safe.

"Your appointment with the whore is in two hours, I advise master to take a shower before going and not forget to bring condoms." The AI reminded me of the rendezvous I asked her to make, it will happen in a five star hotel I asked SEVEN to book for me and the service of the girl cost five thousand dollars for a night. For my first time I wanted the best women money can buy and from the image I saw from the screen, I'm already hard in anticipation.

"Got it, but we still have time. During the shopping, I remember a couple things but not sure if they exist yet." I may have watched all the marvel movies but my memory is dog shit so I need a lot time and thinking just to remember certain things.

"Search for project sentinel and Bolivar Trask, he made some really good robots that nearly wiped out the mutant kind. And search also for Helen Cho, she will create something that may give you a body of flesh. " Those two things just happen to cross my mind when I went shopping but I'm not sure that Helen Cho started to make the cradle yet and not sure that the X-men movies are a part of MCU but I'm pretty sure that there's mutant here. We just need to make sure we're prepare for Magneto and his goons, and also Xavier and his goons because for my selfishness I might break multiple laws that will pit me against the heroes.

"I can make better robot than anybody, I'm the greatest AI in history and it is the same for making a body for myself." Well, that's the second time that SEVEN showed hint of emotion, I think this is pride.

"Yeah I know, after all I'm the one who made the wish, but their research could save us a lot of time and may give you some inspiration." I tried to convince the AI to not let his pride get in the way when there's a shortcut. Discussing of this made me remember a couple more things that I forgot. "Also try to find anything you can on the super soldier serum that made Captain America and Hulk. On top of that look for AIM, a company created by Killian something I forgot the rest, I know they're developing a serum called extremis, steal that shit too."

"I will master, but I would like to ask why you prefer to ask me steal other human work instead asking me to make something similar but surely better." This question is pretty easy to answer and I'm sure if SEVEN bothered to think she would the answers but I guess she's asking to get know me better.

"The same reason I make you steal money, because is faster and easier. Also I have the utmost confidence that you will improve or make better than anything we still." I smiled at SEVEN while giving her the thumbs up. "Also don't steal anything I didn't tell you."

"Yes master."

With that said I went to my room to prepare myself for tonight date.