Chapter 9 - Chapter 9

"I do not like having my loyalty toward my master questioned." SEVEN immediately retorted to the mutant in her never changing monotone voice. At least she didn't call her whore unlike the past when she exclusively only called her by that word.

"Don't worry Vanessa, she's perfectly safe." I intervened and said reassuringly.

"You know best and I trust your expertise." The white haired woman said but I could still feel she was wary of SEVEN. On top of that I know nothing about AI but I trust Morgan didn't bamboozled me.

"Let's get back to the main topic. The plan is rather simple. My AI, SEVEN, forged a document, Wilson Fisk last will. The document looks more real than a real one, the only person that can discredit it will be dead. First we send the papers to Benjamin Donovan, Fisk lawyer, he will call Fisk to confirm it, so we intercept the call and pass for Wilson Fisk thanks to SEVEN voices changer and confirm the last will. Then we kill the bald fatso by fucking up his car. Simple and efficient."

There may be some problem when we take over the company due to the gang working under Fisk but all I need is his eighty millions in his bank account and the buildings he own. I don't need to take over his underworld dealing since we're going to detach ourselves from that and turn to more profitable venture.

"What about his mom?" Vanessa asked.

"His mom is in a nursery home and she won't be able to contest the will nor does she have enough funds to do so." In my mind the kingpin mom is simply not a threat to the plan.

"I told you that if I take my revenge, I will take everything from him. I want him to feel the pain of losing a mother." Her voice sounding like a growl, full of hate and anger, an aura of rage radiated from her. Her nails turned to claws due to anger. I have never seen her so angry before, I think she definitely wants to murder Fisk mama.

"Okay…" Too be honest she's kind of scary right now. "So, why didn't you kill her before?"

"I wanted to, but she's protected and there's camera all around the nursery home. I don't want to look over my shoulder for the rest of my life." I personally thought that with her power she could easily kill her and escape by taking other people appearance, better she can make new faces that doesn't exist to further fuck with them and with the kill done she can just go overseas. It's not like the Kingpin has much influence outside of America.

"I've killed people before, people that hurt me. I'm a murderer." She stated looking right into my eyes. "Are you scared of me?" Vanessa asked, her face showing sadness and fear.

"Well, yeah kinda." The blue skinned mutant looked down, her shoulder slumped a bit. "I'm not scared about the fact you killed people. I got scared when you got angry, that's all, though I got a little bit turned on since you looked so sexy when you're angry. It doesn't mean I want to see you angry because there's no way I want to be on the receiving end of your wrath."

Vanessa laughed and smiled happily. "I don't know if should be offended or feeling happy."

"I'll go for happy, I don't want to die yet." I looked at the top of her head to see if there's anything wrong but it seems that everything is going well.

Vanessa Carlysle

Status: Single

Relationship: 51/100

She loves you, a bit.

We continued to joke around for a little bit before Vanessa expressed her concern about the men that are working under The Kingpin and what they would do after his death.

"Well it's going to be annoying and tricky. They need the enterprise for some of their activity and I doubt they will fall into line so they would probably cause trouble but it's alright. All I will have to do is send the police on their asses. I know where Fisk keeps all his blackmail material and if all those city officials he has under his pocket want to keep their job and keep receiving money, they will listen to me."

I don't know if Wilson Fisk is stupid or smart but he hid every single of his illegal dealing and other important papers in his suite where he reside, the suite is located at the top floor of the building, one of many he own.

Vanessa and I discussed the details of the plan deep into the night, preparing ourselves.