Rosalie accompanied him to the beautiful parks, piazzas, and gardens. They had great time there and they enjoyed each other company with all sorts of conversation. She was curious and learned all about what she could. She could sense his presence dominating every day and every second of her existence and the week she spends with him led to a boost in it even stronger than ever. Although Herbert and Liza and Mr. and Mrs. George Earl accompanied them in their visits everywhere, but she never felt stirred by anyone other than him. Today was the second last day of her stay there and it was a Friday. They all went to Paradiso National Park as promised by Johnathan to his siblings but now they had three more people accompanying them. So it turned out to be a group tour.
They took the food there for the lunch that the maid of the manor prepared for them. They went early in the morning and reached there early in the noon. She loved watching the mountains in the long drive. Herbert briefed her about the floras and faunas this time and the animals. Johnathan enjoyed some silent time there with them. But he felt a little aloof from the rest of the group. She approached him and held his arm in her own. Herbert felt a bit jealous as he developed an interest in her. He and Liza called them both who were enjoying the sight now gazing far off in the valley of Cogen. It was paradise, Johnathan told her to join them, and he will follow. She accompanied Herbert and Liza who asked her about Keswick. She was quite responsive to them both, but she felt off as Johnathan didn't join in. He didn't talk much about anything at that point. She called him as she felt uncomfortable with his stand-offish manner, 'Hey John . . .. join us! I don't want to talk about England as I am in Turin!'.
He gestured in affirmation and sat close to them when they had lunch in the open green valley. She was the only sight that comforted here there in Italy. She liked his half-siblings, but this intense attention made her uncomfortable and she excused herself. As she breathed deeply while she walked a bit away from them, Johnathan realized her discomfort but before as he moved to approach her. Herbert intervened and called Rosalie; she was still not at ease, but she felt much better than before. It was a sort of panic attack that she had for the very first time realizing that she is in strange land in between strangers. He needed Johnathan's gentle words to feel comfortable, but he was physically with them but not mentally.
She was quite upset with Johnathan, and she didn't talk to him at all. She conversed with Herbert and Liza all the way home and she looked at him with a bothered frown. As they reached home late in the evening, she bid her farewell to all and resorted to her room straightaway. 'I just hate him! Why did he do that? What does he think of himself! I will leave in a day or two and he is not even there for me!' she articulated in anguish. She wept and sobbed; Johnathan went to her room, but he sat outside her door listening to her cry. He wanted to comfort her, but he was in pain and dilemma himself. They could talk about everything in the world but confessing their feelings was the only thing they both feared. Their past shadowed and haunted any hope of a pleasant future.
Their last day in Turin was to be spend in a celebration for their farewell. And Herbert decided that at that party he will confess her feelings to her. They went to party at noon and reached the Royal estate where Duke Herbert and Liza waited for them all. She dressed in a beautiful light fawn dress that complimented and accentuated her beautiful brunette hair that were tied in a bun with beautiful white roses from Johnathan's Garden which he showed her the first night she spends at his childhood manor. She loved ethereal and fairy-like that evening. Johnathan as well shone like the most brilliant start; he wore a royal blue suit with tuxedo. He was the most handsome fellow there in the party his hazel eyes shone bright. Everyone eyed him with adoration and Rosalie adored him the most as she entered the estate accompanying him.
They were the most attractive couple in the whole party. Even Herbert couldn't steal his elder brother's thunder in his grey tuxedo. He requested Rosalie for a dance, and she accepted. He took her hand and they danced along with many other people attending this pleasant farewell. It was the heaviest day on Rosalie and Johnathan's heart as she couldn't take her eyes off him while he danced with Liza. She cried last night, and it turned her blue crystal eyes red. Herbert noticed that she was not with him and inquired, 'Are you alright? You look tired!'. 'I . . .. I couldn't sleep well! I think I am a bit exhausted!'. 'Alright, then we shall rest a bit!' he said to her. They stopped and she rested a bit as she set her eyes off John, he disappeared. She looked for him gazing everywhere, but she couldn't find him. He came a bit late and handed over a drink to her, 'Here, it will give you some energy, and I hope you would give the pleasure of this last dance?' he asked her.
She smiled warmly and appeared to be happy. Herbert interrupted them and told him, 'She is exhausted and would not be able to dance!'. She gazed at him with a bit unpleasantness and said, 'I would dance! I am feeling alright!'. Herbert asked her, 'Are you sure?'. 'I am certain of it!' she said. Jonathan took her hand in his and placed her on his shoulders. He placed her other hand on her waist, and they danced and danced lost into each other's eyes. It was hard for them to stop now and even when the music set off. They danced till exhaustion had the best of them. They rested a little and got refreshed and then joined the rest of the family at the dinner.
They sat and duchess again asked her about her profession and family background. She was accustomed to such sort of conversation, so she told them, 'I am a half-Gypsy and half Angle from the Keswick town in England. Gypsy from my mother and granny's side and obviously! I am a self-proclaimed professional baker right now! I was quite fortunate to be gift a grand property as a parting gift from my dearest friend Johnathan, as you all are acquainted to and is sitting beside me! My father passed away when I was twelve and John was there as well at that time! My mother owns a boutique in Keswick town. Our house the Scarlet Garden is famous for its renowned supernatural influence! It is also an heirloom or legacy only transferred to female in the family! It was a gift by Royals to my granny's service for her majesty!'.
'Wow! That is actually a grand and simple introduction! I love that!' she told her and all of them cheered to her. She gestured in affirmation, and she sat down on her seat. She was tired now but still she desired to talk to Johnathan which he didn't even at that point. He played with his food with the ford in his hand. She looked at him the whole time even when Herbert stood and toasted for her. Liza, and the duchess felt that she was unaffected and didn't pay attention to what he had to say. So, she cued her to sit down. Johnathan caught a sight of her glancing at him, and he passed her a warm smile back. As she could utter a word to him, he stood up and excused himself from the dinner table. She felt the same aloofness from his manner as earlier.
So she stood and requested to be excused to which Herbert said, 'He will be fine! Do not spoil your mood because of him!'. The duchess reaffirmed, 'Yes, Rosalie you just settle down here, he will be back!'. Liza nodded in agreement and then said, 'Yes, Herbert has something to say to you!'. She sat down as if she felt influenced. She sensed the same oddness as when John left him with stuck with them but this time. 'I think I must accompany him!' she said. 'But . . .. I think you must stay!' uttered Herbert. She stood up again and walked out on them this time. She knew it was disrespectful but as she looked around, she found him. 'John . . .. Johnathan!' she called his name. He was standing alone in the corridor just along the main entrance.