Chereads / OC in the Apocalypse / Chapter 1 - Prologue

OC in the Apocalypse

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Chapter 1 - Prologue

{The year 2020. Location is unknown.}

My feet padded against the ground quietly as I slowly stalked my prey through the Tongass National Forest. My prey was a wanted criminal, wanted for organizing multiple bombings worldwide.

I aimed down the sights on the scope of my custom RU556. It was jet black with a suppressor on the end of the muzzle. I'm currently chambering subsonic rounds. The sight I had was a Sig Sauer Tango6T with a Mil-dot reticle. On the side was an EOTECH EXPS3 Red Dot for CQB.

On my right hip was my trusty Smith & Weston Model 500. It shot rounds of the.500 S&W Magnum variety. On my chest plate carrier, I had my FN Five-Seven Pistol chambered in 5.7x28mm. It was more for CQB if needed.

I had a Kukri knife on my belt on both sides. This was thanks to some Gurkhas I had worked with in the UK. On the sides of my boots, I had some M9 bayonets. And on my lower back was a large machete for foliage.

I am currently wearing a half-ghillie suit due to the foliage. I only needed to hide my upper body as my lower body was already hidden. I looked down at my sights and noticed several guards walking around carrying all sorts of random guns.

I noticed one of them had an AK, but it could very well be a single fire, which I couldn't risk, so I slowly laid down on the ground and crawled through the foliage until I reached the edge of their little hideout in the woods.

I aimed down the sight at the furthest person away from me and fired once. Thanks to how dark it was, no one noticed straight away, so I slowly aimed at the next person and so on.

It took me five minutes to take out all the sentries without alerting anyone. I heard a roar in the distance and a few gunshots.

That was definitely a bear. Maybe some hunters or some of these guys.

I wasn't going to wait around to find out, though. I aimed through the windows I could see and saw my prey. He was sleeping, so I was able to check the rest of the house. But to just be sure, I slowly opened the window and used my custom-made knockout gas to open it, place it in the room, and close the window again.

I waited a few minutes, then slowly opened the window again to let the air out. I checked the door for any traps and did not see any. I slowly peaked the door open and checked again for any tripwires.

None again, So I stealthily entered the room and found some guys on the ground unconscious. I quickly took my kukri and cut their throats. I checked every room and even found a room full of future plans and evidence of their previous incidents.

I quickly packed it all into my backpack and then placed some custom-made napalm bombs around the room and the previous rooms. I entered the room with the target and pulled a syringe out and injected it into him.

I quickly put him into a coma state for 24 hours. I quickly put him on my shoulder and walked out of the camp and into the woods, disappearing from everyone's sight.

It was a few moments later that the bombs went off. Thankfully, I had preplanned this op and called for the fire brigade to come to the area It would take at least 3 hours for them to get here.

I finally made it to my little RHIB on the river bank, placed him on it, and paddled out to the speed boat I had ready for EVAC.

"Too easy", I chuckled to myself. I have been working as a lone operator for the British Intelligence agency for several years now.

They gave me ops to do and they paid well. I never failed a task, but this was to be my last operation. I had so many contingency plans in case they tried to betray me. I even had thousands of servers with every bit of information I had on every nation around the world.

I had no family or friends due to this job, but I bought a plot of land in Lynn Canyon Park, Canada. I had built off the grid, completely off the grid. It was built into a cave where I had built some tunnels, traps, and an underground river connected to the local river that took me 2 years to dig and make safe. They even built several grates into the tunnel to stop anything bigger than carp from getting through.

It was well hidden as I had managed to make a natural door that had moss growing over it and rocks behind it. It was also a nuclear bunker as I had made the door 14 inches thick of steel and concrete on a hydraulic system. The power came from the underground river as it had a little drop and made a hydro system to power quite a few things.

The rooms were large and steel-reinforced with concrete everywhere. It could house up to a hundred people. I had an underground farm with proper sunlight and a few bee farms on the farm. The air circulation was great, fresh water was constantly available, and then everything was perfectly hidden.

I had weapons, ammo, swords, bows, crossbows, and so on. Even full clothes made of furs from different animals. good for winter hunting when it gets cold.

I had built this to be able to survive for at least 500 years with all the stuff I had bought over the years. I have enough spare parts that I can replace everything at least 200 times in case I need to.

Even a freezer that was 20 feet long by 15 feet wide. There are 12-foot ceilings in that room as well. That had everything frozen, from fresh produce to meats. The dry store had cans and tins of everything that had the longest expiry date and the freshest circulation in the room.

I was a prepper, that was for sure. But I made sure no one, and I mean no one would ever find it. I had people delete databases of this area, and the only physical copy of the paperwork for my property was at the local city hall.

I slowly bring the speed boat to a stop where a chinook comes flying out and slowly drops a few lines for me to hook the boat too. It slowly brings me up and we fly out into the distance.

It wasn't long before my boat was slowly lowered down on a large trailer with my massive custom pickup truck for off-roading.

As soon as we had landed I unhooked from the Chinook and jumped off the boat and threw straps over it to secure it as fast as possible and had started my truck and had the information scanned quickly while the chinook landed.

I pulled the target out and put the information on his chest in a spare backpack.

10 guys walk off the chinook. 9 of them were in full gear, 2 of them were SBS, and 2 were SAS. 3 were Navy seals and the last 2 were Delta from the badges I spotted.

I instantly knew something was wrong when the guy that came off wasn't my handler. It was the Director General, He never sees anyone unless you are hired or something else.

I slowly walk to them dragging the guy by his arm on the ground with my other hand resting on my S&W ready for action. I knew I could get 6 of them before they could shoot.

That is when I caught movement in the area, There were at least 6 squads of American and British Marines around the area set up at my location.

"All this for little old me" I call out in my gravelly voice. Tired from the years of working in the British military, Started out as a Marine when I was 17 and did that for 12 years before I went for the Chance of the SBS did that for 5 years, Transferred to the SAS done 5 years with the. 3 years with the SRR then 4 years with the SFSG. I was picked up to work with British Intelligence.

36 years working for the British government. Medals falling out of my ass, perfect records on everything. Risking my life several times to save my brother in my arms. I noticed the SAS and SBS guys looking queezy about this.

They knew they were gonna die. They knew I would take them out first for betraying me. The delta and seals guys look smug and probably have not heard of me before.

The director looked at me and just laughed a bit.

"You know the drill, Ghost we can't leave anyone behind with all the stuff you know. The Americans want in on taking out the legendary Ghost. But the Queen she has one last medal for you before you get taken out" He states slowly.

He pulls out the one medal that I was told I deserved several times throughout my career. The Victoria Cross. The last medal for collection of medals.

He threw the box at me and I caught it with ease. Putting it in my pocket straight away.

The Director whistled and the delta and seals walked over and grabbed the target and the information.

They took him to the Chinook along with the Director. Once the Director was onboard the Seals and Deltas walked off and it flew away.

"Nothing personnel guys, But this aint going to be pretty for any of us," I say calmly. My 53-year-old body was still built and not slow at all.

As soon as I said that the delta aimed their guns but they were the first down with my FN five-seven. I pulled out my S&W and quickly fire 4 shots scoring headshots on the SAS and SBS. I turned my last two bullets at the Seals who were too slow to catch on to what had just happened and killed two before I fired my FN five-seven and the last one.

1 minute it took me to kill 9 people from the special forces. There was pure silence before the Marines around me opened fire on me. I pulled up my RU556 and took several shots aiming for the yanks first. I was slowly taking them out. I didn't even take cover as I knew I was gonna die today no matter what.

There was a loud crack as my leg literally disappeared into a bloody mist.

"F*CK*NG C*NT F*CK" I scream out but I aimed at the sniper with the 50-caliber rifle. I aimed and took 4 shots. 2 through the scope and 2 at his spotter.

Both were dead, I turned to the marines and I could tell I was losing blood fast. So I started the automatic start on my truck and armed the bombs with my wristwatch. It slammed into the line of marines and took out 90% of them in a massive fireball.

I was bleeding out fast, I slowly reloaded my guns and just fired them off not even aiming now. I brought my S&W to the side of my chest and fired as quickly as possible before I died. All 6 rounds flew through the side of my chest ripped my inside out but the bullets flew through me and hit the gas containers at the side of the airport we were out and causing a massive explosion.

Darkness claimed me and I had the last laugh.

{Chinook: 2020}

"F*ck*ng hell!" The Director shouts as he sees all the carnage from trying to kill Ghost.

87 dead and 12 wounded.

"Director, Is he dead? What are the casualties?" The Prime Minister calls through.

"Yes Sir, Ghost is Dead, 87 KIA, and 12 WIA. This is gonna be a mess Sir. I knew he was tough but this is crazy. What are we going to tell the yanks? He killed all of the Yanks guys first?" The Director states slowly.

"F*CK! It would of been easier just leaving him alone! F*CK SH*T C*NT! He had a backup plan!" The PM yells down the radio.


In the darkness that was all around me, I could see myself clearly and my body has repaired no injuries I could see, The pain in my lower back was finally gone, and that niggle I had in my shoulder from a previous bullet wound was gone.

My tattoos were all there, The one I need to finish was there also. It was my start date in the Military with a dagger separating them. Need to put 2020 there. But not sure now, You never stop serving the Queen even in death.

[Welcome Ghost! Welcome to the Afterlife!]

"What the actual f*ck" I state calmly. I mean I wasn't religious at all so this is just crazy.

[In here we will go over all your deeds and see if you deserve another chance!]

"Ahhhh f*ck!"

[Hmmm, Hmmmm lets see here. You have a ton of confirmed kills way over a thousand. Quite a bloody person I see. But with that many kills somehow your Karma is extremely high. Your last confirmed kills is 87. Very nice.]

"Bloody hell man! I just wanted to go to my cave and retire and hunt" I grumble to myself.

[They were all quite corrupt it seems. They were all getting paid to do this. Future sight shows me that they would of formed a militia together and try to take over the US and UK if you let them live. So that adds onto your Karma]

[Any who! you have a decent amount of Karma to use the wheel of reincarnation. 3 wishes and a body creation menu. That's more than most people so you better do this correctly!]

A Large wheel appears in front of me with worlds such as one piece, Resident Evil, Fallout, and so on so forth.

"Fallout would be good. Advanced weapons and with my military training it would be a breeze" I mutter to myself. No point in crying may as well just get it done.

I press the button that appears in front of me and it starter to spin and spin. It started going so fast I could hear it whistling.

It all of a sudden stopped so quickly it caused a bang and I watcher where it landed. I sighed in relief massively.

Boku no Pico was on the left and on the right was Ghost Hunt. No the world I landed on was from a TV series called THE 100. I could destroy in this world easily.

[Hmmmm. The 100, very nice. Now you need to spin the wheel again to see your starting location!]

Again I span the wheel and it landed on the Ark but instead of being in the Skybox or on any of the areas from the show it stated.

{Flint Station. Forbidden Zone. Blocked passages to rest of the station. 14 years old. Drop pod. One set of camping gear, 10 boxes of rations (1 box has 7 days worth of food). 1 120l Hiking backpack. 1 bow and 40 arrows of different varieties. 1 Carbon hardened steel machete 18 inches. 1 M9 Bayonet. Flint and steel. Blade sharpener. Spare clothes and a few canteens full of fresh water. Water purifier}

[Not a bad starting zone. But this means you will be alone and not able to leave unless via drop pod. You will have limited air about 2 weeks worth]

[Now onto the wishes! You have three to choose from!]

"Quick question! Do I get to keep all my skills and trades I have already learned?" I quickly ask

[Nope! You will have to wish for that! Do you want too?]

"F*ck sake! Yeah Ill want all my previouse body knowledge and skills and all that shit!" FFS that drop me down to two wishes but I can make it work.

[Wish granted! you now have everything from your previous body in skills, muscle memory and all that shaz!]

"Second wish, I want the combined knowledge and skills along with muscle memory of Legolas from the LOTR, Arthur Dayne from Game of Thrones, Altaïr, Ezio, Eivor Varinsdottir and Connor Kenway from Assassins Creed series, EJ Snyder, Zachary Fowler, Bear Grylls, Ray Mears and Daryl Dixon from TWD" I said calmly. So that is two of the best swordsman and archer from movies. One legendary tracker and a bunch of survival experts.

[That can be done, Going for full survival I see and that is a good choice on people. Bear Grylls is a bit meh but he has good knowledge on what to eat]

"Better to risk it with him. He was SAS after all so he cant be all the useless." I state.

[Okay last wish Go for it already!]

"Last wish is I want my bunker and everything inside it as I had left it in perfect working condition with all my stock of everything!" That would be great as I would go straight there throw on my fur clothing and survive on hunting till the ark comes down.

[Done you greedy b*stard. Now make your new body! You can choose how you grow up to also! Also any tattoos you decide on and scars and all that choose them now!]

A screen pops up showing what I will be at 14 and I instantly bumped my height to 5'10 and then switched to my adult form and make his height to 6'5. I put on my old black beard and my messy hair. I added on of my favourite scars I had which was from a swipe of a knife of the only guy to give me a challenge before he was shot down over Iraq.

It went from above my left eyebrow down to my chin and slightly clipped my nose. I added some old bullet scars and added some cool looking scars from what could be a bear and panthers. I added a few tattoos, one which was a skull with an arrow going through it. Some custom rune tattoos and a skull of what could be called a Pauna from the 100 series on my right shoulder as I am going to hunt one down.

I made myself muscular so I had quite wide shoulders. Some more scars that could come from arrows and swords or knives.

My eyes were bright blue like my old life but the one with the scar I made it slightly whiter than my right eye due to the scar wound.

It gave me an option on clothes I wanted and I went for a camo clothes set. It was just a simple multi camo clothes. with plenty of pockets and a belt that could hold the sheaths.

[Alrighty then! Your done lets get you out there. I wanna see how you mess that world up! Don't worry about the second nuclear thing though. I thought it ruined the story so it wont be happening but Allie the AI thing will still happen]

Before I could say anything though. All the knowledge flooded my mind and I could feel my muscles tighten and loosen hundreds of times a second.

Darkness claimed me quickly once more.

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