I woke up the following day to Albert bringing me breakfast in bed. Well, it was nearly midday and I wondered why Cassius didn't wake me sooner so I could get to work. I thought about the previous night as I looked at the tray placed on the side table near me and picked up the cup of tea.
“Thank you, Albert,” I said. ”It smells delicious.”
“You’re very welcome,” he answered. “I will return the tray once you are done.”
“Oh, no need. I will bring it down when I start working,” I assured him, but he raised a silent eyebrow as if that were an odd notion even though I was the head housekeeper now.
He left me alone and I turned my thoughts to my new employer. I didn’t know what to make of him after last night. He’d been kind and comforting up until I asked him who I reminded him of.