Chereads / Saved by the Vampire / Chapter 3 - Chapter 3: Much Needed Rest

Chapter 3 - Chapter 3: Much Needed Rest


“Good,” Cassius replied, and he offered me a small nod of approval and a smile. “Now, you should try to get some rest. You’ve had a trying day, and I want to make sure you make a full recovery. Once you awaken, I’ll make sure you get some food in your system, and once you’re feeling up to the task, I’ll give you a proper tour of this place.”

“Okay.” I nodded, and then I gave him a tiny smile. He seemed to take my answer as an acceptance of the offer. “Thank you, Cassius, for helping me, and for your hospitality.”

“Of course,” Cassius replied. He crossed over to the door, and before he left, he stopped in the doorway. “And you can call me Cass.”

He then disappeared and the moment the door closed behind him, I let out a small sigh. He was kind enough, but at the same time, he was a pureblooded vampire, and I wasn’t sure how well I could trust him. He was the first of his kind I’d ever met, and I wasn’t quite sure how to feel about all of this.

At the same time, I instantly missed his presence in the room. There was something about his voice, his mannerisms, and his calm, cool presence that made me want to be close to him.

I was likely safer under the protection of a more powerful vampire than I was on my own.

Maybe I would stay after all….

I settled back into bed and stared up at the canopy that loomed over me. This room was fit for a princess, and I didn’t quite feel comfortable here, but I could get used to this level of luxury. I could only imagine what the rest of the house would look like, but now that I’d apparently accepted the position, I was sure to find out.

Working for a pureblooded vampire wasn’t exactly something that made me comfortable—in fact, it terrified me—but this was the only way to ensure my safety and make enough money to finally leave New Rome for good.

And I wanted to know more about Cassius van Cleef.

So, I decided it was in my best interest to close my eyes and try to relax. I needed all of the rest I could get.


I wasn’t sure how long I’d been asleep, but when I finally awoke, I felt much better than I had before. There was still a burning sensation in my throat, but the pain had lessened dramatically.

I sat up in bed carefully, and when I did, my stomach let out a soft growl. I placed my hand on it softly to muffle the noise, but it was no use. I needed to eat.

This time, when I swung my legs over the side of the bed, I wasn’t in nearly the same amount of pain. I got to my feet, but the moment I did, I stumbled a little and had to catch myself on one of the columns of the canopy bed.

Oh, Stella, I thought as I steadied myself. Take it easy. You’re probably still a little woozy from all of the smoke inhalation.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. I stiffened up and took a long deep breath. If I was going to work for Cassius, I needed to get past this fear of him, or at least find a way to make it less obvious.

“C-come in,” I managed to say, and I smoothed my hair and the front of my shirt, though I knew it was useless. I could only imagine how rumpled I looked after the fire ordeal.

The door opened a moment later, revealing a man who wasn’t Cassius after all. He was of average height, with a shock of stark white hair, and dark eyes that studied me with curiosity.

“Hello, miss,” he greeted me as he entered the room, and I was surprised to see a large, food-laden tray in his hands. He crossed over to the dresser and carefully set the tray down, along with a glass of dark liquid beside it. “The tray is for you.”

“Oh, thank you,” I said, and I offered him a smile. “And you can just call me Stella. There’s no need for formalities.”

The man nodded curtly. “I’m Albert.”

“Albert,” I repeated back. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“You as well,” he replied, and then he gestured to the tray. “We weren’t sure what you would enjoy, so there’s a variety of food here. If none of it is to your liking, I’d be more than happy to get you something else—”

“Oh, I’m sure this will be more than fine,” I assured him with a smile. “Thank you so much.”

As he nodded and opened the door, I said, “Thank you,” again.

“You’re quite polite,” Cassius’ voice rang out, and when the pureblooded vampire stepped past Albert and into the room, his dark eyes twinkled with amusement.

I felt heat rise to my cheeks. “Thank you for all of this. It smells delicious.”

“You’re very welcome. Do you mind if I keep you company?” Cassius asked. “There are some things I wish to talk to you about.”

“Oh,” I said in surprise, but I managed to recover from the remark. “Of course. I mean, you’re the boss. Whatever you want to do—”

“I may be the boss, but you still have your right to privacy here,” Cassius replied in a surprisingly serious voice. “I want to make sure you’re as comfortable as possible, and if you require alone time—”

“I’m okay,” I assured him. “Please, stay.” I couldn’t believe I was asking a pureblood to stay in a room with me, but there was something so unique, so intriguing about him.

Cassius took a seat in a chair near the end of the bed; meanwhile, I walked over to the dresser, where the tray of delicious-smelling food was waiting for me. There were scones, fruits, yogurt, some veggies, and an array of cheeses, and my mouth instantly watered.

“Feel free to bring the whole thing over,” Cassius' voice said behind me. “It’s all for you. Eat it in bed.”

“Oh, alright,” I said in surprise.

I started to pick up the tray, but suddenly, a tremor ran through me, and I lost my balance. I closed my eyes as I anticipated it all going crashing to the ground, but instead, I felt strong, warm hands gently alight on my waist and a strong arm supporting me.

I opened my eyes and was face-to-face with Cassius. My breath quickened as our eyes met and our lips were mere inches away.

Softly I licked my lips and grated my teeth on my lower lip while I felt Cassius’ gaze lower ever so slightly, then return to eye level.

Impossibly, he’d set the food tray down safely in a single movement.

“Careful,” he whispered, and then he inclined his head toward the bed. “Go lay back down.”

The command made my heart skip a beat and I immediately obeyed, walking over and climbing back into bed.

Once I was settled, Cassius placed the tray on my lap and retrieved the glass of liquid Albert had brought, and then he sat back down. I was still catching my breath, amazed at how fast the vampire had moved—he had been on the other side of the room when the tray had dropped from my hands, and yet he’d caught me as if he’d been at my side the entire time.

The calm strength of his movements had made me feel safe, protected.

Vampires had much better reflexes than humans, and it was said that the older the vampire, the stronger they were. There was a lot I wanted to learn about this pureblood.

Reaching for some yogurt on the tray, I realized that my finger was burned. “Ow,” I said aloud as I tried to open the package. Even picking up the spoon was impossible with the burn.

“Here, let me help,” Cass said, moving closer and opening it for me. He picked up the spoon and scooped a bite, and almost instinctively I opened my mouth as he put it in, gliding it out along my lips as he removed it.

I swallowed and whispered, “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” he said, then he picked up his glass and took a sip.

I glared at the deep red liquid inside.

“It’s animal blood,” he explained as he took a sip. “Don’t be frightened.”

I nodded and looked into his eyes. “Cassius… Cass, how long have you, I mean, how—”

“How old am I?” Cassius finished for me, and when I nodded, he continued. “Quite old. More than I’d care to share if that’s okay.”

“Of course,” I replied. “I’m sorry if that was rude of me to ask.”

“It’s no trouble at all,” he assured me, and then he sat forward a little. He looked into my eyes as if he were about to ask me something, but before he had the chance, there was a knock on the door.

“Cassius,” Albert said as he walked into the room. “There’s a visitor here for you.”