Chereads / A Curse Or A Blessing? / Chapter 9 - Chapter 9: High Temple

Chapter 9 - Chapter 9: High Temple

"Here's what you guys want. Now let me talk to my sister!"

"Yeah maybe later-"

"Why? The deal is everytime I get what you guys want from those women, I can check on my sister! Are you hiding her from me now?" I grab the guy by the collar.

"Hey!" He punched me on my gut.

"Urgh!" Damn!

"Anyways here! You want to talk to your sister so much right now?" He offered me his cellphone.

Of course I do! Bastard!

I am only ever able to check on my sister through calls. And I am only ever allowed to whener I accomplish what they want.

I take the phone and went back to my room.

It's been two weeks since the last time I talked to her. Has she been well?

So I quickly find her name on the list of contacts and dial the number. But no one answered. So I dialed her number again, but still no one answered.

This has never happened before, she usually answers immediately.

Could something have happenrd to her?

I swear! If something happened to my sister, I'll finally kill one of them!

I curse in my head, worry and anxiety clouding my head at that moment as I pace around in my room.

I dialed her number a couple of times more and I don't plan on stopping, but by the next ring, she finally picked up her phone.

"Cala! Finally! Why didn't you pick up sooner? I thought something happend to you!"

"Ah!... B-brother..."

"Cala? Are you alright?" I ask in worry. She sounds like she's crying.

"..." No answer.

"Cala?!" I nervously say her name in askance.

"Ah!... Y-ye-yes... Yes!... ha-... I-I'm..."

"Cala?" I repeat again.

She's being wierd. And I hear a lot of ruckus on the background.

"... Mm~! B-bro I'm... alright-ha! Ah~! Boss! Yes... ah! Oh my... God-Mm~!"

I dropped the phone at that moment.


My mind just went completely blank.


"... Hey Niel... Kuh~" A voice over the phone calls my name, and I am very well acquainted with whom it belongs.

"Ah~... Hey hey Niel. Don't worry, your sister is... being well taking care of-! Just as I promised ah~! Hehe, isn't that right babe?"

"B-boss~... Aughh~!..."

Having had enough, I picked up the phone.

"You... Bastard Damien! How dare you touch my sister?! We had a deal!" I yell aloud.

"Hahaha I said I'd take care of her. And she is very much enjoying herself, isn't that right honey?"

"... Yes~! Yes~!... Boss! Ah~!"

I hit the end bottom and ended the call there.

To say I was fuming is an understatement. But what can i possibly do? I can maybe give him a punch or two when we next meet but he would just make his guys give me a beating, and pissibly take it out on my sister too.

At that moment of rage I threw my own room into a trash. And I got beaten because of it by the next day.

I wake up to the sounds of my cellphone ringing. I set up an alarm on it to make sure I don't wake up late, because I didn't really trust myself to get out of bed in time by myself with how tired I was yesterday.

Well that alarm ended up saving me from that dream.

More like nightmare.

That is one of the nightmares that hunts me in my sleep every night.

Why did I have to bring these nightmares with me even in my next life?

It was the night my sister...

No. She's not my sister after all, but at that I thought she was.

Anyways, that night she was having sex with Damien. The boss of the mafia.

I shake my head and forcedly erase that in my head.

I have a baptism to do today. Today is a good day, I can't let what happend in my previous life affect my mood today!

With the new resolution, I slowly get up from the bed only to find that it is relatively easier indeed.

So I was right, the increase in the levels will be effective the next day. Or at least, when I'm well rested enough that I restore my energy.

Health: 105/105

Strength: 45/100

Stamina: 60/60

Agility: 34/100

Dexterity: 31/100

Magic: 100/100

Vitality: 69/100

Charm: 47/100

Intelligence: 75/100

Points to distribute: 2

Market points: 110


Advanced Mathematics: 72/100

Sweet! I increased my stamina reserves. So I guess this means that the reserves increase by itself when they are all nearly consumed. I even gained two levels on Charm. Must be because I am now, although subtlely, developing some muscles.

I am still somewhat baffled though, isn't this rate of recovery too fast?

I still have a lot to learn about my sytem.

Okay! Let's do the usual!

I do a little stretching first as I do not want to strain my muscles by doing a sudden heavy exercise.

Then I went to do push-ups, squats and pull-ups, my usual morning exercise. Then I rest for a bit before grabbing my cane and going to the bathroom to start my day with a nice hot bath.

After drying myself, I pick a plain v-neck black shirt and top it with a military comoflage patterned jacket that mom picked for me. Then pick a black jeans and sneakers.

Alright I look cool! Especially, with the gold chain necklace mom bought for me yesterday.

I would've looked totally badass if only not for this cane.

"Haah... Whatever, maybe in three or four days, with my rate of recovery I'll be able to get rid of this."

Grabbing my cellphone by my bed counter, I proceed downstairs.

There I found mom still in an apron placing the breakfast on the table. And dad, all suired up, already eating his breakfast.

What's the occasion?

"Aziel honey, can you wake up the kids please? Breakfast is ready." As she sees me coming down the stairs mom asks me as such.

"Hey champ goood morning! Also please pick up my blueprints in my and mom's room, it's on the counter beside the door. It's in a blue envelope." Dad also asks like that.

"Sure." I answer and go back upstairs.

I first go to mom's and dad's room. It's the last room on the second floor and should also be the largest.

I quickly find the catching blue envelop as I open the door.

It says new engine blueprint and new car designs.

Is dad gonna be presenting these at his company?

That would explain why he's all suited up. Mechanics doesn't really need a suit and tie while doing their works after all.

I couldn't help myself and I open the envelop.

Huh? As expected, this is quiet the old design. But I guess this is their latest technology.

But then again, if my father designed this, he really is amazing.

I'm the previous world, this is the most common engine used. This is the incline type engine or straight type engine. It is used on cars, SUV's and trucks. It's most outstanding quality is its compact and effective. Making it the most used engine type.

But yeah, this design is old. Maybe I can give dad a much better design in the future.

I'll just say that I made it if he asks.

I return the blueprint in the envelop and headed for the kids' room.


Upon opening the door, I see them already awake and doing some exercise. Specifically, the ones that I do.

Are they copying me? Wait, so they've been watching me? And damn this is so cute!

I quickly grab my cellphone and took a quick picture of them. That made them aware that I'm by the door and they jerk up on their spots realizing it was me who saw them.

"B-big bro!" Nicole exclaim.

"T-this..." Luke starts...

But I just laugh at their reactions.

"Hahaha! You cheeky kids. You've been watching me?" I say while walking towards them.

"Y-yesterday... we saw you... so we thought..." Nicole stutter at her words.

They are still shy towards me, maybe I should use this opportunity.

"We also want to exercise like brother so we will be strong like in the cartoons!" Luke says, excitement evident on his face.

They must be talking about the cartoon they were watching with grandpa the day before. It's about a knight fighting crimes using magic and stuff.

I warmly smile at them.

"Okay, how about this, tomorrow we will exercise together? I'll teach you."

""Really?"" They both exclaim in the same time, I could practically see stars in those cute round eyes of theirs.

"Really! Now come on. Mom is calling you both for breakfast."

""Okaaay~"" They both say and follow me out the room.

They grab at each of my hands as we walk downstairs to the kitchen, smiles on thier faces.

Ha! Progress!

"Oh! There you are. Come on take your sits." Mom urges as she sees us walking in.

I, like yesterday, carefully carry them one by one on to their chairs before going to mine.

"By the way champ, I heard that yesterday you solved two of the Mathematical Society's unsolved equations. Congrats son! You're a genius! Hahahaha! I knew you had you're father's brains in you! Hahahaha!"

"Thanks dad. By the way, can I go out today?" I ask.

"Why?" It's mom who ask.

"Um... I'm gonna meet with a friend." Is it this hard to tell your parents your going out with a girl?

I could practically see mom's eyes shine with mischief when she heard that.

"A friend?" Dad ask in wonder.

"It must be the girl he met at the mall yesterday dear. Remember what I told you last night?"

"Oh the damsel in distress? Hahaha! So that is what the get-up is for. Alright son you could meet with this fair lady." Dad says that with a grin towards my way.

I feel my face slightly heat up with their antics.

I didn't think it's possible since I am just reincarnated to this body but, I think I know where I got my humor from...

Since I now have their permission, I then quickly finish my breakfast, went back to my room for a quick brush. I don't want to be meeting a girl with a leaf or meat from the salad and bacon from breakfast.

It's a developed habit from my past life.

So after I bid mom, dad and the kids bye, i left the house and took a bus to the mall and arrived an hour early.

I have enough time to look around. So walk in the vicinity of the hall to some stalls and stores.

Come to think of it, should I buy the kids some toys? I think that would help me score some points with them. I don't really know what they like though.

I walk around for a bit more, buy myself a milkshake, before I finally caught a sight of Lana by the fountain.

Unlike yesterday where she's in her gym clothes, she's in a black sleeveless shirt underneath a white stylish varsity jacket, white jeans and sneakers. She still has that same ponytail from yesterday though.

She is not alone though, there's another girl with her. A petite red head with wavy curly hair, eyes that matches her hair. And as if to match Lana she's in a white off-shoulder mini-dress and black gladiator knee high sandals.

Damn! Those two stunning together!

I see Lana look to her wrist, probably her watch.

Impatient are we?

So I approach them, and it was the red head who noticed me walking on their direction first.

"Lana is that the person you're waiting for?" She point at me while saying so.

"Oh Aziel! How long have you been here?"

Noticing I am approaching them from inside the mall, she look at me with mild surprise on her face.

"An hour ago-eh!" At that I just reply nonchantly, that's when she went to snatch my milkshake.

"Wow that's early." She just said with a little sneer while sipping.

"So, who is this lady with you?" I ask back while giving her a dark glare but I don't take it back.

"This is Myka my classmate. Myka this is Aziel, he's the one I told you about." She introduce us.

"Hi I'm Myka, thanks for helping out Lana yesterday." She offer me a hand for a handshake.

I'm actually surprised that this is also a culture here. Then again this is more like an alternate world.

"It was nothing. I'm Aziel." I take and we exchange handshakes.

"I still think it's my fault though, I shouldn't have canceled out on you yesterday." She say towards Lana, who by the way, is busy enjoying my milkshake.

"Oh shut up! You wouldn't have known those bastards planned something like that! I told you already, it's not your fault."

... Huh?

From they say, the must've had an appointment yesterday. But Myka couldn't come and those guys yesterday must've known somehow. And they managed to trick Lana into believing she didn't and made her come to the place. Lana did say she was suppose to meet with a friend yesterday, it should be Myka.

"Just forget about that, but you two should be more careful from now on. Anyways, is she coming with us?"

"No silly, YOU are coming with us. We were suppose to come together to get baptized yesterday after I finish at the gym. Okay, enough of that let's go." Lana further explains.

"Um... Where are we going again?"

I totally have no idea.

"To the High Temple of course." Myka looks at me like I was crazy.

Oh, I guess that makes sense.

As I have gathered from the web. The High Temple is like this world's royal castle. And the ruler of this nation is the High Priestess.

They say she's a maiden with 'the purest of heart'.

Ha! Iconic.

The High Temple is where aspiring priests, that means in this world are aspiring government officials are trained. Of course this is also where those same government officials such as; Priest, Deacons, Bishops, Archbishops, Cardinals and the High Priestess stays.

That is where they do the mysterious Baptism Ritual apparently.

Anyways, we took a cab to get to the inner district. Here is where the private estates of the most influencial people are in. The Rinon University is also here as it is the most prestigious school in the whole nation.

And at the very center is the grandious white High Temple.

Since it's day and the sun is high up. The huge white structure is actually giving off that aura of divinity. And by huge I meant, if I compare it to the six pillar statues at the mall this is more than double its height.

We line up at the gate which is guarded by two men in white military uniforms. I recognize them from Aziel the Original's memories as Paladins.

Contrary to the paladins I know from the previous world, the Paladins of this world are like the Special Forces.

They don't have all those fancy weapons or tools of course, this world do have guns and the likes but they are not as advanced.

But I guess I expected more than flintlocks. That's truly a huge gap in technological aspects. Well, Rinon is not a military country so maybe I shouldn't judge this world's military technology just by these.

But looks like, with magic here, they really did not see any need to advance their military technology.

Or maybe these flintlocks are only ceremonial. Okay, let's not dwell on that.

As we pass the gate, I began to admire the architecture of this building.

First and foremost, I must say, is the two huge statues of bare naked women at the entrance.

Though I don't know whether who they depict is the Goddess of Fertility herself, or is it the first mother Rinon?

"Well, since this is the High Temple of Fertility, I guess it would make more sense if this is the Goddess of Fertility." I whisper to myself.

A chill!

"Hm? Is something wrong Lana?" I ask her who is beside me.

"What? Why do you asks?" She ask me back with a look of pure confusion on her face.

"Ah?... Nothing I thought I heard you snort. So I just thought..." I started...

"Who did? Myka?" She then turn the question to her friend by her other side.

"Mm? No it's not me, must be from the people behind us." She just nonchantly answer as such and Lana dismisses it with a shrug.


I look back and see the next group of people behind us is a good distance away.


We finally enter the hide entrance way and arrive at a reception hall like place. Inside is completely like how a city hall should be.

Oh come on! This completely ruin the divine atmosphere of coming here!

Haah... Then again, I have to remind myself that this is more like an alternate universe than anything. I should've known.

"Hey why the sudden grumpy face?" Lana ask raising a questioning brow at me.

"... No, nothing. There seems to be quite a number of people here."

"Yeah that's why I wanted to get here relatively early, since there will be a lot more people here by the afternoon."

"Lana, Aziel let us register." Myka urges us over to a receptionist.

We follow her over and went to the reception desk.

"Good morning, how may I help you?"

"We would like to have our Baptism." Replied Myka.

"Alright, please fill these sheets up and hand them over here. After that I would give you a tablet that you will hand over to a priest in the Baptism Ritual area, but you would need to pay five hundred Rio for each person."

"""Okay!""" The three of us reply.

Alright! Let's get Baptized and finally use magic!