Chereads / A Curse Or A Blessing? / Chapter 8 - Chapter 8: Invitation

Chapter 8 - Chapter 8: Invitation

It's pass noon now and Aziel is still not here.

Is he lost?

My anxiety level is rising. My heels tapping on the tiled floor getting louder.

I knew I shouldn't have trusted him by himself.

This pass days he seemed to be mature enough for his age despite supposedly having only the psychology of a five years old child.

I let my guard down. I shouldn't have left him alone.

His legs hasn't recovered that much yet, we shouldn't have gone shopping yet.

With my chest swirling in panic I stood up from my seat on the bench.

I need to look for him!

Grabbing my purse, I head towards direction further into the mall's huge entrance hall.

He might be just around here.

And sure enough I could spot him from afar. That half-tied long lustrous chestnut hair is eye catching.

"Haah!" I sigh as a wash of relief flush the anxiety and panik in my chest.

I sometimes feel myself envious of my son's hair.

Just how does he make it have that lustre so naturally?

A stray thought.

He seems to be talking to three men in suits. There are even two bodyguards like men behind two.

The man in an especially exquisite suit, however, have my son's hand tightly in mid handshake and stares at him rather intensely.

Oh no! Did he get himself in trouble? Who are those people?!

Paranoia filled my head and before I know it, I am running on they're direction.

There are a lot of people in the mall. In my punivked hurry state. I bumbed into some, and I had to turn their way and hive a small sorry. I briefly lost sight of Aziel at that moment. But I am able to quickly spot him again because of his hair. The men earlier is now gone too...

"Aziel honey! There you are! I've been-oh...! And who... is this?"

Aziel! I only left you alone for an hour and a half!

And now you have some girl in your arms?!

Lana and I immediately detached ourselves and awkwardly look away from each other.

I took a brief glace at Lana and she has her ears red in color.

Damn! Why is mom here? Aren't we suppose to meet at the fountain?

Quick distract her!

"Mom! You wouldn't believe what just happened!" I sported my brightest smile, approach her and give her a brief hug...

"Ah-huh? I bet I wouldn't."

Is it just me or did the temperature drop suddenly?

"For real mom...!"

Ah, nope! Her eyes are cold right now!

"Aziel? Who's the young lady over there?" She ask again.

Oh. For the moment there, I forgot about Lana.

She's been standing behind me awkwardly this whole time.

"Mom this is Lana... Um- my new friend."

Why does this feels like I'm introducing a new girlfriend not a friend?!

"Lana this my mom. Her name's Katherine."

I stand next to Lana and I introduce the both.

This is something I've never done before. Since my mom died early in my previous life, I've never had a chance to. So this is a new feeling for me.

And this is so fucking awkward inside!

Despite that I act all nonchalant and cool on the outside.

"Hello aunty! I'm Lana. Aziel kinda saved my life earlier so I'm just returning the favor and showing him around." As expected of the cool Lana, she handled that perfectly.

The two exchange handshakes and greeted each other.

"Ah-huh? So... My limp son just saved your life?"

Hey mom! I can stand on my own I just get tired easily when walking so I need this damn cane!

I give a pout of indignance but she just returned a smug smile at me.

Tsk! I can hear small snickering beside me.

"... Yes aunty!" After controlling herself, Lana affirms her statement as such.

"Okay? We're suppose to have lunch now, would you like to come?" My mom finally smiles and ask nicely.

"Um... That would be intruding so I-..." Lana starts...

"She will! Mom I want chicken!" I interrupt.

Lana looked at my way, wide eyed and I can practically see question marks through them.

I signal her with my eyes in return. Giving her the pleading puppy look she can't resist.

"Ah! Yes! Aunty! I actually would love that too." She said with a smile towards my mom but the pain on my back says her true opinion on this.

That took me of guard so I let out an involuntary grunt of pain.

She pinched me!

"Alright! Come along then. I know a good restaurant with chicken."

We must've been acting quite suspicious according to how my mom looks at us as she turns on her heels. We only smile brighter at her though.

As we are following behind her, Lana pulled on my sleeve hard making me lean her way.

"What are you up to? I don't want to go to lunch with you and your mom! That'd be super awkward!" She blurts her indignance in a whisper.

"Just help me convince my mom to let me go to the gym, okay? She's a doctor and she's especially careful with me, so I'm not confident I can convince her on my own... Come on, pretty please!" I whisper back.

"..." And that didn't work I give her another one of my pleading puppy look.

"Mmph-... Haah- Alright fine! I'll help you." She finally agreed as her cheeks turn pink.

"Hehe..." Satisfied, I let out a small sneaker of my own.

"Kids! Are you coming or not?" My mom yell from afar.

"Coming mom!"

"Right behind you aunty!"

We simultaneously yell back in return and ran to catch up to her.

We went to a nearby diner, Lana was vevy skeptical about having mom pay for her meal but she insisted. It would've been rude to reject her at that point so she could just shyly accept it.

"So, how did you two meet again?"

"I was lost mom, and I got to an isolated part of the mall. Then that's when I heard some ruckus and decided to check it out."

"It was some guys from the gym I go nearby. They lost to a bet yesterday and I guess they decided to be sore losers and set up a scheme to get me there and harass me."

Lana was very awkward at the beginning but she and mom quickly got along, contrary to what I expected.

"Hahaha! He did what?"

Oh they got to that part of the story while I was deep in thoughts.

"Yeah, he's crazy! One moment he was screaming, Police police! And then he was laughing histericaly the next moment! And I was like. Where's the police?..."

And without me noticing, it's like the whole diner was listening to the story. Constrained laughing and giggles can be heard around.

I can hear you, you know?

They've been conversing rather loudly, aren't they? Everyone is sending glances our way. Some unabashed and bluntly looks this way and laughing, like the table next to us.

Please! Stop! This is getting embarrassing!

Hey! That kid from the table behind mom, when have you started recording all this?

Lana and me is seating on one side of the table while mom on the other. And the table behind her has a family of five and the boy has his phone out, camera facing this way.

I can see you!

I did planned to get famous but I did not really picture it being this way.

"Mom speaking of the gym, can I go?" I lightly jab on Lana with my elbow.

"Oh yes aunty! If he goes to the gym I'm in I can help him. Some exercise would also be good for his recovery." Getting the signal, she immediately serve her support.


Mom just stare at us, eyes narrowed. But I can tell she's considering whether to let me go or now. But we just flash her with our brightest innocent grin.

"Haah... Alright Aziel. Just be careful, you aren't fully recovered yet. Don't push yourself too hard, okay?" Her gaze softening, she gave us an exasperated smile.

"Yes mom!" I then genuinely smile widely at that.

"Good for you Aziel." Lana give her small congratulations with a smile.

Alright! My ideal body, just wait for me!

"Speaking of which, what's with the new cellphones? How did you-?"


That's from Lana.

And just as I thought the stories are gonna be over. I realize that there was an even more interesting story for Lana to tell.


"It's even more unbelievable aunty! Remember when you found us in front of the Mathematical Society branch office in the mall earlier?" Even more excited now, Lana eagerly starts another story.

"Yeah, speaking of which I also saw men talking to you? What's that about?" With a trace of worry on her face, mom ask me about it.

She must be talking about William, Isaac and the overseer I never got the name of.

"Oh they're..." I start...

"Those people are from the Mathematical Society, and they're there for Aziel earlier because he just solved two of the unsolved equations that they released before. It's crazy!" But of course, Lana beat me to it.

"..." I could only stare at her in disbelief.

Hey, weren't you all shy and awkward earlier? But now, you want to be the one tell everything?

Mom froze at that moment and to be honest it felt like everyone listening in did as well.

Her eyes widen in shock, and her lips keep moving like a fish.

She must not know what to say or how to react. After all, if someone said that to you would you believe them?

I'm sure she don't believe it...

And just at that moment.

"It's true! The Mathematical Society official website just posted an announcement about it! Look!" The girl, I guess the sister of that boy earlier from the table behind mom, yell as such.

Every people in the diner that listens in on us. Practically everyone, grab their cellphones at that moment. And mom is not an exception.

If she was baffled earlier, now she's definitely shook.

"Hahaha! He grabbed me in there earlier and I thought he was crazy! Even the overseer looked at us in disdain, but when he took two answer sheets and answered it so fast I couldn't even finish scolding him for dragging me there. I thought he was mental! But when the overseer took a look at his paper, I knew immediately he's gonna nail it! He also gave me one of the cellphones he won after."

Hey Lana! You liar! You definitely has no hope on me until the last minute, until that overseer turned his attitude towards me a 180°. Keeep your voice down too. And sit down will 'ya!

I could only scream that in my head.

"Aziel... How did you-?" Mom starts...

"Well, it's just maths?" With could only shrug my shoulder and act nonchant about all of it.

I mean, how do I react? I can't really say that I knew the answer so I just answered it.

Every eyes in the diner is locked on me now.

Act natural. Act cool.

"I told you already, those are equations that even the geniuses around the country can't answer. Your the wierd one for being like that." Lana hit my arm lightly.

"Really! I just wanted the prize money." I just replied.

"Aziel that's amazing!" Mom say still on half disbelief.

"Well, I guess I have good genes." I say smoothly and give mom a knowing smirk.

Getting my swerve she lightly tear up at that.

When we finished, we decided to separate from Lana. But before that I suddenly remembered something.

"Hey Lana, we should really exchange numbers. I'll contact you when I'm ready to go to the gym." I say when she's about to leave.

"Oh, okay..."

We u boxed the brand new cellphones and exchange numbers. I also notice that there really is William's and Isaac's contact numbers in them. I need to remember to contact them later.

"Alright! Take care."

"Just message me when you need to, bye. Bye aunty."

With a final wave to the both of us, Lana then left.

"She's a fun girl." A teasing voice suddenly say right beside my ear.

"Waaah~! Mom!" I jerk at surprise.

"Fufufu, you two seem pretty close for someone who you just met. That was cool by the way being a hero and all." She say teasingly as she starts to walk.

"It was just a coincidence. It's lucky I was there."

"Hm-mm... Wha-what is this?" Mom suddenly stop as I suddenly hand her a black card.

Come to think of it, this is the first time I'll be handing over money to my parent. I never had the chance to do it in my last life. Now I know how it feels. I feel so proud as I stretch out my hand with the card her way.

This is the money I earned myself. Not scammed out of somebody, not stolen. But my honest hardwork.

Well, it's not like I really worked for it. But it's the same, I guess?

Nonetheless, the clear conscience behind this money and I present it to my parent for the first time... It feals regal. I am just so happy at this moment.

"This is the prize money from answering those math problems. It's two hundred thousand rio." I continue to present her the card eagerly.

She stretch out her hands and took my hand presenting the black card on them... And she closed my hand, making me hold the card firmly.

Is she...

"You should keep it Aziel." She say.

As expected, but why... do I feel somewhat disappointed?

As if reading my mind, mom cupped my face in her both her hands.

"My sweet son. It's not that mommy don't like it. It's just, your the one who worked for this so you deserve this. You should keep it so you can you use it for whatever you want since it's yours." She smile warmly at me, her voice sounding like she's consoling a small child.

But that seems to work since I found my mood lifting up.

Oh yeah, it's been so long that I forgot. This is what it feels like to have a mother.

I return her warm smile with mine and I childishly tackle hug her.

"Thanks mom!"

"Hahaha! This child, there's nothing to thank me for. Now come on! Let's go home, I'm sure the things we bought are already there ahead of us. Let's go."

After that, we rode a bus back home and as expected, our door has a lot of packages in front of it.

If I stack these on top of each other, it'll be more than enough to cover the door frame.

It shouldn't be this many as far as I remember. This feels like double of what I knew we bought.

With the feeling of sweat running down the side of my face, I slowly glance towards the woman beside me...

Haah... She said she was only going to buy some make-ups. So this is why she took an hour and a half. Girls, you really can't trust them when it comes to shopping.

It took some time moving all those package into the house and into my my room.

Contrary to what I thought, three forth 3/4 of all those packages are actually mine. It seems mom also got me a few more items when she was gone shopping by herself.

I slump to my bed face first into the pillow.

"Gah! So tired! And I still need to arrange all these. And I would need to clean my room after that. Haah..." I complain to no one tiredly.

Health: 105/105

Strength: 45/100

Stamina: 11/50

Agility: 34/100

Dexterity: 31/100

Magic: 100/100

Vitality: 69/100

Charm: 45/100

Intelligence: 75/100

Points to distribute: 2

Market points: 110


Advanced Mathematics: 72/100

I check my status while on that position with my eyes closed.

Hmm~... Not bad.

All those walking help me jump eight levels in Dexterity. I should start feeling it's effect when I wake up tomorrow like how it always works.

There's also an increase of five levels on Agility and two on strength. I also got the Advanced Mathematics be added on the Abilities section.

And I am able to earn 2 status points and ten market points too. With just that, today is already a good houl.

I reluctantly leave my sweet spot on this soft bed before I even fall asleep on it.

"Well let's get this started and be done with it." I say then I started unpacking the packages.

Unpacking them and placing the item on their proper places like my wardrobe for the clothes and there's a whole bunch of them, the bathroom for the bathware, and some other necessities in the drawers.

I then clean up all the cartons and plastic bags and put them on the trash outside.

The unpacking and cleaning sure took a while, because before I knew it it's already time for dinner.

The kids are back from school and Dad is back from his work. After I ate dinner with my family I then took a hot bath since I sure sweated a lot from all those walking and cleaning.

"Gah! Finally done!"

I slump back to my place on the bed after I got dressed.

Turning over, I grab for my cellphone at the counter beside my bed.

I just remembered that I need to contact William and Isaac. I message Isaac first...

Aziel: Hello sir, this is Aziel. I think I will do the event the day after tomorrow, if that is convenient for you. Or it could just be anytime after that if your not free. Thank you.

I leave him a message.

Next is William, what could he want to talk about?

Aziel: Hello sir, this is Aziel. What would you like to talk about?

I ask like that. I expected to just leave a messege like that but after a few minutes a reply came in

William: Aziel would you like to enroll to Rinon University? I will give you full scholarship throughout your education if you enroll to R.U.

Wow, straight to the point. But let's see...

Didn't Lana say that she's also in Rinon University?

And come to think of it, Rinon University is the most prestigious school in this nation. I don't really have reason to refuse. And if Lana is there then I wouldn't have to be a loner on my first day. I could just hang out with her and her friends.

Aziel: I would love that sir. But the last time I went to school was eleven years ago, in preschool. Could I take, maybe a special test to skip on those grade and catch up to my age?

I ask like that.

Aziel the Original has been a veggie since he got into a car accident eleven years ago. So obviously, the last time he went to school was in preschool.

As expected, it must've shocked William to learn that as he took a couple minutes before he replied again.

William: How come you stopped at preschool?

Well, its obvious he would be curious about that.

Aziel: Circumstances.

I just replied like that, not wanting to give him further information about myself.

Well, with a man of his stature. I'm sure it's a simple thing for him to have me and whole family investigated. But I still don't want to give information about myself that easily to this man.

Call me overtly cautious or mental, but I just automatically raises my guards up towards sophisticated men like him who lives in the top of the world.

It reminds me of the boss and the guys from my previous life. I maybe have some kind of trauma that I don't realize.

William: I see. That's fine. I will have you take a test for that. Whenever you are free, look for me at the Rinon University to talk about this in detail, of course you should bring a guardian with you. I will have the guards know of your name.

Aziel: I will sir. Thank you for that.

William: Your welcome.

The conversation ended with that.

Ha! Free scholarship! That's nice!

The next... I am skeptical but I then messege Lana...

Aziel: Hey! Good evening.

I wasn't really sure if she would reply. I mean, we may seem close earlier but by the end of the day we just met today. So when she actually did, color me surprised.

Lana: Good evening. Do you need anything?

Aziel: Nope.

Lana: Then why did you messege me dumbass?!

Aziel: I can't?

Lana: It's a joke! Of course you can.

Aziel: What you doing?

Lana: About to sleep.

Aziel: What would you be doing tomorrow?

Lana: Why do ask?

Aziel: Because I've got nothing to do tomorrow. And instead of laying at home, I was wondering if you'd like to hang out?

Lana: ... Are you asking me out on a date, mister?

Aziel: Sure why not?

Lana: Dumbass!

Aziel: Hehehe, so are you free?

Lana: No.

Aziel: Why not?

Lana: Because I would be getting my baptism tomorrow.

That last one got me stumped.

Wait... She's getting her baptism?

Aziel: That's cool! I haven't gotten mine yet.

Lana: What? Why?

Aziel: You know...

Lana: Oooh yeah, you we're a useless veggie.

Aziel: Hey! That's uncalled for! Even if I wanted to be of use, I can't! Okay?

Lana: Hahaha! Relax I'm just kidding. So, how old are you again?

Aziel: Sixteen.

Lana: What? You're just my age?

Aziel: What? Did I look like I was old?

Lana: Well not really. But I thought you would be at least a year or two older than me.

Aziel: In your dreams, shortie.

Lana: Hey! That's uncalled for! Even if I wanted to be much more taller I can't! Okay!

She copies me.

Aziel: Hahaha! I'm just kidding.

Lana: Alright, wanna go with me together then?

Aziel: I can? Don't I need permission from my parents?

Lana: What are you a kid? No, you could just get yourself baptized. It would cost some rio though. But that shouldn't be a problem for you.

Aziel: Okay then! I'll come with you!

Lana: Alright. Meet me at the mall by the fountain at ten. And don't you dare be late on me dumbass!

Aziel: Okay! I'll be there.

Sweet! When I get baptized, I can finally use magic!