Chereads / Wizarding world and it's wonders / Chapter 2 - chapter 2

Chapter 2 - chapter 2

There is one thing i would like for you to know. relating to the oc's behaviour.

he would be mature and immature at the same time.

since he was confined to a bed most his life he didn't experience a normal childhood and thus he would act like a kid to even small things, curious and all that, but he had suffered a lot and is also mature for his age.

He's a complicated mix of mature and immature.



chapter 2: i wouldn't die right?

"After getting reborn inside a new body i am not even surprised that i am inside a fantasy universe"


"i know right? even i couldn't believe at first"

Arthur sat with hooty ( the newly name owl) on his bed looking at the list of things he needed.

"wait! i don't have any money!"

knock* There was a knock on his door.

"yes?" Arthur quickly pushed hooty behind him.

"come down to eat, your share is left" The same women said.


Receading steaps echoed on creaking wood for a few seconds before silence befall.

"i guess they really dont like me..."

"listen here, i am leaving you here, dont make noise and stay out, i would try bringing something to eat for you too"

The owl flapped its wings in approval.

opening the door he saw more rooms just like his - a bit in better condition - down the hall, at the end of which was a staircase.

going down the stairs he found himself in a large living space, a big dinner table, a couch , a free space to the side where kids of all ages were playing.

The wood creaked under his weight and alerted the fellow kids of his arrival.

The whole atmosphere of happiness dissapered the second they saw him.

hate, disgust, anger...

Those eyes...

"go eat" The women, a middle aged lady with brown hair and black eyes said. She to had those same eyes, just more hidden.

nodding at her he sat down at the table and ate from the only plate there, some meat, eggs and bread. it wasn't much but enough for a 10-11 year old, taste was also average, but to Arthur, who had been eating liquid food for years it was heavenly.

eating quitely he put a big piece of meat aaide for hooty.

Finished eating he quitely left, with a piece of meat in hand. trying to hide it from other, suddenly taking food to his room may appear suspicious, or not he didn't know but its better to be cautious.

"Where do you think you are going" A voice made him stop dead on track. moving his hand closer to hide it better.

"T-To my room"

"and who is going to clean up this mess? go wash your plate!"


After washing the plate in the kitchen, which was thankfully just near the table he quitely went back to his room.

"Huff, its tuff reincarnating in someone else's ya go hooty, i had to go to ton of trouble for this so you owe me a favour now" The bird ignored him and kept on nibbling at the food.

Shaking his head and muttering something about stupid bird he walked towards the only piece of furniture in his room other than his bed and chair, A small table, it had a drawer and a compartment below it.

opening the drawer he say that it only had one roughly sharpened pencil and an old notebook.

The compartment below it was filled with old clothes, probably hand-me-down.

picking up the notebook and pencil, je skribbled down something and then tore the page, folding it neatly he tunred towards the owl who was watching it do all that after having its fill.

"here is my reply, deliver it carefully, ok? if you get lost then i will roast you on Christmas."


"i am serious"

The bird quickly snached the note and flew away.


"i guess now i wait...and pray that i am the lost heir of some ancient and noble house...or that my parents left me heaps of gold...or the ministry likes orphnas, with what the last one did i wouldn't be surprised they lock me up anyways"

Its been a whole week since i opened my eyes again.

168 hours.

10080 minutes.

604800 seconds.

604803 seconds.

604807 sec- you get the idea.

"I am boreddddddd!"

Being a kid is good and all but it's hella boring, specially if no other kid wants to even be in the same room as you.

They didn't even let me take any toys!

So this whole time i have been just staying in my room , watching out the window and doing nothing.

Before you say that i should try magic, i did, i can't.

I have been trying to do things but they don't happen, staring at a ball to try and move it, staring at a plane of glass to make it disappear, staring at a kid to make him fall, nothing does.

I suppose if it was so easy then there wouldn't be any need of Hogwarts then.

"What's the point of reincarnation if it's the same as before-"

"Lewis! You have a visitor!"



Standing quickly and dusting his clothes a little, he made his way down, trying to contain himself.

There stood a women he knew very well.

"Hello Mr. Lewis, It's a pleasure to meet you, I am Minerva McGonagall, A professor at Hogwarts" She was just like described in the books, a little different than the actor in the movies but still recognisable.

The matron left us alone downstairs.

"Arthur Lewis, so the letted wasn't a prank?" He knew it wasn't but he had to act like he doesn't already know everything.

"I assure you Mr. Lewis that it is all real, you yourself know that you are different, odd things happen around you doesn't it Mr. Lewis?" Her face was stearn but there was a hint of smile.

"yeah, the others seems to hate me for it, i told them i didn't do anything but no one believes me"

"That's just how muggles are, muggles is what we call non-magical folks, they fear the unknown" she said.

She then retrieved a wooden stick from her robes and held it before him.

"See this Mr. Lewis? its a wand, used by witches and wizards to caste magic, like this" She then waved the wand and the clothes he was wearing suddenly changed, from old and dull to new and bright.

"woah! thats awesome!" He didn't even fake the enthusiasm, truly amazed by the little show of magic.

"I know Mr. Lewis, now onto the official business, i am here to take you to Diagon alley, where you would get you things and a wand" she put her wand away and look back at him with the same sharp look, gone was the fond smile.


"do not worry about the funds Mr. Lewis, the ministry has to pay for your fees and supplies for seven years that you stay at Hogwarts according to Magical orphan act of 1894. now are ready?"

She held a hand for him to hold, the other holding her wand.

Taking a deep breath, knowing what was coming he steeled himself and grabbed her hand.

"please keep your mouth and eyes closed"

"i wouldn't die right?"

"not if you stay close"