Chereads / There A Place Called Tommrow / Chapter 12 - AchieversOf Dream

Chapter 12 - AchieversOf Dream

Have you ever dreamed of having more control over your life, spending more time with your family, or having complete financial freedom?

No matter whom you are or what your dreams maybe, you need someone on sidelines encourage you, give you advice and help you stay motivated.

Achievers of DREAM reveals the secrets on how to build success, inspiration and encouragement.

By the time you're finished reading about and learning from these pros, you'll feel inspired, motivated and ready to achieve your lifelong dreams.

When a rainbow appears, it seems to force you pay attention to and appreciate the beauty around you, rather than take it for granted.

When that multi-colored arc light up the sky, doesn't virtually everyone who notice it stop, what they're doing to admire it? You may even see drivers pulling over to the side of the road and taking pictures. You'll probably see people smiling and pointing and absorbing the magnificent scene. And when it finaly disappear, those who were fortunate enough to spot it feel lucky to have witnessed this seemingly miraculous event.

That same feeling is what i hope this book has generated in you, as well as in the heart of the people around world

I was finally on the road to controlling my destinies and sharing the bueaty of its purpose, my head was spinning. Life couldn't have been better

And then, five months later, I face with some serious issues of my own-the details of which aren't important. The wonderful thing is-the inspiration I gained from my mentor kept me going.

I want to provide a book that would motivate the world, and I got motivated in the process.

I knew that many of our difficulties were just small hurdles. They don't change the fact that we still had dream to achieve-and that we could still accomplish what we set out to do

How could we forget the words of Roland Fox who said he had tried 25 opportunities before he finally succeeded?  How could we ignore Lydia Chan success, a woman who spoke little English? Or how about Dangote of African, he was a drop Out, Or late Ken Pontious? His father had constantly put him down and told him he would never be successful at anything, He, of course, then went on to achieve more than he could possibly imagine.

Since they did it, so could we

Your only recourse was to forge ahead and continue on your journey, in spite of the roadblocks that seemed to be in your way. Took the advice of this book, we were committed to sharing with our readers that they need to have the faith that they can achieve their dreams - regardless of the obstacles they need to overcome. When you have a chance to control your destiny, like enable you to do.

Think about what Jan Ruhe say's "You can either jump on the ship or watch it sail by"

Writing ACHIEVERS OF DREAM was truly a labor of love. I have made many new friends along the way and are thinkful for their generous contributions to this book.

Their pioneering wisdom will continue to enlighten us as we journey on to find our dreams at the end of the rainbow. So get a grip on your dream and start building your own

Go for it. You Can Do It!

If you can dream it is possible to achieved.